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I had an accident at work on sunday....Burnt my eyeball few hours in A & isn't as bad as it sounds, though it did really hurt at the time etc...


ANYWAY....I am wondering if I have a claim one of them no win no fees things...there are so many wrong doings at my work place, this kind of accident shouldn't be happening....Have any of you gone through one of them no win no fees places, if so, can you recommend any? and is it right that they will tell you on the phone if they think you have a claim?!


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by MrsH:

do you have an accident book in situ and if so did you report/write it up before and after attending A+E ??


were you supposed to be where you were when it happened ?? what happened to burn your eye ??




it is indeed in the accident book, I should have been where I was...BUT, I don't have proper Shamm training (the Shamms are the ovens where the meat is cooked) The meat was stuck on the top rack, I pulled this joint of meat by the string it is held together with and the whole rack moved, and all the fat from the joints of meat went in me face and some into my eye....


The manager of my work place seems a bit on edge that I might sue, so was thinking I must have a case....


Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

do you have an accident book in situ and if so did you report/write it up before and after attending A+E ??


were you supposed to be where you were when it happened ?? what happened to burn your eye ??




it is indeed in the accident book, I should have been where I was...BUT, I don't have proper Shamm training (the Shamms are the ovens where the meat is cooked) The meat was stuck on the top rack, I pulled this joint of meat by the string it is held together with and the whole rack moved, and all the fat from the joints of meat went in me face and some into my eye....


The manager of my work place seems a bit on edge that I might sue, so was thinking I must have a case....


ok - I think I would be asking citizens advise what procedure to take before I approached one of them no win no fee places - they do take a fair whack if they succeed


your establishment should have insurance in place which you could possibly claim off if CA think you have a case [ personnal injury ] - did you get a written report from A+E ???


the no shamm training could be in your favour as long as it was agreed for you to be doing whatever without prior training 


tread carefully if you think you have a claim - consider your job but do what you think it right but take free advise first 


Mrs H, Citizens advice is probably a good place for me to start....I doubt my job would be on the line if I make a claim against them, there are a few others there making claims at the moment the place is mental!!!....really mental, you would have to work there to believe it!! thanks, I am going to get onto it tomorrow, see what citizens advice suggest first....

Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

free advise from CA  could also include a free half an hour session with a solicitor provided by them 

ahhhhhh!! thank you missus!! ( that wink is with my good eye ) (hope all is good in your world Mrs H)

your welcome   sounds as if it is a case for health and safety TBH - depends how far you and your work mates want to push the problems   my world is fine thanks 




I really hate this sue em for any little thing culture that has crept in here form the States. .the knock on effect is that everybody's insurance premiums go up for all their insurances to cover the payouts company's are having to make, not just business insurance premiums..


You weren't seriously hurt with an ongoing life threatening/changing injury. .it sounds like you didn't think and was a bit careless, tugging on a lump of meat by a bit of the string instead of grabbing the whole joint to get a firm purchase.. racks in ovens move and slide don't they?  learn a lesson to be more careful in future when around hot stuff  and don't join the lets sue for any little thing brigade. .


if you had been blinded or dreadfully scarred for life and if the racks were not meant to move at all and were supposed to be repaired by your employers but weren't then maybe you'd have a case..


Don't think it'd go down well on your CV either to be seen as a sue at a drop of a hat person...


Sorry if I am not as sympathetic as the others but am glad to hear your eye is better now, I just abhor this sue em for all you can get society we live in.. but that's just me



Mount Olympus *Olly*

Olly....Fact is, unless something serious is done about my place of work, nothing will change. AND although, thankfully I still have my eyesight....It could have been mine, or someone elses whole face which was burnt to buggery. there are TOO MANY wrong doings at my place of work, NOBODY has training with things, and they appear to be just trying to wing it to see how far they can go and get away with spending as little as while you have your opinion, Which I kind of agree with, I dont agree with people suing at the drop of a hat over tripping up slightly raised kerbs (unless of course, serious injury is caused) but in this case, with my is well deserved...and also, IF I go ahead with it, it will not be the only claim being made against them at the moment...Electric shock, didnt leave the guy any lasting damage, but he was hurt enough to pee blood @ the time, though not lasting, it shouldnt have happened, the right safety signs were not in place at the time of his shock, and since him putting in a claim, rather than accept they were wrong, the company have just put up a sign and are now trying to make out it was there all along....TWATS!!!


Originally Posted by Syd:

Well, I think, don't know....but....when I enter the kitchen and fry an egg for my beloved....and it BLIDDY SPITS ME IN THE EYE!!!!!!.....I want to KILL him, Sue him.    Should really take it out on the bleedin HAPPY EGG company...........It's no yolk, watery eggs cause HARM!


Splatter cover thing over the pan

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I really hate this sue em for any little thing culture that has crept in here form the States. .the knock on effect is that everybody's insurance premiums go up for all their insurances to cover the payouts company's are having to make, not just business insurance premiums..


You weren't seriously hurt with an ongoing life threatening/changing injury. .it sounds like you didn't think and was a bit careless, tugging on a lump of meat by a bit of the string instead of grabbing the whole joint to get a firm purchase.. racks in ovens move and slide don't they?  learn a lesson to be more careful in future when around hot stuff  and don't join the lets sue for any little thing brigade. .


if you had been blinded or dreadfully scarred for life and if the racks were not meant to move at all and were supposed to be repaired by your employers but weren't then maybe you'd have a case..


Don't think it'd go down well on your CV either to be seen as a sue at a drop of a hat person...


