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I am actually seriously warming to Kerry... 


i always thought she was a pathetic, annoying, shouty, aggresive, horrible little chav, (coz that is how she is portrayed on telly and in the chavvy tabloids and mags...)  And yet this past 2 weeks, I have seen a very down-to-earth, warm hearted, ordinary young woman, who seems to be a bit of a laugh and seems to think the world of her kids, and seems like she would make a good mate.


Anyone else think the same? 


And which is the real Kerry?  the shouty twattish one off the reality tv proggie she is on?  or the one in BB?  I am thinking (and hoping) that it's the one we are seeing in BB...



Replies sorted oldest to newest

I'm not watching it sparkles, but she is one of those people that I find really interesting. Not in herself but in my reaction to her.

Like you I have a perception of her. I don't like the reality stuff about the drugs and drink as I think about her young kids and how mortified they probably are with all of it but everytime I see her on a chat show or summat she comes across really well and I find myself liking her.


Sorry no..she's a media whore ,nowt wrong with that if you can get away with it.She's basically a user in the true sense of the word.If it was an ordinary person in a scheme doing the same stuff as her,she'd be shot down in flames.I don't like her,she's a pisshead,but pretends to be "clean" of all substances....yea right.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Sorry no..she's a media whore ,nowt wrong with that if you can get away with it.She's basically a user in the true sense of the word.If it was an ordinary person in a scheme doing the same stuff as her,she'd be shot down in flames.I don't like her,she's a pisshead,but pretends to be "clean" of all substances....yea right.

That was my impression of her and it has been for ages, but on BB she is not like this at all IMO, and if she's putting it on, then she is a good actress and is good at keeping up the pretence...


I've always liked Kerry despite the way those scum journos portrayed her.   She didn't get the best start in life and her bad choices may have been a result of that.  A line used by an old teacher of mine springs to mind, 'there go I but for the Grace of God'.

If she doesn't win I hope this is a new start for her.  Everyone deserves that.  

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Sorry no..she's a media whore ,nowt wrong with that if you can get away with it.She's basically a user in the true sense of the word.If it was an ordinary person in a scheme doing the same stuff as her,she'd be shot down in flames.I don't like her,she's a pisshead,but pretends to be "clean" of all substances....yea right.

I think it's the only way she knows to make a living TBH. And .................what a living - she makes shed loads baring her soul. I guess there are worse ways - she keeps a roof over her kids heads and food on the table - you can't really blame her - can you?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Tayto.:

She didn't get the best start in life and her bad choices may have been a result of that.  A line used by an old teacher of mine springs to mind, 'there go I but for the Grace of God'.

If she doesn't win I hope this is a new start for her.  Everyone deserves that.  

I've never taken to her .... but your words strike a chord Tayto

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Tayto.:

I've always liked Kerry despite the way those scum journos portrayed her.   She didn't get the best start in life and her bad choices may have been a result of that.  A line used by an old teacher of mine springs to mind, 'there go I but for the Grace of God'.

If she doesn't win I hope this is a new start for her.  Everyone deserves that.  

Originally Posted by Tayto.:

I've always liked Kerry despite the way those scum journos portrayed her.   She didn't get the best start in life and her bad choices may have been a result of that.  A line used by an old teacher of mine springs to mind, 'there go I but for the Grace of God'.

If she doesn't win I hope this is a new start for her.  Everyone deserves that.  

Originally Posted by Tayto.:

I've always liked Kerry despite the way those scum journos portrayed her.   She didn't get the best start in life and her bad choices may have been a result of that.  A line used by an old teacher of mine springs to mind, 'there go I but for the Grace of God'.

If she doesn't win I hope this is a new start for her.  Everyone deserves that.  

Exactly how I feel, well said!

Senora Reyes

Oh her mother is absolutely revolting


i never minded Kerry but after that documentary that she tried to ban i could have slapped her cause i felt so sorry for those poor kids and the dog


what amazes me s people like the beckahams and the jolies 'A' listers always seem to be with their kids but the likes of her and Jordan never are ?


saying that i understand why she would have gone in the house for the money but her 'thing' with Lucien is making me cringe




i like her


i remember her doing a programme where she had to get all her friends together, get donations of building materials and create a playground, garden and sports pitch at Alder Hey Childrens Hospital in Liverpool - she did a great job and it came across that she really cared about what she was doing


it was not long after she came out of the jungle and i have liked her since then, havent watched any of the reality "life with kezza" type programmes though so not sure whether that would have changed my opinion of her


I haven't read  much of anything about Kerry.... just seen her in various *reality* programmes.... and  based on that I have no time for her. I totally understand the money aspect, but it really annoys me when I see these *celebs*  getting all upset about missing their children.... yet doing their best to make sure they stay in whatever programme it is  as long as possible.  I'm 'ard me! And as for the Lucien thing,  I am with Shizzle, it makes me cringe!!

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

 I am liking her, she has grown up a lot. I hope she has kicked the drugs for good, she certainly looks well. Good luck to her.
As for her mum, well all i can say is  She has lived off the back of her daughter long enough, time she got off her bum and made her own living.

She has grown on me a lot this year ... I never thought much of her, but started to like her during Dancing on Ice.. and on BB she is coming across as a nice genuine person.  I also do not like her mother though, and also am finding the cuddly cozy thing she has with Lucien cringeworthy.


I can understand the people putting the more negative comments on here though as Kerry has been such a mouthy and annoying attention seeker for so long.....  My other half has the same attitude, and still thinks she is a mouthy chav, and a media whore.  I am liking her though.     Maybe she has actually grown up now.  Her reaction in the diary room to her daughter coming on the phone was sweet actually, and made me giggle.


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