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Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

What annoys me more is how they can all act so bloody happy when the fact is a girl is still dead and no one has gone down for it


No: Rudy Guede is still in prison for the murder. The thing is,though, that the police have always insisted that he couldn't have committed the murder on his own (and the evidence appears to back this up).

 The question, therefore, is who - if anyone - assisted him?

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Sky news reporting that were freed because they found them not guilty and it was nothing to do with the DNA and bungling that went on 

Sorry, but I don't believe that. Just listening on the BBC to a bloke who's written a book on it and he (and the interviewer) are saying that the video of the Police literally handling evidence visibly shocked the judge and jury. Also the big clue that they'd find in favour of release was when the judge rather angrily refused a prosecution attempt to get the DNA tested again. This was seen as evidence that the judge trusted the new evidence.

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by erinp:

Only victims here are the Kercher family .No doubt Knox will sign some book/Movie deal.Time will tell what part if any she played this murder.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm - I feel dreadfully sorry for the Kercher family but - if Knox has been imprisoned for no reason is she not a victim too? I don't think any book/movie deal can really make up for lost liberty but ...................................I've come in with very little prior knowledge to this - only snippets I've read over the years - so I do stand to be corrected!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:

Sorry, but I don't believe that. Just listening on the BBC to a bloke who's written a book on it and he (and the interviewer) are saying that the video of the Police literally handling evidence visibly shocked the judge and jury. Also the big clue that they'd find in favour of release was when the judge rather angrily refused a prosecution attempt to get the DNA tested again. This was seen as evidence that the judge trusted the new evidence.


They have just repeated it again, that they have been vindicated of any crime and found not guilty.... and the evidence thing was not why they were released.  I'm just repeating what they are reporting 

Originally Posted by Lori:

I just heard she'd been acquitted and released.


Not surprised. The Italian court/police system didn't exactly come across as competent, did they?


She's from Seattle--did you know that?

I did Lori and I agree. 


Of course, I feel for Meredith`s family but I`m glad they`ve been freed.


They couldn`t prove it beyond a reasonable doubt so the verdict is the right one.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:

Sorry, but I don't believe that. Just listening on the BBC to a bloke who's written a book on it and he (and the interviewer) are saying that the video of the Police literally handling evidence visibly shocked the judge and jury. Also the big clue that they'd find in favour of release was when the judge rather angrily refused a prosecution attempt to get the DNA tested again. This was seen as evidence that the judge trusted the new evidence.


They have just repeated it again, that they have been vindicated of any crime and found not guilty.... and the evidence thing was not why they were released.  I'm just repeating what they are reporting 

I think there's some misreporting by Sky there. I've finally heard the Judge's verdict, and he just goes through the guilty/not guilty verdicts - he made absolutely no mention of the reasons for that decision.

The BBC interviewed Amanda Knox's own lawyer and he wouldn't be drawn on the reasons for the decision by the judge and jury because the official document detailing them - "The Motivation" - hasn't been released yet. That will follow later...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

I think there's some misreporting by Sky there. I've finally heard the Judge's verdict, and he just goes through the guilty/not guilty verdicts - he made absolutely no mention of the reasons for that decision.

The BBC interviewed one of the defence lawyers and he wouldn't be drawn on the reasons for the decision because the judge hasn't published the official document detailing them yet - that will follow later...


Maybe Eugene, we'll know soon enough.... I think on a lot of counts the original verdict was dodgy in the first place. I hope they eventually get to the bottom of it for Mederith's family  

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

What annoys me more is how they can all act so bloody happy when the fact is a girl is still dead and no one has gone down for it


No: Rudy Guede is still in prison for the murder. The thing is,though, that the police have always insisted that he couldn't have committed the murder on his own (and the evidence appears to back this up).

 The question, therefore, is who - if anyone - assisted him?

Exactly Eugene, someone did! Hmmmmmm But who?

Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

What annoys me more is how they can all act so bloody happy when the fact is a girl is still dead and no one has gone down for it



Meredith's mum looked devastated

I think Qmost people would be happy  and delighted to be vindicated after  being banged up for 4 years for some thing you hadn't done, and been labelled as a seedy lowlife , murdering liar by the world's press.


I don't really see that her and her family being overjoyed at her release  is  in anyway connected to the tragedy of meredith.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

What annoys me more is how they can all act so bloody happy when the fact is a girl is still dead and no one has gone down for it



Meredith's mum looked devastated

I think Qmost people would be happy  and delighted to be vindicated after  being banged up for 4 years for some thing you hadn't done, and been labelled as a seedy lowlife , murdering liar by the world's press.


I don't really see that her and her family being overjoyed at her release  is  in anyway connected to the tragedy of meredith.

She hasn't been entirely vindicated: she remains a convicted liar (that charge was upheld, and she has to pay Lumumba's legal fees), and she's still waiting trial on a second Slander charge...

Eugene's Lair

I find it incredibly weird that there were two people appealing their convictions yet all everybody [news, media, on here etc] are talking about is the Knox girl.. why is that?


I only realsied recently that her ex BF was also in the appeal case too when some reporter finally mentioned him, as an afterthought it seemed..


