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Former Member

OMG, what a sorry show of morbidly bad karaoke singers it was last night!  The soldier at the end was just a glorified karaoke singer and I could not fathom why the audience cheered.  He was NOT great.  I have heard better singers - much better - at my local Rose and Crown, and FFS, will Kelly QUIT being 'moved to tears' at every effing performance where somebody actually makes it to the end of the damn song?!  The blonde at the end, like many of them on there, just shouted all the way through the song!  But of course they gushed over her, because she managed to 'sing' without crying or saying with a quivering lip,'can I start again please?'


And I am sick and tired of people coming on all 'nervous;' so much so that they can barely get their bloody words out.  If they are calling themselves a singer, and they can't walk onto a stage without stammering and shaking and crying, they should NOT be in that business.  Do you think Madonna or Britney Spears or Elvis or Mariah Carey or John Lennon or ANY established/very famous singer like them, ever did THAT in the early stages of their career?  Of course they didn't!  They would have been booed off stage.  There is a LOT more to being a singer and a performer, than singing along to bloody Lady gaga in your bedroom!  And alomst EVERYONE who comes on X Factor is not up to standard.. well the ones they show us anyway!!!  If the idea is to show the rubbish ones more, for 'entertainment' value, then that is pathetic and it needs to stop, because it's becoming ludicrous now.


X Factor consists largely of a mish mash of people who are nervous as hell and SHIT, or really overly confident and cocky and SHIT.  It's riddled with sob stories, which piss me off, and loads of them say 'this is all I ever wanted to do, this is my whole life...' (YAWNERS!)which is a pity because they are almost all crap.   And yes I still watch it LOL.  But it's because it's a show I have got used to watching over the years and I WANT it to improve!   But I am getting very tempted to stop, because it's really getting on my rack now.  I actually felt ANNOYED watching it this past 2 nights: especially last night...  Contrived, predictable bullshit.




Sorry I need that rant!

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It's been going this way for several years now.  It started off OK back when it started, but now most of the acts are either awful or they have sob stories.  The quality of the acts in the top 12 on American Idol is FAR superior to out lot, every time.  No idea why, coz doesnt it have the same producers/makers?

Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

Well Gary Barlow and that fantastic woman's voice  who thought her image was wrong made it for me. Ive just seen it on catch up. 

Which one are you on about Ev?  the dark haired girl who said she never entered because she thought she wasnt pretty enough, but sang brilliantly?   Sam something?


Could be a bit before my time Yogi.  I was born in the mid 70s....  To be honest, I remember very little before the 80s...I have heard of New Faces, but I never saw it I don't think... I just googled New Faces and it sure did produce some stars!  Lenny Henry was on it!  Wow.  I never knew he came from a talent show. :0)  And Victoria Wood too!


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