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Day 1
There are shots of the empty house waiting for 14 new housemates with Pamela Anderson in a secret room watching their arrivals. The housemates enter the house, Mark first followed by Maisy, Aaron, Heaven, Tom, Tashie, Aden, Alex, Harry, Rebeckah, Anton, Faye, Jay and finally Louise. As housemates enter Pamela gives her opinion on each one and comments on how she will be the "mum" in the house.
Housemates have been getting to know each other for 11minutes. Faye and Tom talk about wrestling, Faye's current career. Housemates are unaware that they are about to meet Pamela Anderson.
When the shutters open to reveal the garden where Pamela is stood the housemates all scream with shock and excitement. Pamela greets the housemates telling Louise she is beautiful and Harry to stop hunting. Alex looks in complete shock and Mark tells Pamela that she is like really fit in real life as well. Mark then tells his fellow housemates that he used to masturbate over Pamela. When talking to Jay, Pamela finds it difficult to understand his accent.

Part 2
Housemates are gathered on the sofa as Big Brother announces that there will be a VIP party in the garden hosted by Pamela for 5 housemates that she chooses. Pamela reads Big Brother's instructions that the chosen housemates must compete to be the most entertaining housemate as selected by Pamela. The most entertaining housemate will win a very special prize, Pamela specifies "not that" to which the housemates laugh. The housemates not chosen to be at the VIP party have to stay in the house and will be provided with warm lager.
Pamela chooses Heaven, Tashie (so she can teach Pamela how to belly dance), Tom, Louise and Faye to join her in the VIP party.
Aaron looks annoyed that he wasn't chosen to be at the party as a bouncer provided by Big Brother stamps the VIP's and they enter the VIP area.
In the VIP area Faye shows Tashie her muscles as Pamela opens the champagne and Heaven leads a toast.
Pamela tells the VIP's she wants to learn to belly dance as they drink and party in the garden.
Rebeckah, Aaron and Alex are in the Kitchen discussing Pamela's appearance in the house, Rebeckah and Aaron are annoyed they weren't chosen to be VIP's. Alex says she thinks  Pamela looks good for her age and Rebeckah thinks she chose people who will fight for attention to be VIP's. Aaron agrees with Rebeckah adding that she chose the women who weren't threats. Rebeckah tells Aaron that she won't be competitive in the house.

Heaven tries to impress Pamela with her dance moves in the VIP party.
The non-VIP's get to know each other better in the living room. Jay takes his trousers down to show the other housemates his tattoos.
Harry jokes that he is everything Jay's not and some of the housemates discuss education.
The VIP party comes to an end and Big Brother gets the housemates to gather on the sofa. Pamela enters the house via the shower in the garden.
Pamela is asked to choose which housemate was the most entertaining. She chooses Heaven because of the samba Heaven showed her, they hug and then enter the diary room. On the chair in the diary room is a gold swimsuit and cape, Heaven is instructed to wear the swimsuit at all times because it has magic powers. After changing into the swimsuit Heaven tells Big Brother that she loves being naked and Pamela says she has a beautiful body. Heaven is reminded to wear the swimsuit at all times or it will lose its power.
When Heaven and Pamela enter the living room, the other housemates cheer.
Pamela is in the diary room. She says she is looking forward to days ahead and thinks the housemates are all good commenting that there seem to be no "serial killers" and she is going to enjoy herself.
Faye, Maisy and Tashie are having a girly chat about the boys in the house. Faye says that Jay reminds her of her mum's boyfriend.
Rebeckah and Aaron are in the toilet discussing a stain on the carpet. Rebeckah talks about a guy who wanted her to wee on him, Aaron comments that it's best not to do it again and how they have established boundaries. Rebeckah says she is a people pleaser and leaves so that Aaron can go to the toilet. After she leaves Aaron says "good grief" to himself.
Part 3
Jay and Tashie are rating the other housemates on looks and personality. Jay says he likes Maisy and comments on how he is a fan of big tits to which Tashie replies "she's not his type then". Jay backtracks a bit saying he likes them big or small but isn't really into anything in the middle. Jay is surprised to find out Tashie's boyfriend let her in the house and Tashie reveals that her boyfriend is understanding and would accept it if she was to fall in love in the house.
Arden and Anton discuss girls they are going for in the house while waiting for the diary room to open. Anton says that they can learn from each other when it comes to girls.
Louise talks to Jay and Tashie on the sofas about how she thought there would have been older people in the house, she comments that she likes older people because she likes hearing facts. Tashie and Jay say they know facts for her. Jay's fact is that dolphins are the only other animals that have sex for fun.

Faye and Maisy talk about making relationships in the house, Anton comes over but the two girls leave for the toilet.
Big Brother announces that the bedroom door is now open and the housemates run in screaming. Mark comments in the diary room that their reaction was an over reaction and wonders if they have ever seen a bedroom before.
Faye and Maisy enter the bedroom last having been in the toilet and Maisy is left without a bed. Tashie comments in the diary room that she is going to share with Faye saying she doesn't want to share with Jay or Aaron, "not on the first night". Heaven offers to share with Maisy if Jay will swap his double bed with them. Heaven says to the housemates that she can't share a bed with a man for the first night.

Arden and Jay bond in the garden talking about the difference between northern and southern street words. Arden admits to being a bit of an "ex player" saying he had a lot of fun but at the same time regrets it. He says he has chosen to trust Jay and Anton with this information.
In the bedroom Rebeckah, Alex, Harry and Aaron discuss their work. When Harry asks Rebeckah if she's a stripper she replies no, she is a hired girlfriend. When asked if she enjoys her work she says no but the pay is too good.
Mark, Tom and Jay are in the pool discussing masturbation. Alex is sat on the side. When one of the boys asks the other two if they masturbated before they came in Mark says it has been 13 days.
Maisy does a cartwheel in the bedroom. Rebeckah comments to Harry and Aaron that she can't do circus tricks and that it's just attention seeking. She talks about how there's different levels of maturity and Harry jokes that he's ?gonna do cartwheels to get air time. Rebeckah says that she thinks it's best to just leave them, give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves.
Part 4
Arden dries Tashie's feet with a hair dryer in the bedroom. He admits about guys that a lot of us are pricks to girls but we gotta show we care. He says he's the kinda guy who's in for the long haull and thinks that girls need to have respect for themselves so guys can respect them too. Arden stops Faye and Tashie from leaving the bedroom to say that they are attractive. Faye calls him a "darling".
Mark and Rebeckah are sat in the bath talking about Rebeckah's work. She says she sees herself as a Robin Hood character stealing from rich men and giving to poor children. Mark asks her what she thinks the sheriff or Nottingham would have said if he walked into Spearmint Rhino. He says "there's not a lot you don't do" and calls her a job Swiss army knife to which Rebeckah agrees.

Heaven and Jay are in the garden talking about health. Heaven wants to know if Jay will train her because she wants to get her arse back.
Alex is in the diary room talking about her first day, she comments on how meeting Pamela Anderson had made her "star struck" and speechless. She says she's getting used to everyone in the house and keeps getting mixed up between Anton and Aden. She says Harry is hilarious, Aaron is intriguing, Tom is funny, Heaven has a huge personality and she is yet to know the rest of the housemates.
Heaven, Mark, Tom and Anton are sat in the living room. Heaven tells the boys to "be yourself" and Tom comments that everyone is on their good behaviour and no one is being a "dickhead" . Heaven replies"Yet"


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