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Half and half....but I went for love them coz the half of them I do like are great.  MIL is brilliant, youngest bro in law is just like a little bro to me but FIL is a knob and middle bro in law is a mini-FIL.  Eldest bro in law is ok..... I don't dislike him but we're never going to be great friends.  His wife is lovely though.  Love getting together with them (minus the FIL and middle BIL) and having a few drinks, they're big on family get togethers and it's always a great night.


I think my OH would say similar about mine, there's a few he doesn't get on with but he likes most of them and them him.




Originally Posted by zazz:

@  Mr Ditty blocking his mum on FB


it must be bad though for that to have to be the case

Yeah...  she lives in the States  Shebuggered off over there with his little brother & sister..  the little brother & sister he pretty much brought up cos she couldn't be arsed to bring them up herself..   then she takes them away from him when they were 10 & 11 yrs old..     the little brother is back here now..   all grown up and back with the sane side of the family.    We just have his sister to try & get back now..    she lives 3 states away from the mother, & refuses to talk to her... 


Screwed up woman...  who screwed up her family.     I wasn;'t up for letting her near my kids. 


I didn't realise til I married him that he had no normal family baseline with which to parent my/our kids..    its only as he's seen how it is normally done that he realises how out of order it is that at 7 years old he was cooking full roast dinners & taking his baby brother to the doctors instead of going to school. 

Originally Posted by zazz:

That's really shitty, Ditty...Though at least he sees it for what it is now, I know of someone who had  a shitty start in life, similar to your other half, and still now at the age of 32 seeks some kind of approval from their mum, who really couldnt, and will never give a toss

Yeah..  I am really glad he does now see it for what it is..     its definitely been my kids that have made him see that

Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by PeterCat:

I've never met mine, so I don't know them.

does your other half get on with his folks, peter? (assuming they are still alive?)

He gets on with them as long as they're living in a different country


The main thing is that they don't know he's gay, and therefore don't know I exist. This makes things a bit complicated - for example, we live together but have to have separate phone lines. Also, when his mother comes over to visit, I have to disappear with the cat and not come back till she's gone.


I was first married when I was 19 and the OH was 20. My MIL was a complete pain in the behind, kept telling me to be diplomatic and let him get on without moaning (okaaay). It lasted 6 months. Then I got married to the father of my children, we were both 24. It went really well in Germany, but once we came back to Scotland, his mother's apron strings sprouted and none of us ever revovered. My third marriage was in 1992, no in laws involved.

cologne 1

Love mine to bits! My mother in law is an official mad cat laydee.. runs a rescue organisation for moggies in the states.( and she's a big AC DC fan! )  Her husband has a wealth of sheep jokes ( seeing as I'm Scottish ) and rings up at random hours of the morning to tell us them My sister in law and her husband are both drop-dead gorgeous and  lovely people , but there's a brother in law I've never met cause he doesn't approve ( BIG bible belt type!   

They live thousands of miles away .which might help but my mother in law is one of my best friends, she's brilliant! 


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