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We all know the arguments, and I accept it may be getting a bit boring now, but BB:BotS has just shown a snippet from the house which illustrates perfectly what we're missing without Live Feed.


Pamela's first task was to choose 5 HMs to join her in the VIP section (complete with bouncer!) for a private party. She chose Tom, Faye, Tashie, Heaven and Louise.


Now isn't this exactly the sort of thing that got some of us staying up till the small hours watching LF?

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Trouble is Channel 5 have sub-let their broadcast space at night.  Mainly to gambling companies.  I expect if they break that contract, turf them off to make room for BB Live, they'd be all sorts of legal trouble.


I think this is one of the problems Channel 5 have faced by rushing into Big Brother so quickly.  I'm hopeful that next year we will have some level of Live Streaming as Channel 5 will have had more time to get themselves sorted, and possibly for these sub-letted companys' contracts to gracefully expire.


So if Channel 5 goes 24/7 over the next year then that will be the green light for Live Streaming.

Originally Posted by ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ:

Trouble is Channel 5 have sub-let their broadcast space at night.  Mainly to gambling companies.  I expect if they break that contract, turf them off to make room for BB Live, they'd be all sorts of legal trouble.


This was the suggestion early on, but recent comments by Jeff Ford (C5 Controller) imply it wasn't the case.

At the recent Edinburgh TV Festival, Ford said that they could have done live feed if they'd wanted to, but they decided against it. They spent the money instead on Social Media...



Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ:
Originally Posted by stonks:

But they could have give us bits in the day and made the excuse that they sleep of a night....

Their target audience is at school during the day.

They are sleeping through the night aswell, they could give us spuradic slots through parts of the day but thats no excuse cos people can record and watch at their leasure...


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