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I know this has already been on, but did anybody see this show?    If you didn't, it should be on catch up on demand or repeated on ITV2 later this week.  It may even be on catch up on ITV player on the internet.




Not very many things shock me these days, but HOLY SHIT.  If all (or most) bailiffs are like this, then some kind of law needs to be brought in to stop them.  The behaviour is dreadful and I am sure it can't be legal!


This one guy  - I think his name was John Boast - practically terrorised people, and threatened them, and he was hideously racist too... He was chasing some asian folk in Hounslow for some debt, and said to the spy from the tv programme (who was working for him undercover,) 'these f**king p**is won't pay if you don't force them, the dirty bastards don't even clean their toilets, dirty f**king pigs.'  And when one asian guy was trying to get in through a window because he had lost his door key, he mocked and said 'get in you f**king c**t,' and said (under his breath) to the other guy, 'knock the f**king smelly little c**t through the window, make the f**king pig squeal.' 


I was shocked to discover that these bailiffs work on commission and that are appointed by councils in some cases.  They are appointed by the courts too in some cases aren't they?  And yet, they work on commission?  So they will do ANYthing they can to get that money.  They will be intimidating and violent  and aggressive, and this one guy even said that he punches people in the throat if they piss him off!  Jeeeeeeeez..... 


I know that it's not fair when people don't pay council tax and their bills and whatever, because other people have to pay to make up for the lost revenue... but surely you should be looking into the reasons why people aren't paying, and if they can get some financial  help...  many people arent just bastards who are refusing to pay... Almost everyone these days struggles to pay for the most basic stuff: like electric and gas and food... And many people took on financial commitments several years ago, that they can no longer pay because of job loss, less income, and MUCH higher bills....


Some of the bailiffs and other debt collectors make arrangements with people to pay debts off at say ÂĢ50 a month, and then after a couple of months, they claim that the payment was one day late (even if it wasn't,) and they cancel the plan and come after the people for the money.  I know people this has happened to actually.. they have made a payment plan with a debt collector and the debt collector has reneged on it, by making up ANY excuse to cancel the plan!)


It doesn't help when some companies (like big banks and big financial institutions) sell on debts to - shall we say - 'dodgy' and unscrupulous debt collectors, who will do ANYthing to get the money from people, even if they cannot afford to pay.  


Also, despite the law that rules how bailiffs should behave, saying that you should be careful with the vulnerable - ie; the elderly, pregnant women, physically and mentally disabled people, and lone women; he thought nothing of bullying a man who had been flagged up as chronically depressed... mocking and laughing at how 'the c**t will probably be in a fit of depression for a month now.'


What a shocking programme and what a DISGUSTING creature this man was.  The worrying thing is that he is not alone... It also worries me that he wasnt some 'dodgy loan shark, but an actual official bailiff!  


Did anyone else see this?





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I saw most of it and it was unbelievable, i've had some contact with them over a unpaid council tax bill that my ex hadn't paid and when i changed over the name on the tenancy to mine, the bill then landed on me, i had no idea that it hadn't been paid, they did a walk through of my house and listed everything that was worth anything and said if i didn't pay they would come back and remove the goods, i was a bit scared at the time as i hadn't ever had any involvement with them before, the bill was for about ÂĢ1000, i went through CAB and tried every way i could to sort it so that i only had to pay half and Ex pay the other


Anyway my time ran out and they was back (and they charge everytime they come round or send you a letter) he was violent or nasty and said he saw my point the bill was entirely mine but it still needed paying and he gave me another week, so i had to use my last choice open too me and ask my mum and dad, they cleared the bill for me but i still don't think it was fair i ended up with the whole bill


I actually only just watched this, and like you two here, I was disgusted with that man on there.  And it IS a worry that he is a supposed 'official' bailiff.  Hopefully, the nasty debt collecting parasites like him will be dealt with now, because it's been exposed.  That women who the man worked for seemed to not know how bad he was; but I am not sure I believed her.  Also, the Boast  guy, when he was interviewed at the end, seemed to just try and justify his actions and said 'I'm 62, I'm from the north, I'm set in mah ways...'  Oh that's OK then, because you're from the older generation and your a northerner; it's acceptable to be a vile racist bigot and a bully?  


Also did anyone watch ATTACK OF THE TRIP ADVISORS on channel 4 on the same night?  Basically it was about people who go to guest houses and hotels and do reviews on the trip advisor website.  Most of the people who were on the show were just nasty mean-spirited little numpties who were SPECIFICALLY to guest houses and hotels, looking for faults and flaws and things that were 'wrong' or unacceptable in their opinion  One guy went batshit because he slept once on clean sheets and they didn't change the sheets... They were clean when he went into the room and only HE slept on them!  I only change mine 2 or 3 times a month...  And someone complained because there was water still in the kettle from the previous occupant!  Bloody well tip it out then!  Good grief.  


Some people need to get a life, and just go on their break to enjoy it; and complain to the proprieter if something is wrong: don't look for any stupid little flaw and slag the hotel off on a major website!

By the way Aimee.  I am sorry to hear of your experience and I am glad your parents helped you out.  



Originally Posted by Aimee:

I saw most of it and it was unbelievable, i've had some contact with them over a unpaid council tax bill that my ex hadn't paid and when i changed over the name on the tenancy to mine, the bill then landed on me, i had no idea that it hadn't been paid, they did a walk through of my house and listed everything that was worth anything and said if i didn't pay they would come back and remove the goods, i was a bit scared at the time as i hadn't ever had any involvement with them before, the bill was for about ÂĢ1000, i went through CAB and tried every way i could to sort it so that i only had to pay half and Ex pay the other


Anyway my time ran out and they was back (and they charge everytime they come round or send you a letter) he was violent or nasty and said he saw my point the bill was entirely mine but it still needed paying and he gave me another week, so i had to use my last choice open too me and ask my mum and dad, they cleared the bill for me but i still don't think it was fair i ended up with the whole bill

Ow wow, thats bad Aims.    And I still can't understand why the council use these people.  they are beyond dodgy.  Even if you go to the CAB, they will make any excuse to renege on the agreement, by saying you missed a payment or something.


I didn't see the Trip advisor things, but will try and get it ont he E4 catchup.


nasty bastards

theyre like loan sharks but with the law on their side

i always thought that they buy bad debts off councils etc..and thats why they go effing bonkers and threatening so they get the money

i had them at me for a parking ticket

i refused to pay cos the neighbours (3 houses-13 cars between them) used to nick my space

so i parked on a single yellow opposite my house

wrong i know-but they used to nick every space and the next place to park was about 1/4 mile away

it all went a bit tits up!

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

nasty bastards

theyre like loan sharks but with the law on their side

i always thought that they buy bad debts off councils etc..and thats why they go effing bonkers and threatening so they get the money

i had them at me for a parking ticket

i refused to pay cos the neighbours (3 houses-13 cars between them) used to nick my space

so i parked on a single yellow opposite my house

wrong i know-but they used to nick every space and the next place to park was about 1/4 mile away

it all went a bit tits up!

That is the problem.  The law IS on their side Pirate.  And it is shocking that the bailiffs who are appointed by the courts (i thought,) are so vicious.  Did you see it Pirate. ?


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