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Originally Posted by Ducky:


I'm really excited for you! 


We're going to miss your self deprecating comments about never having a clue what's going on though

Ahhhh...but Vi is still officially rubbish!!! And I didn't have a clue....pure guess work...and I so nearly posted my accusation of Warren instead....blooming glad I didn't!! I am properly looking like this>>>>>>

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Mrs B. you have no idea how I was wishing you had swapped around.... I was willing Vi to get it, but you did it with Sophie you bugger....brilliant as always,  just bloody good full on off the cuff sharp comebacks  

Awwww...Thanks Dame  I quite like that I didn't get it right as Vi cos that way she can still be rubbish!! I'm sure it wouldn't be as much fun playing her if she did actually solve one of these things!!!


Everyone was always!!! I'm going to swot up on Trekkie stuff ready for Xmas....bring it on!!!!

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by MrsB:

I am properly looking like this>>>>>>


No one deserves it more .......after all those years of making notes and re-reading threads.

  Thank you!


Even MrB has congratulated me!!!! He laughs at my notebooks and all that....but he's been sitting here, continuously asking if I got it right yet...bless him! He has made me a clebratory cuppa


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