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Anyone who's been to the National Gallery in London will be aware of Van Dyck's portrait of Charles I - it's massive (around 12' tall).



There's also a Van Eyck, who's word-famous and often - wrongly - credited with the invention of oil painting:

It's not uncommon for people to get the names of these two painters mixed-up. However Harry doesn't seem to have heard of either of them, and just assumed Alex meant Van Gogh.


I missed the live BB programmes last night but did a catch-up later. On BotS. Harry claimed that Alex said she thought there was a painter called "Dick Van Dyke", which is untrue (at least from what we were shown) - she just said "Van Dyck".

Eugene's Lair

 On hindsight he was very patronising to Alex in most things he said to her ..makes  me now think if he really was anyones friend in the house ..he told them all individually he see's them as his closest friends ..was that HIS game not to be nominated, it is hard to believe anything he now say's the man is a walking contradiction since he walked through those doors friday night ..Aaron would be gutted if he saw the story(hatchet job)he has done on him


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