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Shopping task details

Eviction nominees Kerry, Sally and Bobby have been called into the Diary Room. Big Brother has set them a three day shopping task where they will enter the wonderful Wizard of Oz!! First they are told they are to become Dorothy and must put on the costumes Big Brother has put aside for them…. I must admit, they all look rather sweet, in particular Bobby - beards and plaits are always a good look!

In the Diary Room, the Dorothys must choose who they think is the toughest of the House? Who will be nominated as the most wicked? And who is in need of a brain? Who do they think needs to prove they are courageous? The trio must also nominate who they think is the most loyal housemate….

Unbeknownst to them, as all these decisions are being made the housemates have gathered in the Living room to watch them on the screen. Will the housemates be happy with their fellow housemate’s perceptions of them or will it be a tough time getting to that Yellow Brick Road?

As Big Brother told the Dorothys, ‘You’re not in Kansas anymore!’

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The three housemates facing eviction, Bobby, Kerry and Sally, will all become Dorothy. They must choose the roles for the other housemates, by choosing the toughest (Tin Man), the most wicked (witch), least brainy (scarecrow) and most cowardly (lion). The remaining housemates will become munchkins and one will become Toto the dog. The other housemates will watch these decisions being made on the plasma screen in the living room.

The roles and tasks for the housemates are:

The Dorothys will find the Yellow Brick Road in the garden. At least one Dorothy must stand on the Yellow Brick Road at all times – including overnight – throughout the duration of the task.

A Dorothy must also oil the Tin Man whenever he rusts.

The Scarecrow must prove he has a brain. Big Brother will set a challenge later today.

The Tin Man must prove he has a heart. Big Brother will set his challenge later today…

The Tin Man must also freeze to a standstill every time he hears a ‘creak’. Dorothy must oil him before he can move again.

The Lion must prove he has courage. Big Brother will set a challenge tomorrow.

The Wicked Witch must avoid water at all cost, or she will melt. The Wicked Witch is forbidden from showering or bathing until the end of the task, and must only drink Wicked Witch’s brew (a foul green vegetable water), which will be provided by Big Brother.

Every time Toto and the Munchkins hear the Witch’s cackle Toto must run to his basket, cock his leg and howl while The Munchkins must run to the Garden and hide behind the giant flowers. Toto and The Munchkins must remain in hiding until the Witch’s cackle ends.

Tin Man
Today the Tin Man will have to prove to Big Brother that they have heart. Big Brother will call the Tin Man to the diary room, Big Brother will explain to the Tin Man that Big Brother is feeling a bit down today and needs cheering up. To pass their task the Tin Man must successfully cheer Big Brother up.
The Tin Man must also freeze to a standstill every time he hears a ‘creak’. Dorothy must oil him before he can move again. This task will continue over the 3 days.

Today The Scarecrow must prove he has a brain by answering six out of ten simple questions. The Scarecrow must stand in the pumpkin patch, and strap himself onto the Scarecrow’s post. A giant pigeon will then enter the garden, and torment the Scarecrow by throwing bird seed, eggs and feathers at them, while the Scarecrow attempts to Big Brothers Quiz.

The Witch, Toto and The Munchkins
Their tasks are all ongoing and will run over the 3 days.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I can't believe how much effort they're putting into the tasks to get about 10 minutes of highlights.


Reckon there's an 'uncut' DVD set in the offing?

Sad if true Kaffy... ...wouldn't put it past them tho...xx  


Amy, the scarecrow, just completed her quiz in the garden. Despite the pigeon’s best efforts to distract her, she managed to score 6/10, proving she has brains, and therefore passed her part of the Wizard of Oz shopping task.

The results were:

What is the term is used in cricket to describe a batsman being bowled out before scoring any runs?  DUCK -INCORRECT

What is the name of Johnny Depp’s character in Pirates of the Caribbean movies?  Jack SPARROW –INCORRECT (she answered Willy Wonka)

Which chocolate bar is famous for having jokes printed on the wrappers? PENGUIN bar -CORRECT

If you had six chickens and each laid a dozen eggs – how many eggs would you have? 72 - CORRECT

What is the nick name of Newcastle Utd FC?  THE MAGPIES -INCORRECT

According to the nursery rhyme ‘four and twenty… what’ were baked in a pie? BLACKBIRDS -CORRECT

Who is Batman’s crime fighting partner? ROBIN -CORRECT

Which American artiste sang the song ‘All I wanna do is have some fun?’  Sheryl CROW -INCORRECT

Which movie about a troubled ballerina did Natalie Portman star in this year? The Black SWAN – CORRECT

If you had twenty birds in hand, how many would you have in the bush? 40 – CORRECT

Originally Posted by erinp:

Amy, the scarecrow, just completed her quiz in the garden. Despite the pigeon’s best efforts to distract her, she managed to score 6/10, proving she has brains, and therefore passed her part of the Wizard of Oz shopping task.

The results were:

What is the term is used in cricket to describe a batsman being bowled out before scoring any runs?  DUCK -INCORRECT

What is the name of Johnny Depp’s character in Pirates of the Caribbean movies?  Jack SPARROW –INCORRECT (she answered Willy Wonka)

Which chocolate bar is famous for having jokes printed on the wrappers? PENGUIN bar -CORRECT

If you had six chickens and each laid a dozen eggs – how many eggs would you have? 72 - CORRECT

What is the nick name of Newcastle Utd FC?  THE MAGPIES -INCORRECT

According to the nursery rhyme ‘four and twenty… what’ were baked in a pie? BLACKBIRDS -CORRECT

Who is Batman’s crime fighting partner? ROBIN -CORRECT

Which American artiste sang the song ‘All I wanna do is have some fun?’  Sheryl CROW -INCORRECT

Which movie about a troubled ballerina did Natalie Portman star in this year? The Black SWAN – CORRECT

If you had twenty birds in hand, how many would you have in the bush? 40 – CORRECT

Bliddy Genius!. 


Last night Big Brother gave the Tin Man, Darryn, three dilemmas as part of his task to prove that he has a heart.

The three dilemmas were:

*  A dinner of crispy duck and pancakes for him OR a Chinese takeaway for all of the other housemates except him.
*  A glass of white wine for him OR a fizzy pop drink to replace Lucien’s disgusting witch’s brew.
*  Or some time with his beloved pet parrot, Mr P OR a phone call for Tara with her husband Zach.

Darryn, chose the Chinese takeaway for his housemates, the fizzy pop drink for Lucien the Witch and the telephone call for Tara meaning that he proved he could make selfless decisions.

Last edited by Former Member

Toto and the Munchkins (Paddy, Jedward and Tara) have unfortunately failed their part of the task

The Dorothys failed their task because Kerry stepped off the yellow brick road to have a cigarette at the start of the task

However having met four out of the six requirements, the housemates have passed the task.


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