Sorry if I am not as sympathetic as the others but am glad to hear your eye is better now, I just abhor this sue em for all you can get society we live in.. but that's just me



why are you coming into a thread of mine, with the above attitude, after having such a pop at me a few weeks back for "belittling" your opinion?



I couldnt be more careful at my work place if I tried, you clearly dont have much clue RE: the set up in my kitchen.

You have no idea how many joints of meat we handle in a day, you have no idea how manic the kitchen is, especially on a sunday, you actually appear to have little understanding of anything TBH.

Originally Posted by Trollop:

Yazz if you wanted advice you only had to ask thats what I deal with  Us no win no fee solicitors dont 'take a fair whack' our costs are met by the opponents if you claim succeeds, no clients money is taken, you get your claim on a 100% basis. Ring me and I will sort. 

@yazz!! I just remembered this when I read Blizzies post!! **tit* when are you about?


Zazz it sounds like you need to be going after the business with some sort of Health and Safety type thing. .I dunno how it works but there must be some sort of inspection type person and if the practices there are so unsafe sounds like they need telling and shut down til they correct them. . tis a bit of a dodgy/scary sounding place..


Glad you aren't usually off the sue and be damned type tho . . my insurance premiums go up so much each yr because of all this suing stuff and I am on a very tight budget as it is. .

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I really hate this sue em for any little thing culture that has crept in here form the States. .the knock on effect is that everybody's insurance premiums go up for all their insurances to cover the payouts company's are having to make, not just business insurance premiums..


You weren't seriously hurt with an ongoing life threatening/changing injury. .it sounds like you didn't think and was a bit careless, tugging on a lump of meat by a bit of the string instead of grabbing the whole joint to get a firm purchase.. racks in ovens move and slide don't they?  learn a lesson to be more careful in future when around hot stuff  and don't join the lets sue for any little thing brigade. .


if you had been blinded or dreadfully scarred for life and if the racks were not meant to move at all and were supposed to be repaired by your employers but weren't then maybe you'd have a case..


Don't think it'd go down well on your CV either to be seen as a sue at a drop of a hat person...


Sorry if I am not as sympathetic as the others but am glad to hear your eye is better now, I just abhor this sue em for all you can get society we live in.. but that's just me



why are you coming into a thread of mine, with the above attitude, after having such a pop at me a few weeks back for "belittling" your opinion?



I couldnt be more careful at my work place if I tried, you clearly dont have much clue RE: the set up in my kitchen.

You have no idea how many joints of meat we handle in a day, you have no idea how manic the kitchen is, especially on a sunday, you actually appear to have little understanding of anything TBH.

ok we are posting over each other ..your first post said you respected my opinion now you don't. . but hey ho. .I said I was sorry for not being 'on your side' as such but was glad your eye was ok.. I just posted that maybe the workplace needs looking at as a whole re business practices. .ie in sympathy with your working condition description..


as for me having a pop in the past it was how you said what you said not your differing opinion that got to me. . tho I can't even remember what it was now and tis in the past anyway..


 have to dash off on one of my very rare trips out to the Docs.. hope you can get something sorted at the workplace.. sounds like they need a good kick up the H&S arse by officials that deal with that sort of thing


oh and re the bolded bit. .do you have to resort to being rude if something gets your goat?  Unnecessary

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I really hate this sue em for any little thing culture that has crept in here form the States. .the knock on effect is that everybody's insurance premiums go up for all their insurances to cover the payouts company's are having to make, not just business insurance premiums..


You weren't seriously hurt with an ongoing life threatening/changing injury. .it sounds like you didn't think and was a bit careless, tugging on a lump of meat by a bit of the string instead of grabbing the whole joint to get a firm purchase.. racks in ovens move and slide don't they?  learn a lesson to be more careful in future when around hot stuff  and don't join the lets sue for any little thing brigade. .


if you had been blinded or dreadfully scarred for life and if the racks were not meant to move at all and were supposed to be repaired by your employers but weren't then maybe you'd have a case..


Don't think it'd go down well on your CV either to be seen as a sue at a drop of a hat person...


Sorry if I am not as sympathetic as the others but am glad to hear your eye is better now, I just abhor this sue em for all you can get society we live in.. but that's just me



why are you coming into a thread of mine, with the above attitude, after having such a pop at me a few weeks back for "belittling" your opinion?



I couldnt be more careful at my work place if I tried, you clearly dont have much clue RE: the set up in my kitchen.

You have no idea how many joints of meat we handle in a day, you have no idea how manic the kitchen is, especially on a sunday, you actually appear to have little understanding of anything TBH.

ok we are posting over each other ..your first post said you respected my opinion now you don't. . but hey ho. .I said I was sorry for not being 'on your side' as such but was glad your eye was ok.. I just posted that maybe the workplace needs looking at as a whole re business practices. .ie in sympathy with your working condition description..


as for me having a pop in the past it was how you said what you said not your differing opinion that got to me. . tho I can't even remember what it was now and tis in the past anyway..


 have to dash off on one of my very rare trips out to the Docs.. hope you can get something sorted at the workplace.. sounds like they need a good kick up the H&S arse by officials that deal with that sort of thing

Nope, I respect your onion on the whole everybody suing thing, and I stand by that....but I dont respect your thoughts on how I could be more careful at work and how somehow it was my fault When you have the head chef screaming orders at you to do things you are not trained on isnt as black and white as you may think (I understand you wouldnt know this as I didnt state everything clearly in my first post)


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