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Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

BB really seems to be trying to put the blame on Aaron for this, but at least one other HM must have changed their nominations, otherwise Faye wouldn't be up. And has been pointed out already, Aaron voted first, so it should have been easy to "correct" his votes if the others had kept their wits about them...

or just nomed him.eejits,

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

BB really seems to be trying to put the blame on Aaron for this, but at least one other HM must have changed their nominations, otherwise Faye wouldn't be up. And has been pointed out already, Aaron voted first, so it should have been easy to "correct" his votes if the others had kept their wits about them...

What wits?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

BB really seems to be trying to put the blame on Aaron for this, but at least one other HM must have changed their nominations, otherwise Faye wouldn't be up. And has been pointed out already, Aaron voted first, so it should have been easy to "correct" his votes if the others had kept their wits about them...

What wits?

I know, I know. Now it's my turn to make dangerous assumptions!

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Apparently, if Louise had voted for Tom, five of them would have been up, but she thought that she'd get her own back at Aaron, by voting for Faye, so it's just her and Faye up.


Not that she's thick, or nothing! 

Hopefully it will all be confirmed tomorrow, but it seems Aaron wanted to save Alex, and switched his second nomination from her to Louise. With all other HMs voting as planned, that would mean Louise getting 3 noms and everyone-else (except Alex) getting 2.

Louise apparently twigged what he'd done, but made the mistake of switching her second nomination from Tom to Faye to get back at Aaron (who had already received her first nom). With everyone-else voting as planned, that meant that Faye also got 3 noms, and would be in a head-to-head with Louise...

Eugene's Lair
Eugene .... My question .... Do we know why Aaron wanted to save Alex?? It seems a strange thing to do. What was his motive ? Did he think she might be vulnerable if she was put up ? And while I applaud him for not going along with the plan , and doing his own thing , it would have been nice to see where the chips fell if they were all up.
Originally Posted by Baz:
Eugene .... My question .... Do we know why Aaron wanted to save Alex?? It seems a strange thing to do. What was his motive ? Did he think she might be vulnerable if she was put up ? And while I applaud him for not going along with the plan , and doing his own thing , it would have been nice to see where the chips fell if they were all up.

I watched the vid where Faye was moaning at him about changing his vote and the fact it meant she was up, plus the other one where he explained why he did what he did.  In the latter he said he wanted to vote how he would have if they'd gone in the DR and he also felt it wasn't fair to put everybody up as planned and make all  their family's come down just cos they were all 'friends' now and decided they'd all go up. . tho I suppose he could have told the others he wasn't going along with them.. but suppose he wanted to ensure he stayed in to the end too. .always the game player head on. .


Then to Faye he said he wanted Alex to win because form the moment she walked in the door she'd had a smile on her face [and kept it there for the duration?]. .there was a cut in the clip, then it comes back to him saying 'and we've been up and down ie miserable at times as well as  happy '. .my understanding of that explanation was he was thinking as a viewer not as Fay's BF, and felt Alex had been the better all round HM so deserved the BB win.. .plus he also felt Harry would be pissed off if Alex had been put up too.. Faye took it all to mean he'd chose Alex over her for everything and stormed off. .he tried to say to her no it was just the show he'd put ehr as the winner for but she wasn't listening properly as usual ..


What I find funny is that Tom and Jay were annoyed at him for messing with the BB game and trying to make it his game by doing it his way. .not realising that their plan to put them all up was also messing with the game and in fact Aaron was sticking to the proper rules of the game.. and any messing with noms he did previously by messing with peoples heads is also part of the game too..


The problem with Aaron is his gameplay intermingled with his very weird character, which can be a tad dark and almost spiteful/mean and unthoughtful sometimes, where he says stuff with a  straight face and it goes whoosh over all their heads most of the time or he says stuff that is cryptic and never bothers to explain what he really meant. .that  makes him a not very liked person in the house but kinda admired for his clever gameplay by viewers ..  he'd be a nightmare as a BF tho..


as an aside from all that waffle BB is really really boring now, with too few people left and still 2 weeks to go and that animal Jay making it to the end as well


Mount Olympus *Olly*

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