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As some of you know, I like to moan....a lot....about how crap the X Factor and many other ITV shows are.  So prepare yourself for some major moanage (i'm in work, so what else am i gonna do?)


I haven't really been watching this years X Factor, just like i haven't really been watching Big Brother, however you lot (yes it is all your fault) have this uncanny way of making me watch shows that I don't like .  Maybe its the friendly banter and camaraderie and the general homeliness that you lot give out? What i do know, is i don't like it, as it makes me watch crap tv shows, so please stop!! 


Anywho, unfortunately I watched the X Factor last night and was quite appalled by it. Firstly lets get the least offensive thing out the way and talk about this 'Rock' theme they were apparently doing this week. Quite frankly the most embarrassing renditions on NON-rock songs that I've ever heard.  With the only exception being the psychopathic Kitty and the squealing stick insect that was Johnny. At least they had some entertainment value about them.


Now on to the more serious stuff.


First up, Gary Barlow.  This bloke may have penned a decent track or two in the past, but a talent judge he is not. He is completely devoid of any personality, using his monotone voice to bore and rudely insult people.  He doesn't give constructive criticism, he's just plain rude and tries to be like Simon Cowell. And why anyone would want to act like that numpty is beyond me.  I do wish we heard what 'swear word' was shouted at him, from the audience, as I'm sure I could top it .


Now onto the biggest disgrace(s) of last night. Tulisa and Louis.


What right did Tulisa have of accusing Misha of being mean and rude to all the other contestants?  Whilst that my be true, we don't fully know, and any issues Tulisa has, should have been brought up to Kelly and Misha, back stage. Not in front of the entire nation (although viewing figures are depleting )  on live TV, and with Louis throwing in that she's 'bullying' people it makes me wonder what is going on in their moronic heads!!  


Don't they know how scummy that British press are? Don't they realise that they will run with this and probably make this young girls life a living hell?  What leveling of 'bullying' are they talking about? Is it even bullying? We don't know, but now they've said it, it could potentially ruin this girls life. Some X Factor zealots will take their words as gospel.


I'm always a big supporter of the X Factor, getting the axe. I think its gone past what it use to be and last night seemed to be a whole new low. The new judges have made a crap show, even worse and what with the diminishing viewing figures, I think its time that ITV pulled the plug after this years, then maybe they could start showing some decent programming, or a good film for a Saturday night.


I would also like to see the BBC bring back Fame Academy, now that show was about talent.


I usually don't care that much about shows like this, but after witnessing last night I had to let it out...otherwise I would be suffering from trapped wind.


Rant over, cup-o-tea anyone?



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I`m with you all the way Rawky. 


Misha may have needed a warning but how are we to know? We don`t  see what`s going on in the background.. but even if she did.. to do it in front of the audience and the viewers was bang out of order and completely unprofessional. 


I was disgusted. 


This show is becoming all about the "drama" of the judges, not about their acts. They don`t care about them.


It`s tacky garbage and it needs to go.   



It's a load of shit.  I didn't even see Mishas performance last night because I turned it off after the first 2 acts.  It's an embarassment. 


From reading various forums it seems Misha has been rude, obnoxious and smug from early on in the competition.  She seems to think she has it in the bag and has acted the diva since live shows started. Kelly has already had words with her so maybe Louis and Tulisa thought that if she's not going to listen to her own mentor and continues to 'bully' other acts then she should be called out for it publically so she gets a harsh reality check.  If claims of her bullying other acts are true because she thinks she has more right to be there than them then, as a judge, I wouldn't be letting her away with it either.  As I said though I didn't even see Mishas performance or the judges comments so I don't know if they were TOO harsh X Factor USA for some real talent


I said this on another thread - what the heck would Americans think watching our X factor.


I love Gary and actually do not think he is making too bad a job of being judge. EXCEPT.....


He insists on promoting Frankie.

When I first saw Frankie at the auditions and he came out with all the rubbish about loving girls and only being in it for the money, I was convinced that they would not put him through. When he actually sang I thought it was a cert that he would be told by Gary that he was rubbish.


When he got through, I thought " ah well there is always Boot Camp".


Then it happened again -he slaughtered "Iris" - new levels of appalling  and still he got through.


Judges Houses - Gary kept saying how good he was.

And I am thinking ... "am I missing something here?"


He is, arguably the worst singer every to grace an X factor final. He makes Wagner sound like Pavarotti. He is arrogant, talentless and yet he is still here.

He will not be in the bottom two tonight - mark my words BUT he will be again and he will be saved again at the sacrifice of one of the better singers.


Gary has no right to make any remarks on the lack of talent or song choice of any of the other judges whilst he still has Frankie in his group.


I cannot say anything bad about the barlow, because if i do then i will not get into heaven. I will be turned away at the gates and I KNOW that a host of virgin jason oranges will never be mine


however what is he thinking with that IDIOT Frankie. He is just an embarrassment.


Agree that lillouis and tutu should not have pulled misha up publicly. Its nothing to do with her singing ability. I wonder who she slagged off my money is on she said to the girl band..." you, you in the middle you do actually look a bit like a sloth now i come to think of it". And to louis i reckon it was to kitty, who has TROUBLE written all over her.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Well said rawky and I agree with you - it's a sinking ship.


Regards Misha - I'll go out on a limb and say she needed the warning.

A lot has been written about Misha being a right Diva even the production team are sick of her .She might be a great singer but if the public are not on board she is out.That whole arguement last night was done on purpose so the show is talked about ,but we have seen and heard all this before the show has had its day.


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