Just watching the ITN guy reporting from Italy stating that in the appeal they retried the case again but without the DNA evidence which was found to be possibly tainted and unreliable because non specialist police went in first and walked all over the crime scene thereby potentially transferring evidence. . or not, but that can't be proved one way or the other now as there will remain the possibility it was tainted even if it wasn't. .  the fact it was not allowed in as evidence on appeal and, was the only evidence in the first trial that put Knox and the bloke there at the time of the murder, meant they had nothing else against them apart from maybe the word of the already convicted guy... the Jury had to return a not guilty verdict on appeal.. 


I didn't follow this closely but I was interested in the reporters explanation about what  went on and why it had happened that they overturned the original verdict and it makes sense to me. . my feeling is perhaps there is something to it but due to incompetence the truth will never get out which is sad for the Parents of the poor girl that was killed







Mount Olympus *Olly*

Personally I've always felt that the DNA evidence was tainted.  However, there does seem to have been a lot of evidence not just DNA, that suggested that Rudy Guede was the main instigator in this murder.  However, I strongly feel that both Knox and Sollecito were involved or at the very least know information that they are refusing to divulge.


I really feel it's more a fact that the case against Knox and Sollecito was unproven due to the tainted evidence rather than not guilty  and with such tainted evidence, there's no chance of a new trial ever producing a conviction.   I also find it strange that given that the Prosecutors are going to appeal the decision, why have they let her go back to the USA??  We all know that America ruthlessly pursues the extradition of European or other citizens around the world to the US to stand trial but steadfastly refuse to allow their own citizens to be extradited for crimes such as murder!!  Even if a new trial were to take place, or an appeal overturns this decision, the chances of Knox being extradited to Italy are zero.


An interesting fact that an 'expert' on the use of DNA during criminal cases said on Sunday on Sky news I think, that a lot of Courts and people in general put far too much faith in DNA and think because programmes like CSI, Law and Order and programmes of this type always get their murderer because some fandangle machine or procedure has found evidence to support their theory, we all think this happens in real life!!!!   I have a feeling this could be true.  DNA is a great tool and there have been advances in technology to catch criminals but I think this guy was right, we do tend allow programmes such as these to lull us into a false belief that all crimes can be solved if we use these techniques and it just doesn't happen 


On a final note.  I feel very sorry for the Kercher family who have shown a great deal of dignity throughout this whole trial and appeal.  Unfortunately they are no further forward in believing that at least they have justice for their daughter/sister  and this is a double blow.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I find it incredibly weird that there were two people appealing their convictions yet all everybody [news, media, on here etc] are talking about is the Knox girl.. why is that?


I only realsied recently that her ex BF was also in the appeal case too when some reporter finally mentioned him, as an afterthought it seemed..


Just watching the ITN guy reporting from Italy stating that in the appeal they retried the case again but without the DNA evidence which was found to be possibly tainted and unreliable because non specialist police went in first and walked all over the crime scene thereby potentially transferring evidence. . or not, but that can't be proved one way or the other now as there will remain the possibility it was tainted even if it wasn't. .  the fact it was not allowed in as evidence on appeal and, was the only evidence in the first trial that put Knox and the bloke there at the time of the murder, meant they had nothing else against them apart from maybe the word of the already convicted guy... the Jury had to return a not guilty verdict on appeal.. 


I didn't follow this closely but I was interested in the reporters explanation about what  went on and why it had happened that they overturned the original verdict and it makes sense to me. . my feeling is perhaps there is something to it but due to incompetence the truth will never get out which is sad for the Parents of the poor girl that was killed







Yup Olly thats about it. We will never know.

I feel too for the poor overlooked Meredith and her family.


I think the focus has always been on Knox because she's a pretty girl and the media has had an almost perverse fascination with all this from day one. They already made a TV movie starring Hayden Pannetiere in the role of Knox, didn't they?!


She had something to do with this case, but we'll never know the truth now, thanks to the idiotic evidence gathering that's taken place.

The fact that she lied and tried to pin this on someone who had nothing to do with it(and has just served the sentence for this slander) makes me suspicious of her.


I hope she uses her freedom wisely and doesn't become a media junkie. I bet she writes a book though. Can you imagine the bidding war that's going to erupt?!


I feel desperately sorry for Meredith's family, as they STILL don't know what happened, or who killed her.  I don't know IF that Knox girl killed her or not, but I always got the feeling she was something to do with it.  If she goes back to the states and makes a shed load of money from her 'story,' then I shall be more convinced than ever, that she is a wrong 'un.



What I don't get, is why she was guilty then, but isn't now.    Maybe I haven't been paying full attention.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Her actions after the murder,that pose of her snogging her boyfriend while the police were  there etc.Exhibitsionist etc. Poor Meredith RIP.

thats either the actions of a girl who didnt do it-or the actions of a girl who thinks shes gonna get away with it

considering she's a clever-ish girl, not a bit of a dolt, and if she DID do it, surely she wouldnt be so sort of cocky

oooh, then i think cos she changed her story about being there to not being there, is it cos she was forced/panicked into a quick answer?

in other words

i havent got a clue

some things make me she think she did it-and then i change my mind, then change it back again etc..

in other words-id be rubbish on jury duty


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