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You know how Zelebs annoucing their crap on twitter, well if they said "look here's me on holiday abroad having a great time", thus letting the world know their house was unoccupied, and then someone took the oppurtunity to rob it, would an insurance company have the right not to pay out because they let it be known they weren't there. Personally I think the insurance company would be right in doing so.

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Originally Posted by Poolshark:

You know how Zelebs annoucing their crap on twitter, well if they said "look here's me on holiday abroad having a great time", thus letting the world know their house was unoccupied, and then someone took the oppurtunity to rob it, would an insurance company have the right not to pay out because they let it be known they weren't there. Personally I think the insurance company would be right in doing so.


I think that is just one reason why I don't do all the social network "things".


Not sure I would like to go down that road though. Imagine if you were on holiday and came home to find you had been burgled. The insurance assessor came to see you and in conversation asked if you had sent any postcards (family, friends, work), have you told the newsagents that you are away and don't need a paper for two weeks..... you see where I am going with this?


What I am aiming at is that we don't want to be in a position where insurance companies look at every aspect of your life and how you live it to increase the chances that they will not have to pay you out.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Good point EC


It always amazes me the amount of people who do an 'Out Of Office Reply' on their work email saying that they are on holiday. 

Yeah, but being on holiday from work is not quite the same as announcing to the world that your house is unoccupied for the next however long.

It is if they say they are away from the office for two weeks, and they have an unusual surname as part of their email address. Surely?

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I have seen some of these so-called shitteratti on the tellybox, and read their opinions in the newspapers. I can't imagine them having anything of taste that one might wish to misappropriate.

They do have taste Jer - bad taste.


All fur coat and no knickers as my old mum used to say!

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Good point EC


It always amazes me the amount of people who do an 'Out Of Office Reply' on their work email saying that they are on holiday. 

Yeah, but being on holiday from work is not quite the same as announcing to the world that your house is unoccupied for the next however long.

Exactly, and we have to do them


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