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Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I'm frustrated... I can't watch videos here... what's going on?  


Nasty, sneaky horrors those two are!

Well sort of..


Jay..yas said we were sneaky Y I man..


Louise..Yeh what Jay said..ya know what I mean..


Aaron..No I did not say anything like that at all..I said we'd all agreed that we were'nt paying that sort of money for gifts and you both agreed, then you both went back to the DR without telling me and ordered presents without even discussing it with me....


Jay..Well whah abat you putting Faye u for eviction.. Y I man..


Louise..Yeh what Jay said..Ya know what I mean.. I did'nt put Faye up, Louise did that..


Camera cuts to Tom and Alex....


Something like that but alot worse Kaff....

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

cheers, Stonksy    I reallyreallyreallyreallyreally hope their sneaky spiteful act comes back to bite them on the bum with the voters.

Well it's all making me slam in a few more votes or him, so.....

As you know Baz, I gave up watching after Harry was evicted but I will still send some votes in Aaron's direction.

The thought of vile Jay and sneaky Louise receiving more votes than Aaron turns my stomach.

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Aaron's right, but oh I do wish he wouldn't sulk like a small child so often and for so long.....Ah well, suppose he's doing a sterling job of dragging presentgate for as long as possible to ensure that Lou and Jay are seen in the worst possible light and help himself further on the way to victory

He might be sulking Soops but he's doing really well by letting them do all the talking...and they went there! They started getting incredibly personal about his relationship with Faye (none of their beeswax, it's between Aaron and Faye to sort out) and all the protestations about them doing it out of the goodness of their hearts ('We're dead nice Us'...'we're not shadeh/sly') didn't look like it was convincing Tom and Alex much. 

In short, sometimes it might even be better to sulk away, say as little as possible and let other people over-explain, over-justify and reveal their true motives. Less can be so much more powerful and effective than more. I love this clip 

Originally Posted by Syd:

They really are if they hadn't given a thought that Aaron might have been even slightly upset and embarrassed when the presents were given.......


and Louise....with "we just wanted to do a good thing we did"  

Yep, Syd. 


Later,when Alex came out of the DR. Louise said "Did ya tell them we did a good thing, did ya, did ya? "  


Jay then asked her if BB had said anything aboot Aaron, Alex said no. His face was tripping him.

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Syd:

They really are if they hadn't given a thought that Aaron might have been even slightly upset and embarrassed when the presents were given.......


and Louise....with "we just wanted to do a good thing we did"  

Yep, Syd. 


Later,when Alex came out of the DR. Louise said "Did ya tell them we did a good thing, did ya, did ya? "  


Jay then asked her if BB had said anything aboot Aaron, Alex said no. His face was tripping him.

He thought it was odd that BB didnt mention Aaron.He must have spent the whole night wondering what to do ,and so he went into the DR this morning with a towel over his head crying about big bad Aaron .

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Syd:

They really are if they hadn't given a thought that Aaron might have been even slightly upset and embarrassed when the presents were given.......


and Louise....with "we just wanted to do a good thing we did"  

Yep, Syd. 


Later,when Alex came out of the DR. Louise said "Did ya tell them we did a good thing, did ya, did ya? "  


Jay then asked her if BB had said anything aboot Aaron, Alex said no. His face was tripping him.

He thought it was odd that BB didnt mention Aaron.He must have spent the whole night wondering what to do ,and so he went into the DR this morning with a towel over his head crying about big bad Aaron .


Originally Posted by suzybean:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Aaron's right, but oh I do wish he wouldn't sulk like a small child so often and for so long.....Ah well, suppose he's doing a sterling job of dragging presentgate for as long as possible to ensure that Lou and Jay are seen in the worst possible light and help himself further on the way to victory

He might be sulking Soops but he's doing really well by letting them do all the talking...and they went there! They started getting incredibly personal about his relationship with Faye (none of their beeswax, it's between Aaron and Faye to sort out) and all the protestations about them doing it out of the goodness of their hearts ('We're dead nice Us'...'we're not shadeh/sly') didn't look like it was convincing Tom and Alex much. 

In short, sometimes it might even be better to sulk away, say as little as possible and let other people over-explain, over-justify and reveal their true motives. Less can be so much more powerful and effective than more. I love this clip 

I agree Suzy....exaccerlly what I was trying to say

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

cheers, Stonksy    I reallyreallyreallyreallyreally hope their sneaky spiteful act comes back to bite them on the bum with the voters.

Welcome Kaff....I've never wanted to swear so much in all my life as I do watching those two mingers....


Same here Baz....

I had to stop watching the clips as I am ready to combust...jeez, they are showing their desperation now....I do hope Tom & Alex have it sussed....what a rotten pair they are...I absolutely loathe them both!

The Devil In Diamante
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Aaron's right, but oh I do wish he wouldn't sulk like a small child so often and for so long.....Ah well, suppose he's doing a sterling job of dragging presentgate for as long as possible to ensure that Lou and Jay are seen in the worst possible light and help himself further on the way to victory

Supes, I get abit like that when I am angry about something, otherwise I'd explode...I can't help it but sometimes the best way is to say nothing when you feel like takes me a while to snap out of it and I'm best left alone until I do, so I can completely understand why Aaron is being quiet....he's not sulking, he's brooding over the whole Presentgate think, he is clever enough to keep quiet and know them two are so stupid and full of their ugly selves that they''ll give themselves enough rope eventually...


You know, i thought Louise was very pretty, even beautiful, but now her personality has over ridden that, her ugly side has taken over!


i loathe that pair of desperate cretins....I do hope the penny dropped with Tom, he's not stupid either

The Devil In Diamante

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