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We don't spend much at Christmas anyway and this year I have been buying saving stamps at Tescos and have 150 quid so everything will come out of that mostly.


I've knitted bits and pieces for the grandsons and will buy them a few little bits but thankfully neither my sons nor my dil are materialistic so I don't have the pressure of having to spend hundreds on gifts.


Everything is tight all round. My son and dil have just moved into their house so have no spare cash and my other son doesn't earn a lot. We think spending time with eachother is more important than spending money - takes most of the worry out of Christmas

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
I save ÂĢ10 a week from October to October for Christmas (so I'm already saving now for Xmas 2012), if I can afford to put a little extra in here & there I do. That's my Xmas budget and that's that, I find this system works really well for me

Wow, you're not kidding about your Christmas obsession. If something urgent came along would you dip in to your 2012 fund?

Only if I really had to I do have other little savings pots though; holiday, house, nest egg, birthdays.. It's usually the holiday fund that gets it if I need some cash for a day out though.. Its only small amounts each week that go in but they soon add up! I'm currently saving ÂĢ1 per work day so I can go on a cooking course next year And yes, I love Christmas, only 1 week until advent!
~Sparkling Summer~

Oh. It's good to save like that. I have a direct debit set up in to a savings account and it's my rainy day account for all those little unforeseen things, so nothing specific like Christmas or holidays. I usually have an idea of what to spend and stick to that. My main problem is what to buy for individual family members or friends. The person I always try to spend the most on every Christmas is my younger brother, as he was born on Christmas Day so I try to make it a double-whammy type gift.

Originally Posted by suzybean:

Oh. It's good to save like that. I have a direct debit set up in to a savings account and it's my rainy day account for all those little unforeseen things, so nothing specific like Christmas or holidays. I usually have an idea of what to spend and stick to that. My main problem is what to buy for individual family members or friends. The person I always try to spend the most on every Christmas is my younger brother, as he was born on Christmas Day so I try to make it a double-whammy type gift.

My grand son was born on Christmas Day - I'm doing a birthday party and presents for him this weekend. It's lovely that you make an effort for him - a lot of people don't. christmas babies do miss out a bit I think. My other grandsons birthday is January 4th so it's not a lot better. Bad planning on my son and his partners part I think.

Soozy Woo

Yes   I've been telling myself I'm cutting back but so far I haven't quite been able to.  I've got the majority of the kids' 'Santa' toys in but still have quite a few bits and pieces left to get them and then it's on to other family members then the clothes shopping then the food shopping.  I think I will cut on the clothes shopping this year.  Usually we go somewhere on xmas day so I would buy the 4 of us new outfits shoes and coats and same again for boxing day (minus the need for another one lol) and again for New years eve and day.  That might seem silly to some but it's just certain times of the year I'd buy quite a few outfits instead of having to buy new clothes every few weeks for the kids.  I'm not planning on leaving the house on xmas day so I think new clothes for the kids will be bought but if the adults aren't going out then why make a fuss?  Then I'll do some shopping in the sales before New Years and pick up some stuff then.


Food shopping can't really be cut and I don't usually spend a fortune anyway, just a usual weekly shop and a few extras.

Presents for other people is where I want to cut down so my friends and I have agreed not to buy to each other and each others kids so that will save me a small forune   I don't buy to all my sisters and brother or to inlaws except the kids godparents and my godchildren whereas a few years ago I'd have bought to all neices and nephews aswell.


And finally.....I'm reusing all last years xmas decorations and not buying any more lights etc coz my house was like Santas grotto last year and I think that's enough!




Its been horribly tight for us for the last few years..   this year is tight, but thankfully nowhere near as bad as last year...  cos I am working now.


I have told the kids that I don't want the usual wish lists & I won't be giving money...  its gonna be pressies round the tree.  


Just had the boys birthday last weekend, so now every penny I get in between now & xmas I can spend on xmas 


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