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Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

right zazz, can you look now? i have changed everything to friends? its all changed again, why do they constantly fiddle around with it

in the time it takes you from them changing to you noticing your info is *open* for anyone FB lets in to gather info ............  I dont understand what they want it for or what they do but info is sold on for marketing from some of the rubbish or not rubbish I have been reading 


taken from the link in one of posts above!!


 Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a documented history of unethical behavior (that is a fact). From the very beginning of Facebook’s existence, there are questions about Zuckerberg’s ethics.


According to, he used Facebook user data to guess email passwords and read personal email in order to discredit his rivals. These allegations, proven and dated, raise serious and troubling questions about the ethics of the CEO one of the world’s largest “social network”. They’re particularly compelling given that Facebook chose to fork over $65M to settle a related lawsuit alleging that Zuckerberg had actually stolen the idea for Facebook.


 All of your private data , including: photos , text comments on walls or photos , videos , and name are recorded on servers , and sold to the highest bidder. It has been proven that Facebook not only sells users personal information to telemarketing companies thorough the United States but also in Latin America and Europe!


There is no such thing as privacy in facebook, be very careful

Originally Posted by Renton:

How did you get it back?

basically after supply name and date of birth and NOT having photo id and asking why they couldnt validate by my security question - they then asked which profile Iwould like to keep if I answered a few identifying questions - I did this yesterday and this morning they had emailed and enabled 


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