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As some of you know Mr Woo has a mashed ankle. The latest treatment recommended from physio is to plunge his foot in a bucket of ice . He's been doing this for the past three days - tonight he's challenged my grandsons (aged 9 and 3) door neighbour has just come in for a go - lot of swearing going on.


Three year old grandson just dipped his toes  

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Originally Posted by Baz:
Bless . How is his ankle getting along Soozy ?

Slowly, slowly - the plaster is off (although the hospital wanted to put it back again) he pleaded for them to leave it off as he couldn't drive - they agreed - as long as he has an elastic bandage/crutches etc. He's booked in for physio as the X rays show that there is arthritis in his ankle - no surprises as over the years it's been broken and mangled with boxing/squash/ and general injuries.


He's back working and out of my hair - the buckets of ice are funny - NO WAY AM I DOING IT!

Soozy Woo

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