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Of course he won't get locked up or pay for it in any way, because he is a top authority figure in our society.  If it had been a jobless dad on a council estate, they would throw the book at him, but because it's someone nobby and influential, someone will cover his back and help him get away with it. 


And even if he DOES get done or go to jail, he will come out and get a huge book deal out of it, do the rounds on the chat shows and live on the profits and the fat pension he will have.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

He won't get locked up, because there is a statute of limitations of five years.


This man has been judging child abuse cases?!!! 

  See what I mean though Bliz?  these kind of BASTARDS always get away with stuff?  Would your hubby or dad get away with this??? or my hubby or brother? NO!  This is one of the things that is rotten in society, big wigs and nobby people, and influential folk, getting away with bastard EVERYTHING!

Originally Posted by sparkles:

  See what I mean though Bliz?  these kind of BASTARDS always get away with stuff?  Would your hubby or dad get away with this??? or my hubby or brother? NO!  This is one of the things that is rotten in society, big wigs and nobby people, and influential folk, getting away with bastard EVERYTHING!

I don't know what the law is here, but I'm pretty sure he would be locked up, whatever his job.


The law in the US varies from state to state, apart from Federal Law, but I see no reason why they would have a statute of limitations on a crime such as this. There is video evidence, after all. The trouble is, some 'good Christian folk' in the US think that this is reasonable child chastisement, 'Spare the rod and spoil the child' etc. 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by sparkles:

  See what I mean though Bliz?  these kind of BASTARDS always get away with stuff?  Would your hubby or dad get away with this??? or my hubby or brother? NO!  This is one of the things that is rotten in society, big wigs and nobby people, and influential folk, getting away with bastard EVERYTHING!

I don't know what the law is here, but I'm pretty sure he would be locked up, whatever his job.


The law in the US varies from state to state, apart from Federal Law, but I see no reason why they would have a statute of limitations on a crime such as this. There is video evidence, after all. The trouble is, some 'good Christian folk' in the US think that this is reasonable child chastisement, 'Spare the rod and spoil the child' etc. 

So true,you just know had he done that to an animal there would be outrage.

The man should automatically be removed from the bench at the very least.


I just watched it and I'm horrified. 


I notice the mother said she was manipulated into helping because of systematic abuse towards her throughout the marriage!  I didn't see any encouragement from the husband there - she did it all by herself but that's not to say she didn't have an abusive marriage.


As for him, well words fail me   He really is a vile, jealous bully who has no place being in an official office.  If I'm not wrong, American judges are elected?  If so, then we can only hope that the good people of that part of Texas do not re-elect him again.  As the statute of limitations has run out, there's no chance of a prosecution.  One would hope that his peers and other law enforcement find a way to bust his sorry behind because an abuser like him can't go very long without finding another victim to attack 


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