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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Bunns I also had that box  Worse still my dad was at some point  a moulder at a button factory  When my mum passed away, my daughter eventually threw the box out,,,see what I mean about her 




Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

  I aspire to clutter ..... I keep looking at lovely pictures of homes with lots of little knicknacks and stuff that make the rooms look cosy and complete   - I wish I knew where to buy them! 

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww can have some of mine!



Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

 I've got a button jar as well  .....with all the matching buttons in little plastic bags so they don't get mixed up 

That is cheating! 


Actually, knowing how you are hoochie, I did have (and I am NOT joking here ) a little fantasy about inviting you to come and do a spring clean and a de-clutter and generally sort it all out!


Sometimes I look at it and think "hoochie would know how to tackle all of this"


On a serious note... tis not even my clutter, it's my Dad's and my Auntie's (both hoarders/collectors) who have passed away and I am not at the stage where I can sell it yet.


I have been having cog and connection problems so I am giving up for the evening. Nice to "see" you all, take care!


Night all  xx

Baby Bunny
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
My best friends house is like a show home, she can't sit for a cuppa without getting up to clean something! She also runs her fingers over my dusty areas!

That;s my sister!  Gorgeous home, not a thing out of place and if you eat a biscuit you eat it over a paper towel so as not to spill crumbs!


My house is well decorated but messy as hell when the kids can't get out to play.  Toys and books everywhere and nearly every room has a toybox which is more often empty than full because they pull everything out at onece   When they're at school and the OH is at work it's tidy but come 3pm it all goes south.


I don't have ornaments/books/things on counters but don't dare open any cupboards



My mother had a buttons jar but she was a knitter so i thought nothing of it ,however she also had a jar with zips in it! why the heck did she unpick zips of our  clothes and stick the zips in a jar.My father had tabacco tins in his hut filled with every type of screw/nail known to man.

I am certainly nothing like them ,I throw everything out .I hate clutter  I even "clean" my laptop at the end of the night.All history deleted,recycle bin emptied.I love a clean uncluttered home .

Originally Posted by Baby Bunny:

On a serious note... tis not even my clutter, it's my Dad's and my Auntie's (both hoarders/collectors) who have passed away and I am not at the stage where I can sell it yet.


I have been having cog and connection problems so I am giving up for the evening. Nice to "see" you all, take care!


Night all  xx

Night missis, get back here soon 



I'm slowly working my way to a minimal way of living. I have waves of de-cluttering.

Recently got rid of all of my school books and folders etc. I figured that as I had not even looked in the box they were in for more than 15 years I guessed I can live without them.


I am slowly breaking down the sentimental attachment to objects, and know what, once you have thrown them or disposed of them, you don't miss 'em.


This might sound crazy but I am replacing all of my DVD's with blu-rays, why, because they take up less space. the other advantage is better picture and sound - win, win.


I still have a fair bit of clutter to get through though...

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I'm slowly working my way to a minimal way of living. I have waves of de-cluttering.

Recently got rid of all of my school books and folders etc. I figured that as I had not even looked in the box they were in for more than 15 years I guessed I can live without them.


I am slowly breaking down the sentimental attachment to objects, and know what, once you have thrown them or disposed of them, you don't miss 'em.


This might sound crazy but I am replacing all of my DVD's with blu-rays, why, because they take up less space. the other advantage is better picture and sound - win, win.


I still have a fair bit of clutter to get through though...

It's theraputic isn't it?   

The DVD to Blu Ray would be the last thing on my list though. Given the fact that you can put a DVD in a Blu Ray player and prolly not see that much difference 


My clutter is all books! Once upon a day I coldn't part with them ............I'm getting better though.


I gave literally hundreds away to the village table top sale which riuns every Saturday.


The following week my mum came up to my house all excited with a bag full of books she thout I might like. You've guessed it ...................they were all mine!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

My clutter is all books! Once upon a day I coldn't part with them ............I'm getting better though.


I gave literally hundreds away to the village table top sale which riuns every Saturday.


The following week my mum came up to my house all excited with a bag full of books she thout I might like. You've guessed it ...................they were all mine!

Oh Sooz! Stoppit! I need to go wee! 

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I'm slowly working my way to a minimal way of living. I have waves of de-cluttering.

Recently got rid of all of my school books and folders etc. I figured that as I had not even looked in the box they were in for more than 15 years I guessed I can live without them.


