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Such an interesting post on this from DS, makes interesting reading



No I think you're wrong there, having watched the videos I'm actually watching Louise very closely and I'm quite amazed at what I'm seeing. She seems to be behind a lot of this if you watch carefully, and I think she's playing Jay and Aaron off against one another. It was her idea to go back in and get the ÂĢ500 pressies, she made sure that she told Tom and Alex how much they cost as soon as they opened them. She made the digs about Aaron and got Jay riled up, she's making loads of noise about "how can he be so awful about us doing such a nice gesture" to make sure the public know who to blame, even tho she's well aware that she got Jay to go back in without telling Aaron first.

I have always thought she's not as dozy as she comes across, I just didn't realise how devious she actually was. I've noticed her getting the digs in lately, she does it very carefully so that she doesn't come across badly, she always starts off with "he's a lovely bloke but.............". She's played Jay very well with her "eee ah'd do ANYTHING for you ya know" and now that Faye has gone she's started demolishing Aaron. I feel quite sorry for Jay and I never thought I'd hear myself say that !! I think he does quite genuinely care for her, and can't believe that he's found someone that goodlooking who likes all the things he does and would do "anything" for him.

She's played quite a few of them, like Faye and Maisy over Heaven's drink, she didn't admit to being part of them having drunk it. She'd been making little digs about Aaron to Faye for quite a while which we just caught a glimpse of here and there, but never quite overtly enough to be caught out redhanded. Watching this last bit tho has really set the alarm bells ringing, and I think she's at last making her play openly for the winner's title, or to at least make sure that she and Jay will come as close to the top as possible so they can do all the mag deals. If I'm right tho, she's playing a very dangerous game if she stirs Jay up too much against Aaron, because if he ends up punching Aaron he will be thrown out. Or maybe that's what she wants, after all it would be in all the headlines and no publicity is bad publicity, especially if you're shown as just being the beautiful girl model that's standing by her man. IMO Louise is VERY shadeh !!

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Louise does stir the pot doesn't she? I am shocked I have not seen it so clearly before.

I think she's been doing it for a while  and look at how she kept voting for Maisy cause she was looking at her, she voted for Faye to get at Aaron (no loyalty too Faye) buy's Alex some shoe's and then  b-itch's about her straight after 


So have I got this right. .the idea to buy the presents was actually BB's first not any of the HM's and they kinda forced Jay Lousie and Aaron to make a choice in the DR. .which initially they all refused to do twice, both on the higher and lower gift list.. then Jay and Louise went back in and chose the lower priced items?


Aaron then got pissed off cos they did the second bit without telling him and he feels that was for the cameras and to make him look bad for not buying a present..  he then sulks at them for that and Jay gets the arse cos what he now appears to think was completely his and Louise's idea to buy a present and nowt to do with BB is seen by Aaron as a ploy for the public/cameras and Aaron pointing it out to them has made him mad..


What a pallaver .. . then the rest of the house have a bitchfest about Aaron.. tho I really don't think Aaron did himself any favours with his sulks there either..  he needs to grow up and deal with situations in a more mature manner and quit that sulking lark cos it is now playing into BB's hands hugely.... 



And what about the worse crime of all. .those BLUDDY SHOES!!!!. .I would reject then as Xmas tree decorations never mind as a pair of shoes...  tis a crime to ask ÂĢ500 for a pair of cack cheap looking glitter balls on heels. .

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Baz:
I think it's disgusting that anyone should pay ÂĢ500 for a pair of shoes !! That aside , all this fiasco has done for me is to make me even more determined to Vote for Aaron !

I'm teetering Baz. I don't think it'll take much more to shove me over the edge and onto the phone to lob in a few votes for Aaron


And I haven't voted since 2006 - even though there's been plenty of provocation..

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I think it's disgusting that anyone should pay ÂĢ500 for a pair of shoes !! That aside , all this fiasco has done for me is to make me even more determined to Vote for Aaron !

I'm teetering Baz. I don't think it'll take much more to shove me over the edge and onto the phone to lob in a few votes for Aaron


And I haven't voted since 2006 - even though there's been plenty of provocation..

EFFT teeter away and lob the votes to Aaron

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:



What a pallaver .. . then the rest of the house have a bitchfest about Aaron.. tho I really don't think Aaron did himself any favours with his sulks there either..  he needs to grow up and deal with situations in a more mature manner and quit that sulking lark cos it is now playing into BB's hands hugely.... 




it has always played into their hands ...........he's done it since day one - bit late to change now! Personally I think people can call bad editing etc etc. - you can't show what doesn't happen IMO ...............he is the oldest in the house but his moodiness and sulking has shown him to be incredibly immature and mean spirited.

Guess what - I wont be voting for him.

Soozy Woo

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