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Do you know of anyone who uses it? What have the results been?


I always said that if i start going bald then i will just shave my head....well I've started to go bald and I'm not happy.  I could resort to wearing hats, which i will eventually, but I'd thought I would try out this new Regain Foam.  Apparently it works very well, you have to use it every day but I might as well give it a go.


If it fails I shall give into nature....but my hat collection shall increase tenfold.


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RAWKY - look up PROPECIA also known as finasteride


Its the new treatment which was originally developed for prostate cancer - it works by blocking and enzyme called 5-alpha reductase which is the precursor to baldness.

My Dad has prostate cancer and has been taking finasteride for years and . . . his hair has grown back - not all but very noticeable

Its is advertised as being able to stop hair loss and in some cases reverse it

My Dad aint had hair for 45years so if it can work for him . . . .


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