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Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by strike:

you give up your claims to human rights if you enter the bb house ? get the feck out of here

of course you do.


althought  they maybe they are doin   it for ultrustic puropses.


i could be wrong..

You are wrong and after a night in the pub i would go to bed and re-think what i have said before making any more comments.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

well thats says a whole lot more about  how  much you consume on a night out than  it does me.

I have the odd can of an evening but lets not make this about me. Your original comments are still up there for all to see. I know i am the new guy here but i will stand my ground on my comments. And without spelling mistakes.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

no need to get abusive jonesy ,. its  only  a game show.

I know that- but do you? I am not abusive to anyone. I reply to what i see from the heart.

so stop chucking your weight about  and telling people what to think, then we can all rub along in harmony.

Shall we call this a night then mate? No hard feelings, and we will start again later maybe with clear heads?


I did'nt hear anything about spit but the sweat thing was totally wrong and sickened me to the stomach and the way he turned it on Darren that it was his fault that he'd done it to him angered me..and Darren thanked him..Darren seems so in need of love and acceptance he actually thanked someone for telling him they'd got him to drink sweat..

I can understand someone losing their temper and doing something bad on the spare of the moment but collecting that sweat and waiting to feed it to someone was just so malicious..Bobby is so wrong in the head he scares me....

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Gawd they all a horrible lot in there, just  various degrees of horribleness.BB should have stopped Bobby from doing that by calling him to the diary room,they are just as bad as Bobby.

Thats what I don't understand BB knew what he had done and knew what his intentions were. They should have called him to the diary room and put a stop to it.


wasn't it Maxwell putting a scab in Science's food Kaffy?


Bobby is gross. .his actions were terrible. .but what I do wonder is what we are missing cos a few of them don't like Darren but we are not being shown what it is he had been doing that is annoying them, just getting a few snippets of bitching about him, so he looks like he's the good guy . .but there must be something going on cos it's not just one person who doesn't like him in there.. nearest I can get to working otu what he's doing is in one of the bitching session they said something about him being 2 faced or something and playing to the camera's..  wasn't clear tho..


Not condoning at all what was done but I don't like not knowing why people are taking against him.. hate not having LF

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by stonks:

I did'nt hear anything about spit but the sweat thing was totally wrong and sickened me to the stomach and the way he turned it on Darren that it was his fault that he'd done it to him angered me..and Darren thanked him..Darren seems so in need of love and acceptance he actually thanked someone for telling him they'd got him to drink sweat..

I can understand someone losing their temper and doing something bad on the spare of the moment but collecting that sweat and waiting to feed it to someone was just so malicious..Bobby is so wrong in the head he scares me....

I agree Darren does seem to be in need of being accepted, he looked so sad when Bobby told him what he had done and then went on thank him but as olly has said, we aren't seeing the full picture of what is really going on in there 

Originally Posted by Trollop:

What he did was nasty but I was restored a bit of faith in him when he owned up and told him what he'd done to his face.  

Nah ....................I think he enjoyed telling him, cos it was a bit wasted if he hadn't realised. It was a double whammy IMO - not only do something as disgusting as that but - let him know about it.


it was devious - it wasn't an instantaneous thing - sometimes you do something on the spur of the moment and wish you hadn't - he put a lot of time and effort into it - and then had to let Darryn know. Nasty, nasty, nasty - not a very nice person at all.

Soozy Woo

Celebrity Big Brother bosses intervene after Bobby makes Darryn drink sweat

Celebrity Big Brother bosses have been forced to step in after Bobby Sabel gave fellow housemate Darryn Lyons his sweat to drink.

Darryn%20Lyons%20as%20the%20Tin%20Man%20in%20Celebrity%20big%20Brother%20Wizard%20Of%20Oz%20task Fooled: Darryn Lyons had been playing the Tin Man in the Wizard Of Oz task when Bobby played his prank (Picture: Channel 5)

The model was supposed to pour water over the paparrazo's head in a Wizard of Oz task - in which Darryn played the tin man who needed 'oiling'.


However Bobby visited the house sauna where he collected perspiration from his armpits in cotton balls and then squeezed the sweat into a watering can, which he gave the Australian to consume.

Bobby has been warned about his conduct on the Channel 5 show – which features reality star Kerry Katona, former The Only Way is Essex beauty Amy Childs and American Pie actress Tara Reid – following the incident, which he bragged about afterwards.

He said: 'I greased him good.'

Bobby%20Sabel Apologetic: A remorseful Bobby later said sorry to Darryn for tricking him - but the housemates were not impressed (Picture: Channel 5)

But the 25-year-old model confessed to Darryn about what he had done and apologised for his actions.

A Celebrity Big Brother spokesperson said: 'Bobby has spoken to Big Brother about what he did to Darryn. He is remorseful and has now apologised.'

The joke did not go down well with other contestants, with his close friend in the house Lucien Laviscount describing the prank as 'disgusting'.

Paddy Doherty was also not impressed, saying: 'I wouldn't like a man to come and wise crack like that with me. I won't wear it. I'd be fired up.'

Pamela Bach-Hasselhoff added: 'That's sick. That stuff is toxic. Any bodily function is unhealthy.'

Originally Posted by erinp:
 A Celebrity Big Brother spokesperson said: 'Bobby has spoken to Big Brother about what he did to Darryn. He is remorseful and has now apologised.'

I know I'm being picky, and it may just be a matter of sloppy wording by BB, but doesn't this seem to imply that BB spoke to Bobby before he apologised?

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by erinp:
 A Celebrity Big Brother spokesperson said: 'Bobby has spoken to Big Brother about what he did to Darryn. He is remorseful and has now apologised.'

I know I'm being picky, and it may just be a matter of sloppy wording by BB, but doesn't this seem to imply that BB spoke to Bobby before he apologised?

Well it's beginning to look like that ...............Ch5 are really making a pigs ear of piecing a story/timeline together aren't they? I haven't a clue what's going on TBH - without Live Feed we really need a good narrative - it's just not happening.


To me it's simply random clips slung together - no cohesion or story - perhaps I'm a bit dense. Is anyone else feeling this?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

To me it's simply random clips slung together - no cohesion or story - perhaps I'm a bit dense. Is anyone else feeling this?

Well, I don't think you're being "dense", and I would definitely agree that there have been examples of the editing being very confusing, if not downright misleading.

A good example was the "wedding". That came virtually out of nowhere, and the minimal explanation given suggested that the HMs had decided to do it themselves - highly unlikely given that the costumes were available on cue...


This isn't new, of course. I remember BBLB during BB3 showing chats between (I think) