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Love quadrangle:
  • Two consenting adults, neither of whom have any commitments, kiss. What's the big deal? This isn't kindergarten.
  •  Tom is creepy. He reminds me of Craig from BB6 during his obsession with Anthony.
  •  Faye showed no return of affection towards Aaron during the first two weeks, other than friendship. She has no right to feel betrayed.
  •  The house is full of hypocrites. At one point or another, the majority of them have flirted with more than one person (including Tom and Faye)























That is where I stand.




P.S. The 'We buy any car' advert is really annoying.




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Originally Posted by Mathematics:
Love quadrangle:
  • Two consenting adults, neither of whom have any commitments, kiss. What's the big deal? This isn't kindergarten.
  •  Tom is creepy. He reminds me of Craig from BB6 during his obsession with Anthony.
  •  Faye showed no return of affection towards Aaron during the first two weeks, other than friendship. She has no right to feel betrayed.
  •  The house is full of hypocrites. At one point or another, the majority of them have flirted with more than one person (including Tom and Faye)






I think that sums it up nicely Mathematics...... spot on....

Originally Posted by Mathematics:




P.S. The 'We buy any car' advert is really annoying.




As are the 'Go Compare' adverts 


The BB bit, I am actually, and I hate to say this, becoming really sick of watching them, even Marcus and his voice over is getting on my nerves, everything is just too scripted. 


Very good post Maths.  Said all I was thinking.  Faye is very childish, Tom is a cretin, Anton is a snake, (Beckah was right about that,) Maisy is dotty but harmless, and I still like Aaron and feel sorry for him. 


What annoys me is that Aaron is now up for eviction, because people nominated him solely based on that one event.  Yet the others involved (Faye and Tom and Maisy,) came away scot free, and not up for eviction.  I don't think Aaron will go though.

Originally Posted by Mathematics:
Love quadrangle:
  • Two consenting adults, neither of whom have any commitments, kiss. What's the big deal? This isn't kindergarten.
  •  Tom is creepy. He reminds me of Craig from BB6 during his obsession with Anthony.
  •  Faye showed no return of affection towards Aaron during the first two weeks, other than friendship. She has no right to feel betrayed.
  •  The house is full of hypocrites. At one point or another, the majority of them have flirted with more than one person (including Tom and Faye)






Agree with you on all of the above points.

Originally Posted by sparkles:

Very good post Maths.  Said all I was thinking.  Faye is very childish, Tom is a cretin, Anton is a snake, (Beckah was right about that,) Maisy is dotty but harmless, and I still like Aaron and feel sorry for him. 


What annoys me is that Aaron is now up for eviction, because people nominated him solely based on that one event.  Yet the others involved (Faye and Tom and Maisy,) came away scot free, and not up for eviction.  I don't think Aaron will go though.

^^^ I agree with everything.  Hopefully on friday night the crowd will give Aaron a nice big cheer and we'll see the others panic then thinking how popular he must be to still get cheered after doing the dreaded ultimate unforgivable sin of having a snog with someone!!


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