Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Why be cruel right at the end?
It is a bit below the belt... have they done that before?
What a lovely result...im very pleased.
Wait until she starts spewing her venom .
All to be expected...it rolls off my back.
night everybody brilliant result tonight - hope Linda reads Twitter
me too... I'm fighting the urge to troll..
Sam and Luisa are livid Linda has gone
Ah, maybe Sam is worried that being up Linda's butt will have scuppered her chance of winning, and that's why her face is tripping her.
Oooh good point.
Even if that's not the reason I like the idea of her feeling scuppered
Time to go, I can't watch BBOTS with Nolan on it
oh come on... stay with us. She won't be on it right away.
Yeah and its Rylan... he'll make it bearable!
Having too much difficulty with the forum
Casey has it sussed.
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Don't you be slaggin de Oirish
Though we are grateful to the UK for taking the Nolans off our hands
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Don't you be slaggin de Oirish
Though we are grateful to the UK for taking the Nolans off our hands
Pleeeeeeeeasse take them back!
Linda will go for it on this show tonight .
Eamon Holmes on Bots. He's been quite good on Twitter
Has he lost some weight?
No idea. But he'll be alright if he stands next to Linda...
Gawd..! Someone come and clip my scratchy claws, purleeeeeeze!
*goes to get Keira's nail clippers*
night everybody brilliant result tonight - hope Linda reads Twitter
G'Night Rosi
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Don't you be slaggin de Oirish
Though we are grateful to the UK for taking the Nolans off our hands
LOL yeah, we are trying to make up for our past mistakes.
that man in the specs behind Rylan looks like the love child of Jim and Gordon Ramsay..
BB obviously knew Linda was going and that's why Eammon Holmes was bugging her up on this morning
Victor Ebuwa â@VicEbuwaSlick <small class="time">27m</small>
Lindas out. Hope the audience have brought their HOLY WATER, CRUCIFIXES & STAKES #CBB #CBBeviction #cbbuk #bbuk
Why be cruel right at the end?
It is a bit below the belt... have they done that before?
Not sure Rog.
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Don't you be slaggin de Oirish
Though we are grateful to the UK for taking the Nolans off our hands
Pleeeeeeeeasse take them back!
Feck off!
Victor Ebuwa â@VicEbuwaSlick <small class="time">27m</small>
Lindas out. Hope the audience have brought their HOLY WATER, CRUCIFIXES & STAKES #CBB #CBBeviction #cbbuk #bbuk
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Don't you be slaggin de Oirish
Though we are grateful to the UK for taking the Nolans off our hands
Pleeeeeeeeasse take them back!
Feck off!
Miserable old toad
I snorted in a very unladylike way when he said that..
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Don't you be slaggin de Oirish
Though we are grateful to the UK for taking the Nolans off our hands
Pleeeeeeeeasse take them back!
Feck off!
Why be cruel right at the end?
It is a bit below the belt... have they done that before?
Not sure Rog.
What did I miss?
No idea who Charlie is, but he's q funny
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Don't you be slaggin de Oirish
Though we are grateful to the UK for taking the Nolans off our hands
Pleeeeeeeeasse take them back!
Feck off!
Harsh Rog, but totally understandable.
Let's compromise and dump her in the middle - the Irish Sea..?
Linda was very kind to you, Liz. Jolly good. Try considering how unkind she was to Jim.
Eamon Holmes is a five star prick.
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Don't you be slaggin de Oirish
Though we are grateful to the UK for taking the Nolans off our hands
Pleeeeeeeeasse take them back!
Feck off!
Harsh Rog, but totally understandable.
Let's compromise and dump her in the middle - the Irish Sea..?
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Don't you be slaggin de Oirish
Though we are grateful to the UK for taking the Nolans off our hands
Pleeeeeeeeasse take them back!
Feck off!
Harsh Rog, but totally understandable.
Let's compromise and dump her in the middle - the Irish Sea..?
awww.. think of the poor little fishes....
Can't we just scone her one on the back of the head with something heavy and put her under the patio?
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Don't you be slaggin de Oirish
Though we are grateful to the UK for taking the Nolans off our hands
Pleeeeeeeeasse take them back!
Feck off!
Harsh Rog, but totally understandable.
Let's compromise and dump her in the middle - the Irish Sea..?
No idea who Charlie is, but he's q funny
I've only just twigged he's the DJ on 1xtra i think Charlie Sloth?
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Don't you be slaggin de Oirish
Though we are grateful to the UK for taking the Nolans off our hands
Pleeeeeeeeasse take them back!
Feck off!
Harsh Rog, but totally understandable.
Let's compromise and dump her in the middle - the Irish Sea..?
awww.. think of the poor little fishes....
Can't we just scone her one on the back of the head with something heavy and put her under the patio?
Brookside stylee.
Can't we just scone her one on the back of the head with something heavy and put her under the patio?
Do you mean clatter her one? I'm all for that.
Bagsy not my patio; she'd give my clematis wilt.
Did you notice that she brought up being on benefits in her 'Campaign Speech' earlier?
Typical immigrant, here for our benefits.
Don't you be slaggin de Oirish
Though we are grateful to the UK for taking the Nolans off our hands
Pleeeeeeeeasse take them back!
Feck off!
Harsh Rog, but totally understandable.
Let's compromise and dump her in the middle - the Irish Sea..?
awww.. think of the poor little fishes....
Can't we just scone her one on the back of the head with something heavy and put her under the patio?
True Kaffy, the Irish sea is polluted enough
Eamon Holmes is a five star prick.
He knows and likes Mr Cosi.
So you're probably correct
Can't we just scone her one on the back of the head with something heavy and put her under the patio?
Do you mean clatter her one? I'm all for that.
Bagsy not my patio; she'd give my clematis wilt.
That's the idea! Not my patio either though. Rog? You started it...
Eamon Holmes is a five star prick.
He knows and likes Mr Cosi.
So you're probably correct
No idea who Charlie is, but he's q funny
I've only just twigged he's the DJ on 1xtra i think Charlie Sloth?
Thanks Jen...and I've changed my mind now he's all innit, innit
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