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This *looks* argument is ridiculous.

I voted for Mikey to win because I thought he was hilarious, brave and honest. In the end his silly crudety let him down, unfortunately.  His 2nd place was deserved though. He was genuinely delighted that Rachel won. I`ll never forget the look on his face.

Rachel won because she quietly stood up for herself and people saw what she was all about. A nice person. A strong person. A person with standards.


I was happy she won.




Originally Posted by Growlybear:

I'm just a little bemused that, after all these years of Big Brother, people are still arguing with each other about contestants on a TV programme who are prepared to do absolutely anything to get a few minutes of fame.  Aren't there rather more important things to worry about?  

Yeah, well, Anna should have won!

Originally Posted by Scotty:

This *looks* argument is ridiculous.

I voted for Mikey to win because I thought he was hilarious, brave and honest. In the end his silly crudety let him down, unfortunately.  His 2nd place was deserved though. He was genuinely delighted that Rachel won. I`ll never forget the look on his face.

Rachel won because she quietly stood up for herself and people saw what she was all about. A nice person. A strong person. A person with standards.


I was happy she won.




.looks come into it because its a pertinent question to ask considering that alot of the time he behaved like a right old mary anne....its a question of psychology, are the viewers more likely to let a housemate get away with being a tit sometimes because its easier to stomach coming from a pretty face rather than a pleasing aesthetics make stuff easier to forgive, is ugly behaviour even less tolerable coming from an also ugly face?

Originally Posted by stain:


How ridiculous is it to be told in a bb thread that the forum is used to talk about other things, why did you even bother posting that! It is the most stupid thin I have heard since my forum days began.


No offence meant.



 It may well be ridiculous but - it's true. If you stick around - have a little look at some of the other threads - not an awful lot of BB content. 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Growlybear:

I'm just a little bemused that, after all these years of Big Brother, people are still arguing with each other about contestants on a TV programme who are prepared to do absolutely anything to get a few minutes of fame.  Aren't there rather more important things to worry about?  

Indeed there are but this was essentially a BB forum. That`s why I came here. We have lots of different topics now but when BB is on we discuss it. That in itself brings up past BB topics. If we decided to continue talking about it, what`s wrong with that? 



Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

This *looks* argument is ridiculous.

I voted for Mikey to win because I thought he was hilarious, brave and honest. In the end his silly crudety let him down, unfortunately.  His 2nd place was deserved though. He was genuinely delighted that Rachel won. I`ll never forget the look on his face.

Rachel won because she quietly stood up for herself and people saw what she was all about. A nice person. A strong person. A person with standards.


I was happy she won.




.looks come into it because its a pertinent question to ask considering that alot of the time he behaved like a right old mary anne....its a question of psychology, are the viewers more likely to let a housemate get away with being a tit sometimes because its easier to stomach coming from a pretty face rather than a pleasing aesthetics make stuff easier to forgive, is ugly behaviour even less tolerable coming from an also ugly face?

It`s obvious you`re skimming over and not giving worth to the replies given to you, just concentrating on your *looks* theory with a not very well hidden agenda.   

Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

This *looks* argument is ridiculous.

I voted for Mikey to win because I thought he was hilarious, brave and honest. In the end his silly crudety let him down, unfortunately.  His 2nd place was deserved though. He was genuinely delighted that Rachel won. I`ll never forget the look on his face.

Rachel won because she quietly stood up for herself and people saw what she was all about. A nice person. A strong person. A person with standards.


I was happy she won.




.looks come into it because its a pertinent question to ask considering that alot of the time he behaved like a right old mary anne....its a question of psychology, are the viewers more likely to let a housemate get away with being a tit sometimes because its easier to stomach coming from a pretty face rather than a pleasing aesthetics make stuff easier to forgive, is ugly behaviour even less tolerable coming from an also ugly face?

No, I don't think it is.

I don't care how gorgeous someone is on the outside, if they are ugly on the inside then I won't like them.


I did reply to your original reply scotty, my reply indicated that I thought derek laud was far more complex, witty, intlligent and interesting than aaron was, but to some he had the look of an old man.


Could you maybe explain what agenda MY view on peoples looks acounting for the way a lot of voters vote is please before you throw around your unwanted or uncalled for accusations willy nilly for me merely having an opinion that differs from yours!

Originally Posted by stain:

I just never saw the appeal of Aaron.


I found him very controlling very snidey and extremely hypocritical. He said he lied in his vt by makng out he was this arrogant tosspot..For me that is exactly what he ws in the house.


Lets not forget the boring on off relationship as well, one no doubt copied from the ziggy chanelle year.


Some of his "witty remarks" were down right cruel and uncalled for.Interestn h'm! well no doubt yes he was,but for all the wrong reasons.Aron made sleazer seem like a decent chap.


