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Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

When I read the title of this thread I assumed it was going to be about Jem (With a fecking J) apologising for being harsh and wrong about Aaron. 

Yep she sure was.  The silly cow is just soooo jealous that her prettier, younger sister has managed to snare a decent good looking bloke.  He is the best man in the house IMO.  Personally I prefer a well mannered and polite gentle man to a revolting, farting, belching, hideous, grotesque pig of a man who wipes shit on his girlfriend's pillow.  But hey, each to their own eh?!

And if he is playing a game, again, so waht?  it's a gameshow.


It doesn't mean everything about him in the house is a lie and he's totally being fake about everything, he's just protecting himself while in the house, and dont forget, he never nominated Faye.


Your right, he is the best brought up and most polite HM, I think it is a good combo, a well mannered different type of HM than we usually see and can play the game when needed,  I love the guy.  

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by sparkles:


Oh who cares, seriously, who cares.


Aaron is a hero, he went against the sheep like mentallity and voted how he saw fit, he has gotten up for eviction boring Louise, who lets face it, has had an easy ride and a longer run than she deserves in the show.


Im amazed that so many do gooders hate Aaron for DOING THE RIGHT THING and nominating in the correct way.

my point is - if Jay had done it and Aaron was up there would have been a public outcry! If Jay had claimed it was 'principles' he'd have been rubbished.


people see what they want to see and say oh dear - who cares etc. when it suits. I'm certainly no Jay fan but I can imagine if the boot was on the other foot.


And now I really will say no more!


Lets face it the only things Jay has done has drove another nice HM out of the house by shitting in a freezer and was going to put it in Marks tea, urinating on Mark in the shower, taking the pee out of him all the time..Jay thought he was cock of the walk but has hid behind other HM's right the way way would he have stood for any principles cos he's got none....

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:



When I read back some of my responses I'm like  - . Don't like Aaron though. Think I'll keep my trap shut tonight.


Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

i'm so amazed people can't see this and on that note I really am saying no more.


Apologies if I've offended anyone but's as plain as the nose on your face - it would have been two each if Aaron hadn't reneged!


Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:


And now I really will say no more!


go on you know you want to 




Soozy on a more serious note - you are entitled to your opinion just the same as the rest of us - yes you are in a minority here but it is good to debate and at the end of the day it is BB that brought most of the forum members together in the first place 


you dont see what a lot of us see 


a lot of us dont see what you see but I certainly dont think you have offended anyone and am sorry to read you feel you cant comment   





Originally Posted by stonks:

Lets face it the only things Jay has done has drove another nice HM out of the house by shitting in a freezer and was going to put it in Marks tea, urinating on Mark in the shower, taking the pee out of him all the time..Jay thought he was cock of the walk but has hid behind other HM's right the way way would he have stood for any principles cos he's got none....

the misdemenours Jay has done have all been covered up to save him or BB 


everything possible they could stitch Aaron up with they have - BBLBOTS  hasnt had a good word for him and last night Brian 's comment was out of order as host of the main show


however despite bad edits he still tops all online polls - has been voted for with most votes during evictions and most of all has given ALL forums something to talk about since day one 


my icing on the cake will be next week if he manages to be bookies favourite to win 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

IMO - Aaron was gonna stick with the plan when he was first to vote - when they were reshuffled he got himself into the last seat deliberately so that he could scupper the plan (as it turned out there was one vote after him) he was devious and calculating - all this talk of saving Alex is a smokescreen. He's a scheming, conniving, selfish, self centred individual. If Jay had reneged on the plan and given Faye or Aaron three votes this forum would be in uproar - because aaron did it - it's all suddenly about how principled he is.


I'm really not feeling the aaron love at all.

I wasn't watching closely. Did we see him jump into the last seat?

Maybe others thought he'd now be last to vote and tried to scupper any plans HE had and then BB outscuppered them all by making Aaron vote 2nd last?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

I dont understand the continued outrage now it is known that he wasnt the only one 


Sneeky Tom changed his - the Vile disgusting one changed his - Louise changed hers and  lied about it straight away - Aaron is getting all the flack when actually 4 did it not just him 


I hope they show Louise's confession tonight but somehow I doubt it 


If Aaron wasnt still in the house I would have switched off weeks ago 

No they were all ensuring that each HM got two - they didn't stick to the original format cos BB had got that sussed. Instead of carrying on with the plan of ensuring each HM only got two votes Aaron gave Louise a third vote.


i'm so amazed people can't see this and on that note I really am saying no more.


Apologies if I've offended anyone but's as plain as the nose on your face - it would have been two each if Aaron hadn't reneged!

So you are saying that you know FOR SURE that if Aaron HAD nommed Alex as well as Tom then Louise WOULD have nommed Aaron and Tom still AND BB WOULDN'T have objected or that Louise WOULD have given a different reason that BB WOULD have accepted?


Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I have said this before - I am not an Aaron fan at all but I feel really uncomfortable admitting it because the majority of people on here seem to think that he can do no wrong.

The thing is, because we are all good mates away from BB, I do try and respect your opinions and do read each and every defence of Aaron.

But despite this I really do not get what you all see in him.

I really don't


Hi Eileen, not sure if your post is in response to what I've just posted. Doesn't really matter, you shouldn't allow yourself to get uncomfortable because your view appears to be in the minority - we're all entitled to a view, good, bad or indiferent.


Anyway, I'm not defending or attacking, I,m just counter arguing against this statement:- "it's as plain as the nose on your face - it would have been two each if Aaron hadn't reneged!"


As Louise was last to vote, who's to say SHE wouldn't have reneged at the last moment.

