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Mark Henderson


28-year-old Mark is single and currently works as a sales assistant. The self-confessed motor-mouth describes himself as “a modern day Jester”. Mark has a soft spot for animals and has a pet tortoise.

He once even resuscitated a dead frog from his neighbour’s garden. He says he has a phobia of egg-whites, stating: “I don’t like the way it moves." Mark once worked in Italy as part of a touring show where he dressed as a tiger.

He is accident-prone and loves to play pranks. He once snorted chilli sauce instead of tomato ketchup and ended up in casualty. He also wore a clown costume to give a speech at his best mate’s wedding.

When it comes to relationships, Mark’s last girlfriend was two years ago and he says he is looking for love in the house. Mark likes to keep himself amused and would like to take an electric scooter into the house


Mark Henderson




Maisy James


19-year-old single Maisy is an aspiring presenter and actress who currently works as an Abercrombie and Fitch store model. Maisy describes herself as “naturally clever, self-assured and confident” but is ambitious to do even better. She says that “being a success is the only thing that will make me happy in life”.

Attention seeker Maisy claims that she doesn’t get on well with other girls as they are often jealous of her and she gets offended when people say she is ditzy: “Just because I’m blonde and like to dress nice, doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”

Her party trick is the limbo and she does this so well that her head touches the floor. Maisy wouldn’t say no to a Big Brother romance, saying that she still hasn’t met her Mr Right and is usually the ‘dumper’ in relationships as she gets bored very easily.

Maisy says she won’t be bringing any cooking skills to the house as her speciality is beans on toast and she is extremely untidy.


Maisy James




Aaron Allavd Morgan


30-year-old lothario Aaron is on a crusade to rid the world of swearing and likes to manipulate people into doing what he wants. Aaron cut his ten-day holiday in Ibiza short when he found out he’d made the Big Brother lineup.

Father-of-one Aaron loves his hair and claims to cry every time he has it cut. Aaron’s perfect job would be a professional football manager or prime minister, although he gets incredibly frustrated by politics.

He also lists singing as one of his hobbies, saying: “I don’t profess to be great but if I was on The X Factor, I’d probably come third."

Aaron says he should be careful in the house as he falls out with people all the time. He says he is a passive, not aggressive, character and believes he will get the world watching his every move.


Aaron Allavd Morgan




Heaven Africa


30-year-old Heaven has been modelling since the age of 9 and is now a holistic healer. She describes herself as “a different species, certainly not human” and wants to heal the world with a hug. Heaven had dreams of becoming a forensic psychologist and prime minister but didn’t finish her GCSEs.

She has lived alone for the past seven years but is hopeful to meet a steady strong man and have seven children. She writes and performs poetry and is currently writing a novel, dreaming that one day it will be published.

Heaven says that if she had one day left on Earth, she would “do a skydive, a bungee jump, get on a plane and travel somewhere really exotic”. Heaven’s pet hates are people leaving hair in the sink and shower and says she likes things to be clean.

She has been a vegan for five years and is unsure of how she would cope in the house with so many other mouths to feed. She says she would only cook meat for the other housemates to keep them happy.

On her feelings about the house, Heaven says: “I’m a winner no matter what, but I’m determined to take the crown at all costs!”


Heaven Africa




Thomas O'Connell


Mika lookalike Thomas describes himself as funny, talkative and infectiously energetic. He studied psychology before dropping out of university after finding it dull and went on to become a retail sales assistant.

20-year-old Thomas admits to being a party animal and loves dancing and being the centre of attention. Self-confident, he says he once challenged Ms Dynamite to a dance-off but she declined because “clearly she knew she’d lose”. He says that sometimes he mimes along to sad songs in the mirror and is so good that he can move himself to tears.

Thomas hasn’t been in love before and one of the things he dislikes in life is not having a relationship. Thomas isn’t looking for love but if it happened, he would pursue it. Thomas’s luxury items are hairspray and wax but he says he won’t be preening himself especially for the cameras – he wants to treat the house as his home and says he won’t feel the need to dress up while he is in there.

Thomas won’t like people who sleep the day away and he can be quite nosy, asking too many questions. He thinks this may put off his fellow housemates.


Thomas O'Connell




Tashie Jackson


Tashie, 21, from Oxford says her personality swings between ditzy and brainy. Multi-lingual Tashie speaks five languages and is a keen belly dancer who has performed in music videos. A competitive gymnast, she appeared as an extra in a Harry Potter movie.

Tashie has self-diagnosed OCD and is obsessed with putting any item of food that she buys in sandwich bags, for fear of contamination. Teetotal Tashie loves being the sober one on a night out. She appreciates the respect she gets for not drinking and is happy that it allows her to keep on top of her game.

She believes girls feel insecure around her as they see her as competition and ultimately a threat. Her ideal man is hunky and muscly and she likes a man to do the chasing. 

