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I saw Brian's Video Blog which was recorded just prior to the Final, and when he asked the people in the room with him (which included Narinder!) who they thought would win, most cheered for Aaron. I thought that rather revealing, considering how negative most BB "professionals" (including Brian himself!) had been to Aaron all series.

Also, when Slick VIc made his last appearance on BotS, he revealed to deafening silence that he expected Aaron and Jay to be the final two. During the final, he boasted about this on twitter and went on to claim that Aaron was way ahead.

Crucially, at no point during the final did Brian ever suggest that the voting was close.


There were rumours at the start of the week that the Facebook voting had been so heavy for Aaron over the weekend that he'd pretty-much won by Monday/Tuesday. I don't know about that, and I doubt Aaron's victory was as clear-cut as Josie's last year (77.5% in a 5-way), but with casual voting on the night almost certainly way down this year I expect Aaron had it in the bag by the start of the show proper...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

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