And as she only changed her 2nd nom because of BB then who's fault is it that there are only two up?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing



No it was just a general observation.

I was told that my view was "tedious" the other day.

And Vids proclaims that people who dislike Aaron are do -gooders.


It's okay because ( as I say) we are all mates on here and we get carried away in defence of our favourites,

It's just that I have never seen such complete consolidation over one housemate and being outside of that is pretty weird to say the least. 

Originally Posted by Eileen Over:



No it was just a general observation.

I was told that my view was "tedious" the other day.

And Vids proclaims that people who dislike Aaron are do -gooders.


It's okay because ( as I say) we are all mates on here and we get carried away in defence of our favourites,

It's just that I have never seen such complete consolidation over one housemate and being outside of that is pretty weird to say the least. 

******sneaks in ************* I'm with you Eileen *************tip toes out ..........shhhhhhhh yo never saw me!********

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:

No it was just a general observation.
I was told that my view was "tedious" the other day.
And Vids proclaims that people who dislike Aaron are do -gooders.

It's okay because ( as I say) we are all mates on here and we get carried away in defence of our favourites,
It's just that I have never seen such complete consolidation over one housemate and being outside of that is pretty weird to say the least.
******sneaks in ************* I'm with you Eileen *************tip toes out ..........shhhhhhhh yo never saw me!********

  Soozy ....yoo hooooooo! 

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:



No it was just a general observation.

I was told that my view was "tedious" the other day.

And Vids proclaims that people who dislike Aaron are do -gooders.


It's okay because ( as I say) we are all mates on here and we get carried away in defence of our favourites,

It's just that I have never seen such complete consolidation over one housemate and being outside of that is pretty weird to say the least. 

Take no notice of Vids. He's a self confessed 'Grumpy Old Man' you know.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

When I read the title of this thread I assumed it was going to be about Jem (With a fecking J) apologising for being harsh and wrong about Aaron. 

Yep she sure was.  The silly cow is just soooo jealous that her prettier, younger sister has managed to snare a decent good looking bloke.  He is the best man in the house IMO.  Personally I prefer a well mannered and polite gentle man to a revolting, farting, belching, hideous, grotesque pig of a man who wipes shit on his girlfriend's pillow.  But hey, each to their own eh?!

And if he is playing a game, again, so waht?  it's a gameshow.


It doesn't mean everything about him in the house is a lie and he's totally being fake about everything, he's just protecting himself while in the house, and dont forget, he never nominated Faye.


Your right, he is the best brought up and most polite HM, I think it is a good combo, a well mannered different type of HM than we usually see and can play the game when needed,  I love the guy.  

I love how his brain works!...Great HM!

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Cant stand Aaron either, an odious sly snake. All this silent treatment is bordering on mental cruelty. I couldnt be in his company, thank goodness i dont have to ! Even Vanessa Feltz said she owed Jem an apology !
Just my opinion and i am not going to fall out with anyone over it !  

When did Vanessa say that?

Originally Posted by longcat:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Cant stand Aaron either, an odious sly snake. All this silent treatment is bordering on mental cruelty. I couldnt be in his company, thank goodness i dont have to ! Even Vanessa Feltz said she owed Jem an apology !
Just my opinion and i am not going to fall out with anyone over it !  

When did Vanessa say that?

I`d like to know that too. 


Come on Skylark.  

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by longcat:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Cant stand Aaron either, an odious sly snake. All this silent treatment is bordering on mental cruelty. I couldnt be in his company, thank goodness i dont have to ! Even Vanessa Feltz said she owed Jem an apology !
Just my opinion and i am not going to fall out with anyone over it !  

When did Vanessa say that?

I`d like to know that too. 


Come on Skylark.  

I found out it was on OKTV.

Originally Posted by longcat:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by longcat:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Cant stand Aaron either, an odious sly snake. All this silent treatment is bordering on mental cruelty. I couldnt be in his company, thank goodness i dont have to ! Even Vanessa Feltz said she owed Jem an apology !
Just my opinion and i am not going to fall out with anyone over it !  

When did Vanessa say that?

I`d like to know that too. 


Come on Skylark.  

I found out it was on OKTV.

Thanks longcat. 


OKTV - The anti  Aaron channel. 


Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by longcat:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by longcat:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Cant stand Aaron either, an odious sly snake. All this silent treatment is bordering on mental cruelty. I couldnt be in his company, thank goodness i dont have to ! Even Vanessa Feltz said she owed Jem an apology !
Just my opinion and i am not going to fall out with anyone over it !  

When did Vanessa say that?

I`d like to know that too. 


Come on Skylark.  

I found out it was on OKTV.

Thanks longcat. 


OKTV - The anti  Aaron channel. 


Yes and they will have forced Vanessa to say it.

Originally Posted by longcat:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by longcat:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by longcat:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Cant stand Aaron either, an odious sly snake. All this silent treatment is bordering on mental cruelty. I couldnt be in his company, thank goodness i dont have to ! Even Vanessa Feltz said she owed Jem an apology !
Just my opinion and i am not going to fall out with anyone over it !  

When did Vanessa say that?

I`d like to know that too. 


Come on Skylark.  

I found out it was on OKTV.

Thanks longcat. 


OKTV - The anti  Aaron channel. 


Yes and they will have forced Vanessa to say it. 

The 30 pieces of silver will have helped. 

Last edited by Scotty

Yes it was the Ok programme, dont normally watch it. 
Aaron is a game player, fair play to him, just cant stand him tho. How on earth can he say he loves Faye then not want her to win? Cant be bothered with all this superiority thing he has going on, and the sulkiness , oh 
Not voting anyway so my opinion wont changed the votes. 


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