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And he is also massively encouraging housebuilders to build 100s of 1000s of extra homes for people to buy...


That's jolly decent of him, but how about building homes for people to be able to rent long term, at a reasonable, affordable rent?  Not EVERYONE wants to buy Mr Cameron... And not everyone is able to...  You should know that by the fact that there is almost FIVE MILLION people on the social housing list!


One young starry eyed couple on the news tonight, said that they are desperate to buy because their 'mortgage will be less than their current rent..'  Seems they aren't considering insurances like the gas contract  and insurances for bricks and mortar and unemployment insurance, and the 10s of 1000s that the repairs will cost, and that every last thing that goes wrong with their house is their responsibilty..


A shocking amount of people who excitedly bought on the 'right to buy' scheme in the 80s (and 90s,)  had not got a CLUE how much repairs and maintenance were going to cost, and that is why you see many of them on social housing estates that have been bought, on the right to buy, looking shabby....,and in a bad state of repair....


Plus, if they lose income and can no longer afford the mortgage and repairs, housing benefit does not pay the mortgage, and nobody does your repairs for you...  And the unemployment insurance company will pull everything out of their arse as an excuse to not pay the mortgage, and even if they do, it is only for a short time: 12 months probably.  So if your income drops dramatically, (ie: if you have a baby and go part time, or you lose your job or are lng term sick, you will probably lose your home...)


So David 'call me Dave' Cameron: how about providing some affordable social housing?  Because many people would like to rent a cheap long term social housing property, rather than buy a property!


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Maybe it's just getting older ....but politics has never depressed and angered me as much as it does now.  EVERYTHING I see coming from this government seems aimed at helping the haves squeezing a little bit more out of the have-nots.


We're destroying our future for the want of exercising a few of the little grey cells and willingness to pull ourselves away from our 40inch TV screens long enough to be counted.  Those kids being condemned to a life of poverty are the guys who'll be paying for our pensions.


No10 may as well be Versailles.

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

This Government will be the death of this country. Am surprised there has not been a vote of no-confidence. Back to the Thatcher era on Cameron's part. God kknows how much damage will be done before Labor get back in power, the Lib-Dems are finished for their alliance with the Devil and the Devil will face his fate at the next elections.( if we are still here to vote at them. )


Privatising profits, nationalising loses.


Don't underestimate this lousy, incompetent, self serving government's ability to chuck money around to buy votes to save its worthless neck.  They're crossing their fingers that they can enrich themselves before the electorate wise up and boot them out.  They're hoping they can pump enough hot air into a new housing/credit bubble by 2015 to disguise the fact that everyone except the rich is worse off. 


Can't really blame them, it's what the country has voted for since 1979.  Labour did more or less the same and Thatcher won several elections on the back of property/credit bubbles.




This government must have the record of basing there election promises on more lies than any other  Call me Dave, said....



No rise in VAT

We will not touch the pensioners Winter fuel payments 

Cutting quangos, more than three times as many bureaucrats have been taken on in government departments than were given notice  

Tuition fees

Cutting hospital waiting lists, the waiting list to see a consultant has doubled in a year.

No top down reorganisation of the NHS, yet we have seen the biggest reforms since the NHS began!

Immigration, that's seen a rise of 21%

Uk Border Police Force....we actually were waving people in with no checks 

Vows to increase NHS spending.... they cut it by ÂĢ1 Billion

Bankers bonuses 

Borrowing up, despite claims their measure would see a drop.

Those that are thrown on the dole will not be called unemployed, they are all to be renamed scroungers.


Bankers get 29% pay rise, bosses up to 49% pay rise  I could go on and on, but I won't because this government make me want to vomit  



I seriously have to congratulate everyone on this thread, from the opening post, to the posts that followed: I agree with everything everyone says here!!!  Seriously, the government make me so angry that I don't know whether to cry or smash something!   I am not even 40 yet, but in my lifetime, I don't think I can recall a government that has let the public down on such an epic scale.  It's reached a point now where it's become almost laughable... (I say 'almost' because I am thinking that the things they are doing/have done are a huge wind-up,, and then I realise they are serious!')


Going back to the original post: Yes I have to agree that that they SHOULD be putting money into cheap and affordable rented housing, not encouraging people to take on a mortgage they probably can't afford, and although it's OK for some: buying a home isn't always what it's cracked up to be: there are many people who simply can't and shouldn't be homeowners, because being a homeowner involves a lot of responsibility and expense.. This is typical TORY government though: encouraging people to buy their own home, because you're an under-achiever if you rent.  It's like the days of Maggie again! 


This snooty out of touch privately educated dickhead Cameron should NEVER have been allowed into number 10  And that is NOT inverted snobbery... he knows SOD-ALL about what life is like for ordinary folk!



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