Tashie feels she might be evicted for being too over the top, too opinionated and too hot. She hopes to show people she is talented and can be an inspiration to other girls.


Tashie Jackson




Aden Theobald


Student Aden is studying to be a psychiatrist and labels himself as a “cool nerd” with an IQ of over 160. The 18-year-old intellectual is entering the house to prove to his family that he has matured and is able to make the right decisions for himself. The self-confessed ladies' man describes himself as a player who is very attractive to the opposite sex, but also “the kindest person you would ever meet”.

Aden says that he would love to find his soul mate in the house. However, he often finds his image is at odds with his clever, thoughtful character which he hopes will win over the ladies.

Interesting facts about Aden include his foot fetish for stilettos and pedicured feet with red or black nail varnish. He also claims to be able to fit his whole fist in his mouth as a result of his rubber-like cheeks.

Aden believes Big Brother is the ultimate TV experience and feels he will make a great addition to the house because of his skills in the kitchen. However, he won’t have any time for bad-mannered people - they will wind him up.


Aden Theobald




Alex Rose


18-year-old Alex works at McDonald's and describes herself as a one-of-a-kind pink-obsessed Geordie who wants to be taken seriously. Alex previously worked as a flight-attendant. She is teetotal and always picks guys that treat her like a princess; she loves to be spoiled.

She thinks that one day she will marry Dappy from N-Dubz and she would love to find romance in the house. She says that building a school classroom in Uganda is one of the proudest moments of her life and that she is really competitive; to her, winning is everything.

Alex owns a convertible with ‘Barbie’ emblazoned across the side and loves her gay Chihuahua, Tinkerbelle. Alex describes herself as a cake: “Soft, pretty and pink on the outside but when you bite into me I will turn sour."

Alex claims to hold grudges and never apologises, saying: “I don’t make mistakes, I’m a perfect person.” She would love a spray tan as a reward in the house but would not like to be made to eat anything strange as part of a task.


Alex Rose




Harry Blake


Young, rich entrepreneur Harry considers himself upper-class and says he is “150% Conservative”. The 22-year-old runs three businesses and aims to be a millionaire at 25 and retire aged 35. Harry says: “All you’ve got to do is put in the work, like trying to get a six pack in the gym.”

Harry lists Chinese kick boxing and looking after his race horses as his hobbies. He is in a relationship but says when it comes to females; his type of girl is tall, slim, brunette and must like the countryside. An interesting fact about Harry is that he claims to have bigger hands than anyone else he has ever met and doesn’t have a sense of smell.

Harry enjoys the outdoors and says he would love to find a fellow lover of country pursuits in the house. He recently broke his ankle whilst skinny dipping in a friend’s moat.

Harry hopes to bring “a touch of class” to the house. Winning is everything to Harry. He says he won’t be happy unless he makes it to the final.


Harry Blake




Rebeckah Vaughan


28-year-old Rebeckah works as a club hostess. She enjoys the finer things in life and is most proud of buying herself a detached house with six bedrooms. She has a walk-in wardrobe which she fills with hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of clothes, bags and shoes.

In her spare time, Rebeckah runs a dance school for underprivileged children and also works with the Samaritans. Ideally, she would like a job where she gives something back.

The three things that make her happy are “financial security, being pretty and knowing stuff”. The three things that make her most angry are “arrogance, arrogance and arrogance”. Rebeckah describes herself as claustrophobic and an insomniac who only sleeps four hours per night.

She doesn’t think true love exists; Rebeckah does want to get married and have kids but thinks it won’t happen because she has no faith in men.

Rebeckah wants to be in Big Brother because it offers her the chance to change her life. Rebeckah is hopeful that her Big Brother experience will teach her to trust other people and says she will take cigarettes into the house to trade, even though she doesn’t smoke.


Rebeckah Vaughan




Anton Murphy


Anton is single and considers himself confident, charismatic, educated and mature for his years. He runs a record label and produces his own music from his studio in London. The 23-year-old grew up in Peckham and is very proud of his achievements in his life so far.

He went to a private school and studied at a top university. Anton is lucky in love and doesn’t chat up women, saying that he just has to approach girls and they fall for his humour and good looks. In a girl, he looks for dark hair, dark eyes, a tan and a mysterious personality.

If Anton had one day left on earth, he says he would love to take Cheryl Cole on a date and show her the night of her life. In the house, Anton says he is most likely to annoy other housemates by snoring. Winning is essential to him and he believes he will be the people’s champion.


Anton Murphy




Faye Palmer


19-year-old Faye is a competitive wrestler who’s professional name is Darcy Steele. Since leaving university, the gorgeous young wrestler has dedicated her life to her career and is unashamedly self-congratulatory and used to being admired.

Faye describes herself as the kind of person that girls would despise and boys would drool over. She knows how to manipulate men and is prepared to be hated by the other girls in the house. She goes to the gym twice a day and lives on a strict diet regime, claiming to spend all her earnings on food and protein.

