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Sat night show is always poor with the repeats of Fridays evictions but I agree there were rehashed repeats of other things we had already seen so once again we the public who they rely on to vote got even less new coverage than normal 


hopefully tonights show will make up for it but from what I have read today seems it is likely to be the Gem show - is she going or not ????   I think she will be an easy target for noms tomorrow 


Originally Posted by MrsH:

Sat night show is always poor with the repeats of Fridays evictions but I agree there were rehashed repeats of other things we had already seen so once again we the public who they rely on to vote got even less new coverage than normal 


hopefully tonights show will make up for it but from what I have read today seems it is likely to be the Gem show - is she going or not ????   I think she will be an easy target for noms tomorrow 


I hope so.....

Originally Posted by MrsH:

 hopefully tonights show will make up for it but from what I have read today seems it is likely to be the Gem show - is she going or not ????   I think she will be an easy target for noms tomorrow 


Let's hope so.... and let's hope she takes her snivelling, manipulative, clingy, whinging, needy mind f*cking sister with her.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

 hopefully tonights show will make up for it but from what I have read today seems it is likely to be the Gem show - is she going or not ????   I think she will be an easy target for noms tomorrow 


Let's hope so.... and let's hope she takes her snivelling, manipulative, clingy, whinging, needy mind f*cking sister with her.

Amen to that Kaffy

Originally Posted by MrsH:

Sat night show is always poor with the repeats of Fridays evictions but I agree there were rehashed repeats of other things we had already seen so once again we the public who they rely on to vote got even less new coverage than normal 


hopefully tonights show will make up for it but from what I have read today seems it is likely to be the Gem show - is she going or not ????   I think she will be an easy target for noms tomorrow 


I agree Saturday night you do get some repeated bits but not nearly the whole show, the didn't show the lead up or the aftermath of the eviction  as for Gem if she is going then i wish she would hurry up and go  Faye said her being there would ruin her time in the house, now she's crying cause she wants to go 


Last nights  HL show spoiler was released on Unrealitytv ,we didint get to see some of it.



Anton and Jay caused havoc from the crypt and made Harry face his fear of spider, the also listened in on their fellow housemates and their conversations from the secret task room.

Jem spoke to Aaron who admitted that he can be incredibly manipulative, especially when it is in regards to the voting process.

Anton and Jay finally reveal themselves to the housemates and were told by Big Brother to choose a house each to go up against them public vote. Anton chose Jem and Jay chose Harry.

Jem broke down in the diary room and told Big Brother that she feels that she cannot trust her fellow housemates.

Big Brother set a secret task for Fay and Jem, they had to burp in Aaron’s 15 times to win the drinks for the housemates. As the task is taking place Aaron is furious and tells Big Brother that he feels he is being bullied by burps and is horrified by Jem’s behaviour.

Following the task, Jem Big Brother that she will stay in the house

Big Brother gives Tom a task to annoy Harry and make him blow his top and Tom goes out of his way to irritate him.

As a result, Harry and Tom argued in the bathroom, Harry is confused as he considered Tom to be one of his best friends in the house.

Big Brother called Tom into the diary room and tells him that he has won 52 percent of Harry’s letter to give to him.

Tom revealed all to Harry and explained that he was on a task and the pair hug and make up.

Jem and Faye had a heart to heart about Aaron in the garden. Jem tells Faye that she should not place all her trust in just one person in the house in reference to Aaron.

As a result Faye later spoke to Aaron in the garden and says that it would be best if they start their relationship outside the house. Later in the bedroom Faye opens her heart to Aaron

And tells him she really does fancy him, Aaron just responds by saying “OK” which annoys her.

9:54pm All of the housemates are gathered on the sofas waiting for the announcement of tonight’s eviction.

Earlier each of the nominated housemates spoke to Big Brother;

Harry said that his time in the house has really been the “best experience” and that he feels “so lucky” to of been a part of it all. Jem said that she had resigned herself to the fact that she was the housemate that was going to be evicted that evening. Anton tells Big Brother that this has been the best experience of his life and that he has “been himself” throughout his time in the house. Finally Jay revealed that if he was the evicted housemate that he will walk out the doors feeling “proud of himself”

Anton is announced as the 6th housemate to leave the Big Brother house, Anton hugs Jay first, then the other housemates and told them to enjoy the rest of your time

11:13pm It has been an hour since Anton was evicted from the house, all the housemates are in the garden. Faye is trying to get Aaron’s attention. She asks him if he had a spray tan before he entered the house. Aaron ignores her and Faye walks off saying “Just ignore me then!”

Faye is in the living room talking loudly to herself ‘I love being ignored by Aaron, even though he tells me that he has fallen for me. She says that he has really upset her by ignoring her. Faye then adds that it is hard being ignored for 6 hours, adding “By someone that you thought was your best mate”.

Faye continues to talk to herself in the living room and says Aaron has thrown her feelings back in her face.

Aaron enters the living area and asks Faye why she is sitting on her own, “You have been really out of order” she tells him and that he has been ignoring her. Aaron questions Faye on her accusation and Faye doesn’t respond. Aaron walks out.

11:33pm Harry is reflecting on surviving the eviction and tells Aaron that he feels weird about it. Harry tells Aaron that he’s shocked as he is “the posh boy” and no one ever roots for the “posh boy”. He says that Jay would be really popular as he’s down to earth and he was surprised that he was up for eviction.

Their conversation turns to Jem, Aaron tells Harry about Anton telling him about the conversation he heard between Jem and Faye in the bathroom, and that Jem was telling Faye to stay away from him.

