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I've just over heard one of my colleagues dissing me to a customer for being online a lot, she doesn't see the point in Facebook etc and thinks its utterly pointless and sad!

How dare she?!
Apart from the fact that it's unprofessional,  it's none of her business!

My family & friends are spread around various parts of the country- my best friend 300 miles away- so its great to see them online, and I love this forum.

My colleague doesn't even know how to switch on a computer let alone use the Internet, and she sniffs coke which I don't approve of but I don't go round telling all the customers. Cheek of it!

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she's a dying breed Summer..     I remember coming up against that attitude all the time when I first started coming online (chatrooms..   there was no FB back then...   I should probably stop typing this post now.. I am depressing myself with how old I sound)..   


anyways..  back on track..      these days she is in the minority..      a luddite , technophobe, etc etc.


Either pull her up on it...    or, in this instance, a series of thinly veiled digs might be in order 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Thanks you guys I'm determined to not let it get to me, she's probably feeling rubbish about herself. She often comments on how she envies my freedom (she has 3 small kids) and used to be slimmer than me before she had the kids etc.. It's the weekend and i'm going to have a lovely day

I like your thinking Sweet  


irrespective of what she might think about pooters and being online t'was very unprofessional of her to discuss you with a customer   how would she feel if you talked negatively about her to a customer???


Sorry but I'd have to pull her aside and ask her to keep her comments to herself and not be so unprofessional as to discuss other members of staff to customers 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Thanks you guys I'm determined to not let it get to me, she's probably feeling rubbish about herself. She often comments on how she envies my freedom (she has 3 small kids) and used to be slimmer than me before she had the kids etc.. It's the weekend and i'm going to have a lovely day


well..  I think even less of her now.


I have friends who decided (as a couple) that they didn't want children, and they do have an awesome lifestyle..   yes I have envied them their disposable income & the ability to indulge themselves that comes with it..    they know I do..   but its always a surface thing.    I know & they know that I would never swap places.    


To envy them that much would be to regret having my kids..     and that's inconceivable.


There's a difference between having a moan about being skint, your bits migrating south & not having the social life you used to, and envying someone else because they don't have your children.

She had 3!!   Its not like she misjudged it...   she went on to have 2 more!


I know its wrong, but (as I am still in my cantankerous mood)..  I am sitting here muttering "people like her shouldn't have children"


Originally Posted by Pengy:

irrespective of what she might think about pooters and being online t'was very unprofessional of her to discuss you with a customer   how would she feel if you talked negatively about her to a customer???


Sorry but I'd have to pull her aside and ask her to keep her comments to herself and not be so unprofessional as to discuss other members of staff to customers 

Absolutely Pengy, that is the crux of the matter for me too.

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

irrespective of what she might think about pooters and being online t'was very unprofessional of her to discuss you with a customer   how would she feel if you talked negatively about her to a customer???


Sorry but I'd have to pull her aside and ask her to keep her comments to herself and not be so unprofessional as to discuss other members of staff to customers 

Absolutely Pengy, that is the crux of the matter for me too.


Me too!


There's nothing worse than working with unprofessional people. (ok, there are probably worse things, but you get my meaning )

It works for me cinds because I moved away from where I grew up, I didn't have fb until after I moved. I have no regrets about leaving but it is nice to be able to log in and see what my friends & family are doing, especially seeing photos too I am a ruthless deleter/ignoramus when it comes to friends on there though, only my closest will do
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:

The ones that make me laugh Sweet are the ones who come on a forum to comment how these people who comment on forums clearly have no lives


Sorry Sweet, but the best thing I ever did was get rid of Facebook.


I call the people I want to talk to.

I'm like that too. I call the people I want to talk to, and I have the rest on facebook 


And I agree with what's been said before Sweet, your colleague acted completely unprofessionally. 


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