Faye says that falling in love is “more hassle than it's worth” and wants to prove in the house that pretty girls can have a personality as well as looks. Her party tricks range from turning her tongue upside down to impersonating accents from around the world.

Faye has a phobia of spiders, clowns, small spaces and balloons and is scared of the dark. She thinks she will be nominated for being a picky eater or for being too much of a joker.


Faye Palmer




Jay Mckray


27-year-old Jay loves the gym, the ladies and is a fan of the perma-tan. He would cite his occupation as plumber, fitness instructor, DJ and barber. He stays in shape by working out six days a week which keeps him in good condition for hitting the clubs.

Last year he was rated the best-looking lad in Newcastle in a local competition. Jay names his mum as his “best pal”. Jay’s dream job would be either a singer, rapper or presenter like his idol Keith Lemon.

Currently, Jay MCs and freestyles at clubs in Newcastle every week. He doesn’t tolerate bullies and says that a clean house will make him happy. He is excited about the tasks in the house and says he is up for anything.


Jay McKray




Louise Cliffe


Megan Fox lookalike Louise wanted to join the army before she started her modelling career. She insists that she’s not a girly girl and says she enjoys drinking beer and eating chips and gravy whilst being able to keep her incredible figure.

The former Miss Manchester is proud to have won the title in an £8 dress and is looking for genuine friendships in the house. A qualified legal secretary, 25-year-old Louise thinks she could have done a lot better at school but says she was distracted by the boys in her class.

A geek at heart, Louise relaxes by watching shows like Bargain Hunt and Antiques Roadshow and has starred in films herself, including a sci-fi film with Luke Goss. Louise is hopeful to meet someone in the house as she has been single for over a year.

Her ideal man is David Gandy, the male model. Louise’s luxury items in the house would be chocolate, her personal shaver and her robe.

If awarded treats, she would love a dress-up party, music or a celebrity chef to come in and cook for the housemates. Louise feels she is most likely to be nominated by her fellow housemates for her untidiness, eating all the food or jealousy from the other girls.


Louise Cliffe




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by MrsH:


we are certainly going to struggle to make much opinion for a while with approx 45 mins viewing per day - 14 peeps and the Pammie one stealing the limelight 

And they choose who gets the most viewing, we'll be landed with no1 forever....

Originally Posted by Renton:

I KNOW i shud give them a chance but NONE are making themselves likable


is it wrong to hate them all LOL

I missed launch night so have not had a chance to get to hate know them yet.


Thank you for the intro/handy reference thread OP

Comrade Ogilvy

Cheers for that ^^^^^^^^^ - it's a bit hard to remember all the names at the best of times but with limited viewing time it'll be even harder. Not that it makes much difference to me - I'm on my hols on Monday so I'll be relying on all of you for a synopsis of the first week!

Soozy Woo

They all seem like ... models or TV savvy or overly photogenic (kinda)

NOT your run of the mill people

Will that be good?  Who knows??


But i bet ya we will see one hell of a nasty show (in a good way)- too many divas in there to get along for the entire show

Originally Posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally Posted by Renton:

I KNOW i shud give them a chance but NONE are making themselves likable


is it wrong to hate them all LOL

I missed launch night so have not had a chance to get to hate know them yet.


Thank you for the intro/handy reference thread OP

Hello Comrade


mark is my favourite.......he looks like a young joe pasquale!!...also like faye,rebeckah and kind of like tom


aaron...yuk...loves do anton,jay and aden....who looks like a poor mans replica of that dappy creature from n-dubz


louise could be a good h/m and heaven as well....alex and tashie i'm not too sure of yet.harry should just go and get chased by a pack of dogs and ripped to shreds...see if he finds it 'fun' then.


Maisy.......just go love.





other than Facebook and Twitter where is the best place for  news and clips ??


I assumed Channel 5 website but that instantly takes me to facebook and actually has a face book login option at the top of the page ????????


Bring back Channel 4 - they wernt really that bad in hind site 


have found telly mix for now 


Pamela starts to sex up Big Brother 


t didn’t take long for special Big Brother 2011 housemate Pamela Anderson to get to work sexingup the show last night, having an imprompty fully clothced shower in the garden for the other housemates. The soaking Baywatch babe then went on to join th eothe rhousemateson the soafas dripping wet!


We wonder if Mark told her she still looked fit when she was wet



Pamela gets her own Private Bedroom


While Big Brother 2011 babe Pamela Anderson is happy enough to share a house with her fellow Big Brother housemates, when it comes to sharing a bedroom it’s a step too far! The sexy Baywatch star insisted on having her own private bedroom within the house.


The blonde beauty will only be with the stars for a few days, leaving on Monday night, but she’s been told by Big Brother to do her best and shake up the house in this first week.

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