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I think it was because she seemed to have been talking for so long, and then one of them interrupted her or something, but she just carried on.


Another example of C5's dodgy editing leading to misunderstandings!!


I did find their inappropriate giggling funny though.


It stated she was talking at them for 15 mins then she came out with that statement,I think it was nervous laughter by them,though Lucian went a bit OTT with it.I don't believe they were laughing at her almost dying etc.Though they both are prats.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

It stated she was talking at them for 15 mins then she came out with that statement,I think it was nervous laughter by them,though Lucian went a bit OTT with it.I don't believe they were laughing at her almost dying etc.Though they both are prats.

Oh, OK.  It was really strange though, and didn't make much sense, to me anyway.  Then again a lot of what happens on BB this series has left me utterly confused.

Originally Posted by ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

It stated she was talking at them for 15 mins then she came out with that statement,I think it was nervous laughter by them,though Lucian went a bit OTT with it.I don't believe they were laughing at her almost dying etc.Though they both are prats.

Oh, OK.  It was really strange though, and didn't make much sense, to me anyway.  Then again a lot of what happens on BB this series has left me utterly confused.

Me too! ........................haven't a bloody clue what's gone/going on in there - it's all a bit non sensical.

I know I say it over and over but - I think I'll give BB a miss - I really dont't think I'll be able to bear BB edited as it is. Without LF it's cack! I can just about tolerate it ib 'CELEBRITY ' BB but ...............................when it comes to REAL BB - it's gonna be a travesty.


What a wasted opportunity!

Soozy Woo

I'll give it a chance Sooz.  Maybe a week or 2.  You're right though, having Live Feed makes a big difference.  Even just a few hours in the evening like we had in the later years of Channel 4.


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