Aaron adds that Anton told him that he didn’t want to cause a rift but he thought he should tell him. Harry says that he gives Anton credit for telling him and Aaron says that he will miss Anton.

In the kitchen, Faye is speaking to Jem and tells her that she thinks that she will be up for eviction next week. She adds that if she is put up against Aaron she will definitely go. Faye tells her sister that she has been sticking up for Aaron but he is still treating her badly. Faye tells Jem that she told Aaron how much she fancied him and that now Aaron is just ignoring her and therefore what does he expect her to do

Harry is in the bedroom talking to Aaron about Faye and tells him that he thinks that the age difference is one of the reasons they often fall out. Aaron says that he is not going to change the way he is or “pander to Faye’s behaviour” and that he has to just carry on being who he is. Aaron tells Harry that he would be lost in the house without him.

12:18 am Faye is in the diary room talking about Aaron. Faye says that they had previously decided to give their relationship a go and that she was over the moon as she really “fancies the pants of him” adding that she fears she sounds like a bunny boiler when she speaks about Aaron.

Jem is in the bedroom and is trying to talk to Aaron, Jem tells Aaron that she would like to have a chat with him at some point tomorrow. Aaron says “To be honest I don’t see the point, I think the bridges are burnt as you have been saying things about me behind my back.” Jem tells him that when he gets out of the house that he will get to see exactly what I have said and that she prides herself on saying things to people’s faces and not behind their backs. Jem then tells Aaron that she respects his decision but that she has tried to offer an olive branch

Faye is still talking about Aaron to Big Brother in the diary room. She says that Aaron is amazing and that even when he pisses her off she can just let it go adding that she would love to spend lots of time with him as she really likes him.

Jem is in the garden speaking to Jay, Louise, Harry and Tom about the conversation she just had with Aaron. Jem tells them that Aaron ignored her at first and that she told him that she just wanted to sort out their issues. Jem then relays to the other housemates what Aaron told her about Anton telling him about the conversation she had with Faye. Jay says that he feels that Aaron plays games.

Faye is still talking about Aaron to Big Brother in the diary room. She tells Big Brother that she wants to spend all my time in the house with Aaron but that there are other people in the house that she knows she should also spend time with. Faye says that she told Aaron that she really likes him and that she just doesn’t  not want to start a relationship in the house with him and that she wants to start it outside the house so that it will last years and years and not just be finished when they both leave the house

12:37am Louise and Jay are in bed talking to each other. Jay tells Louise that she is really sexy. Louise tells him “Cheers mate” Jay tells her not to call him mate, Louise says that when she gets out of the house that he better be waiting for her, Jay tells her “Of course”

Faye is confronting Aaron in the bathroom and says that she had basically stood up for him to her sister and that Jem and her had fallen out over him. Aaron tells Faye that he has found out from Anton that Jem had been talking about him behind his back. He says that it is too late for him and Jem to build bridges because of what Jem has said.

Louise and Jay are in the diary room

Louise tells Big Brother that she is happy that Jay is still in the house and she can get to know him better. She mentions that a few weeks ago she felt “dead shy” towards Jay, but now she isn’t at all. Jay tells Big Brother that he is looking forward to getting to know Louise better

Faye and Aaron are still speaking in the bathroom. Faye asks Aaron if for her sake he can give it one last try and talk to Jem. Aaron tells Faye that he doesn’t want to and is sorry as he didn’t want anything to affect their relationship, Faye tells him that it’s obvious that he not talking to her sister would affect their relationship,” how could it not”? she says about the situation. Aaron says that he is really annoyed about it all as he really likes her. Faye asks Aaron that if this is the case then why is he being so aggressive towards her as he is beginning to scare her, Aaron gets up to leave and she tells him not to, adding “Get it into your head, at this minute am on the verge of saying don’t ever talk to me, but I really like you and if I didn’t then I wouldn’t be sitting here talking to you”. Faye then tells Aaron that out of everyone in the house she really respects him out of everyone and that its times like this he really pisses her off as he does not see how much she likes him.

Jay and Louise are kissing in the diary room corridor. Louise tells Jay that she is so glad he was not evicted.

12:50 am Alex is speaking to Big Brother in the diary room. She tells Big Brother that it just seems like every night is one big drama after another big drama adding, “Aaron and Faye when is it going to sort out?” Alex says that she tries not to get involved but it is hard as they all live in the same house. Alex continues to add that the whole situation is not nice as its horrible to see when your friends are so down, “Faye is proper head over heels over Aaron and its sad that he cant even sit with her when her sister is up for eviction”. Alex says that in the house everything is multiplied anyway so when someone is down, everyone is down.

Aaron is in the garden speaking to Faye about Jem, he tells her that he doesn’t understand what is going through Jem’s head, and that maybe she just genuinely doesn’t like him. Faye tells him that regardless if Jem and Aaron don’t become friends that she still likes him. Aaron tells Faye that Jem was only interested in speaking to him after she found out that she was staying in the house – and this spoke volumes about her.

Faye tells Aaron that Jem knows how much she likes him and that she just wants to see it for herself and that for her sake would Aaron please give it one more chance and talk to Jem adding that if after that they still don’t see eye to eye then there is nothing more they can do


Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

 hopefully tonights show will make up for it but from what I have read today seems it is likely to be the Gem show - is she going or not ????   I think she will be an easy target for noms tomorrow 


Let's hope so.... and let's hope she takes her snivelling, manipulative, clingy, whinging, needy mind f*cking sister with her.

I couldn't have put it better myself Kathy! I absolutely detest Faye, everytime I see her or as soon as she opens her mouth, I just want to punch her! She gives women a bad name!

Senora Reyes

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