I am slowly breaking down the sentimental attachment to objects, and know what, once you have thrown them or disposed of them, you don't miss 'em.


This might sound crazy but I am replacing all of my DVD's with blu-rays, why, because they take up less space. the other advantage is better picture and sound - win, win.


I still have a fair bit of clutter to get through though...

It's theraputic isn't it?   

The DVD to Blu Ray would be the last thing on my list though. Given the fact that you can put a DVD in a Blu Ray player and prolly not see that much difference 


It's extremely theraputic. Can be very satisfying when you sit down after a session.


I do find that the uplift in quality from DVD to blu-ray is very noticeable. But I am not into 3D even though my TV is 3D, that just does my head in !!!

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

My clutter is all books! Once upon a day I coldn't part with them ............I'm getting better though.


I gave literally hundreds away to the village table top sale which riuns every Saturday.


The following week my mum came up to my house all excited with a bag full of books she thout I might like. You've guessed it ...................they were all mine!


I do find books a bit harder to part with, that is why I am leaving them to the end. I will keep all my photography books and my collection of Clint Eastwood books and the odd biography I like, but the rest can go.


I also have a gazillion magazines !!!

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities


I also have a gazillion magazines !!!

Me too!   Computer mag nerd alert   I'm getting better at getting rid of my Computeractive and Webuser ones though 


I have a massive bunch of Sound on Sound, Future Music, What HiFi and assorted music mags like Uncut, Mojo, Q.......


Will defo read through them and pull any interesting articles and bin the rest.


When I think about it, that is a lot of cash spent on mags !!!!!

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:

You get your first "place" and wonder what you are going to fill it with to make it home......


End up here.....

Oh how true! 3 kids (2 grand children) and 35 years on and it's OMG 

So true...........cannot think about parting with my parents stuff, my kids stuff and now my grand kids stuff......wonder whether they will notice my stuff.........

Originally Posted by Syd:

Trouble is I liked looking at peoples past objects....and holding them............


You lot have chucked em out!!!!!!

My dad's aunt gave my mum some 'ornaments' a long long time ago and my mum hated the hated the sight of them so dumped them.  A few years ago whilst visiting the aunt she asked my mum where the 'ornaments' were stored and mum panicked and said in the attic and the aunt said good, cause they're worth a few quid you know. 

Originally Posted by Ells:
s ago whilst visiting the aunt she asked my mum where the 'ornaments' were stored and mum panicked and said in the attic and the aunt said good, cause they're worth a few quid you know. 



My mum has a pile of tat it's all 'worth something' ............................but it's not really - I humour her though . i always laugh at that programme Cash in the Attic - they could turn my place upside down and inside out ........there's nothing worth more than thirty bob!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Trouble is I liked looking at peoples past objects....and holding them............


You lot have chucked em out!!!!!!

My dad's aunt gave my mum some 'ornaments' a long long time ago and my mum hated the hated the sight of them so dumped them.  A few years ago whilst visiting the aunt she asked my mum where the 'ornaments' were stored and mum panicked and said in the attic and the aunt said good, cause they're worth a few quid you know. 

 I know how yer Mum felt, I have done the same (To my regret)....but I am talking about things that you hold with feelings.....

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Ells:
s ago whilst visiting the aunt she asked my mum where the 'ornaments' were stored and mum panicked and said in the attic and the aunt said good, cause they're worth a few quid you know. 



My mum has a pile of tat it's all 'worth something' ............................but it's not really - I humour her though . i always laugh at that programme Cash in the Attic - they could turn my place upside down and inside out ........there's nothing worth more than thirty bob!

The aunt has a house full of 'tat' as my mum calls it but it's been handed down through the years and the Aunt is in her 80's these days so I'd guess there may be something of worth in amongst it but as my Dad says (she's his aunt) they are pieces that his aunt treasured so he'd never think of anything else to do with them except keep them.  I'm sure my Mum is clearing out a space in the bin for them everytime they are mentioned though she won't hear of displaying anything that isn't up to date or a memory of our (her kids and grandkids) lives.


I like having things that meant something to people I love Syd.  I have the only (photo-copied) picture of my granda and granny together some years ago which my Aunt gave me to give to my dad but I have yet to give it to him because although it's his I've never met them and the stories I've heard of them tells me they were very special people and I know he should have it but I'm afraid of it going to someone who won't appreciate it should anything happen to him.  He knows I have it and keeps saying he's coming down to get it but he passes through weekly and never takes it so I think he knows I want to keep it.


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