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I like Emma too, she has had some awful guests to put up with and does it well with a smile. Dont like her swearing tho, it doesnt suit her and really isnt necessary. I notice when she is being told something in her earpiece she laughs over it! But a lot of presenters cant listen and speak at the same time! She does ok . I think the main show would have suited her better


Agree with both comments - she's doing really well in a new role

I guess its expected she will laugh - its nerves but i think she's well suited

I don't like her swearing and hope Channel 5 don't continue to cheapen the brand


Kinda miss the psychologists insights - Emma wud be better suited to a more serious and considered show.

Hope she takes over the lot and Brain does a new BBlb next year


Agreed.  I was hoping she would be named main presenter but then bliddy Brian got it   I'm not fussed on him but I do realise it isn't an easy gig what with the baying crowd and whatnot but I just think Emma would have suited it better.  I do wonder though if her pregnancy stood in the way of her getting the job?  Too similar to Davinas Big Muvva gig?


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