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Trouble is with me is, I can't stop me curiosity, I sit open mouthed, watching and listening to revolting stuff.....that is being laughed at, and overtaken by a pregnant woman with an audience...


All I can say is....What is the world coming to?.....(And I know that would spring a laugh, nay, titter from the BBot audience).... 

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Should have left it alone when they ended it.


The ratings dropped off from day one. Tells it's own story.


Will anyone be watching the next series? Doubt it very much.

Sad thing is, I know I will watch..Just wish I was watching people, and not just "Headline making Crudities"......


Wish adults were making and hosting the programme..... 


C5 have killed BB. I was really enthused when i heard they had taken it on but the basis of BB had always been the LF to keep people interested. It was a 24/7 sociology programe to see how people coped under pressure but this seems to have been pushed aside for a quick buck by C5. No doubt C5 are happy with the viewing figures and profits etc but the show died for me when C4 ended it--  RIP BB Glad i dont watch the demise any further.

Originally Posted by Tori:

C5 have killed BB. I was really enthused when i heard they had taken it on but the basis of BB had always been the LF to keep people interested. It was a 24/7 sociology programe to see how people coped under pressure but this seems to have been pushed aside for a quick buck by C5. No doubt C5 are happy with the viewing figures and profits etc but the show died for me when C4 ended it--  RIP BB Glad i dont watch the demise any further.

Tis all about "Shock" factor now, not just a view on people stuck in a house, with a view to being nominated out.


A simple, but interesting programme....

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Tori:

C5 have killed BB. I was really enthused when i heard they had taken it on but the basis of BB had always been the LF to keep people interested. It was a 24/7 sociology programe to see how people coped under pressure but this seems to have been pushed aside for a quick buck by C5. No doubt C5 are happy with the viewing figures and profits etc but the show died for me when C4 ended it--  RIP BB Glad i dont watch the demise any further.

Tis all about "Shock" factor now, not just a view on people stuck in a house, with a view to being nominated out.


A simple, but interesting programme....

For those who still find it interesting maybe but i now find myself more interested in XFactor  and the news than i used to be when BB was in its prime. Roll on the Celebrity Jungle is all i can say to relieve me of my boredom. 

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Should have left it alone when they ended it.


The ratings dropped off from day one. Tells it's own story.


Will anyone be watching the next series? Doubt it very much.

Sad thing is, I know I will watch..Just wish I was watching people, and not just "Headline making Crudities"......


Wish adults were making and hosting the programme..... 


I have been dipping in and out of the programme this year. I used to record episodes when I was out or had to go to bed, but this time I don't do that.


In years gone by I would be on here late at night watching the live show and chatting to people here at weekends and thursday nights.


I don't like Dowling as a presenter, it seems to me he uses it a vehicle to pick up fellas and his interview technique is average at best.


Really don't like the majority of housemates either. Although that gordie lass made me laugh when they kept bringing her in for spay tans, one of the few stand out moments for me.


I don't like Jay one bit, on the outside I could see him having a right old temper and he is a scruffy git. Hates Fayes sister too, for a woman in her thirties I would have thought she would be a bit more level headed..


The viewing figures. I have been noting them and at best the show attracts 1.7M viewers. Generally it is somwhere around 1.5M. Lose much more next year and that affects the advertising revenue.


Personally, next year I will probably dip in and out like this year.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by sprout:

But people still waste their money on phone votes as far as I can see  So someone must be watching it 

With C5 going on Facebook and getting fans to use tokens to vote then this opens up the market to FB users to get all their friends to vote for who they suggest. Facebook and Twitter have killed most of the live shows IMO as regards voting.

Originally Posted by Tori:
Originally Posted by sprout:

But people still waste their money on phone votes as far as I can see  So someone must be watching it 

With C5 going on Facebook and getting fans to use tokens to vote then this opens up the market to FB users to get all their friends to vote for who they suggest. Facebook and Twitter have killed most of the live shows IMO as regards voting.

Yep Tori, marketing at it's best isn't it     I'm not on FB and wouldn't touch it with a bargepole but C5 know how to use people   as did C4 probably 

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Tori:
Originally Posted by sprout:

But people still waste their money on phone votes as far as I can see  So someone must be watching it 

With C5 going on Facebook and getting fans to use tokens to vote then this opens up the market to FB users to get all their friends to vote for who they suggest. Facebook and Twitter have killed most of the live shows IMO as regards voting.

Yep Tori, marketing at it's best isn't it     I'm not on FB and wouldn't touch it with a bargepole but C5 know how to use people   as did C4 probably 

Having to buy Tokens or credits to vote on FB using a credit card makes me cringe. FB is not safe at the best of times so this for me would be a no-no right off. But young ones -it probably doesnt bother them.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Call me boring, but, I found it interesting watching the HMs cooking, eating together, chatting during the day and late at night, the romances and toilet habits disinterest me.... 

And me.

Me too - the real crux of what the HM's were about came to the fore at such times.


A few series have been totally forgettable - as have many HM's, but the only curiosity this series has got is the fact that it's the first ever on Channel 5.  They've changed a lot of the good 'old' template and brought in precious few or likeable new ideas.


I still watched it though

Originally Posted by Aimee:

The sad thing is i think this series would have been brill if we had live feed, channel 5 need too re think if they want this too a ratings winner for them

My feeling too. Like others, I did have reservations about the "no over-30s" decision, and I think we've been proved right on that one:  IMO one of the main reasons why Aaron is so popular is because he's one of the few HMs this year with enough life experience to maintain interest over 9 weeks. It was the same in CBB with Kerry and Paddy finishing ahead of the young 'uns...


Apart from that, though, they seemed to do everything right for the first few weeks. Unfortunately Endemol then lost confidence in the format as they always do, and couldn't resist meddling as usual...

Eugene's Lair

I'm overjoyed BB survived - for that reason alone, I watch

Sadly Ch5 have whimped out - they could have been brave with a brave new format - but no.

Instead we have a feeble repeat of the last Ch4 format that had long since lost its way.

Even the choice of HM are very similar to previous HM's

Jay is Jason (BB5), Alex is Jade Goody, Faye is Channel, Aaron is Ziggy - yeah?

Brian as presenter was a whimp-out, a clean break from Ch4 was needed.

Hideous Lauren Harris, that bearded tramp Jamie East, Nikkie Graham ALL cheapen and have helped destroy the show.

No Live Feed - well ... says it all really



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