IMO of course.

I get your point and, I don't think he is/was a million mlles from his vt......good hm though

Originally Posted by Syd:

Hope next BB produces a REAL interesting person......

Yeah me too.Aaron was so fake.


Jay and Tom were  probably the 2 most real housemates in this year, BB needs to go back to the first year where we seemed to have some real people in, unlike this year with a complete fake winning it due in no uncertain terms to his looks.

Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Hope next BB produces a REAL interesting person......

Yeah me too.Aaron was so fake.


Jay and Tom were  probably the 2 most real housemates in this year, BB needs to go back to the first year where we seemed to have some real people in, unlike this year with a complete fake winning it due in no uncertain terms to his looks.

Originally Posted by stonks:

I just don't get the meaning of this thread cos beauty is in the eye of the beholder....I've seen girls on twitter going on about how fit Jay is but alls I see is a very unattractive ape like man....

Quite agree Stonks.  How anyone could find a grotesque creature like Jay 'fit' and attractive is beyond me to be honest.  The women who find Aaron more attractive than Jay clearly have higher standards IMO.  They would rather have a man who is polite and well mannered and humerous and doesn't shag anything that's not nailed down; rather than someone who shits in public, slurps his booze and belches after every slurp, drops rotten farts in bed, shaves his arse in public, and is a male slag!  (And boasts about it, and talks about things he does to the women!)  I mean, what kind of woman finds a man attractive who claims he has slept with a THOUSAND women?!


I'll never forget what Jay said about the certain sexual things he did: he made me feel sick.  Not that there is anything morbidly wrong with the things (if thats what floats yer boat,) but to talk about them on national television, and boast about what he had done with them and how many he had had and suchlike, showed Jay up for the gross and ugly ape man that he is:  He is nothing but  a rude, vulgar, aggressive, filthy mouthed, tattooed, ex-con.  IMO, a woman must have very low self esteem to want to be with someone like Jay over someone like Aaron.  If any of my daughters or friends brought someone like Jay home, I would be absolutely horrified.


But this is just my opinion...   NO OFFENCE MEANT.

Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Hope next BB produces a REAL interesting person......

Yeah me too.Aaron was so fake.


Jay and Tom were  probably the 2 most real housemates in this year, BB needs to go back to the first year where we seemed to have some real people in, unlike this year with a complete fake winning it due in no uncertain terms to his looks.

Jay Now he may be 'Real', but he is a perfect example of looks effecting perception! He was the one with lots of supporters saying 'Jay should win 'cos he's fit innit' I think it is true that looks do effect our initial perception of people and that is backed by research, but over the course of a BB series most mature people will adjust their view of a HM. For instance, I considered Louise to be the most gorgeous HM ever and tentatively made her my early fave HM. I put her lack of things to say down to shyness. After a few weeks had passed I had to admit that she was plain dull!

I feel that younger viewers are more likely to excuse poor behaviour in a good looking HM (eg. John James) or poor behaviour in a 'big character' HM. Luke, Nikki and Charley were more popular  with younger BB fans than they were with older ones!

Older viewers are less likely to get carried away by outside appearances, although they still play a part. With a largely female audience this  possibly helps explain why a woman is always first to go in regular BB!

Last edited by kimota
Originally Posted by Baz:
I agree Kimota ... I often find my perception of a HM changes over time ... Especially when there is LF!! For example , I initially quite liked Luke (BB9), and ended up detesting him!!! Conversely , I started off not liking Corin and ended up loving her

My best example would be Aisleyne. Like most , I just thought 'Oh no not one of these glamour types' Her looks actually worked against her for me! But within a day or so I was thinking 'Hmm, there's more to her than I thought' !


Well there you go, I am correct in saying that looks play a huge part in who people like/dislike.Probably the 2 worst characters in this years bb ended up first and second.


Jay with his over the top bragging and brash behaviour and aarons wishy washy poor me act, not to mention his need to control the woman he's with, were overlooked or forgiven by the voting public because of their looks.


All you really have to do is look at all the sad middle aged gobby women waving their placards on eviction night imagining the 80,s beard snuggling between their legs, or the cheap cardigan creating enough static to tickle their vital parts to realise it's womens desperation that sways the votes on many occasion.


Christ all mighty, Aaron should have been evicted in week one for the simple fact of making the cardigan that Kurt Cobain made cool look the complete opposite!


Personally I think the last two standing were there because they got most of the air time - it was always either the Jay or Aaron show - obviously the respective GF got a look in but one else really got much air time - it was only 43 mins a day after all.


Nothing to do with looks IMO - just who's shown to have had something to add to the days highlights!

Soozy Woo

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