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That I haven't been up to posting with you all this BB.  Those of you who know why... well, you know why.  Which is not say any of you should give a rats arse anyway, right?


Either way, I want you all to know I've been reading Gaga... without it I would have bailed on this stooopid series a long time ago! I want to Big Up the Twitter Team, LUTing with so little to LUT with. Remarkable work.    And the rolling threads have made this my 'go to' site instead of wading through DS which wore me out very fast!  


So I'm unlikely to reply much to you but will try to do so for the awful debacle of crowning 'The Winner'! (Alex, if you want my opinion, but my winner would be Aaron for his sheer nerve!) 


Erm. I guess I should actually ask you all something as this is an OP. Erm. Have you enjoyed this C5 version of BB?   *runs for the hills* 

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lovely to see you Xochi  and thanks for the Twitter team comment 


the production - the lack of task  imagination and cutting us down to 40-45 mins  viewing per day 

with no live feed has been dire but my biggest gripe was the choice of platform they used - twitter and facebook 


if it returns I know I will have to watch - I am not over my addiction yet but I do hope they have read and listened to the avid fans and bring it back with live feed or at least more hours a day viewing 


take care and pop back soon 



Lovely to see you back with us, Xochi.

IMO, CH5 have made serious mistakes with BB this year -  no LF and serious manipulation of the nomination process, to name two.

However, I did enjoy Harry and Aaron as HMs and hope (against the odds and in spite of BB's attempts to scupper his chances) that Aaron wins.

I don't think I will bother to watch next year, unless they reintroduce LF.


Lovely to see you again, Xochi    


C5 have made a mess of it. No LF and shameless bias and editing. No matter how many complaints they got, they carried on. They have no respect for their viewers and voters and even less respect for Aaron.


There have been some good times, some laughs along the way but it`s been a hard slog, especially if you`re an Aaron fan. 


Tonight`s the night! I don`t know if Aaron can win it  but as long as he beats freezer boy, I`ll be happy.  


Thanks for your Twitter team compliment. I`m so glad you`ve enjoyed it. 


Best wishes,take care of yourself Xochi.  




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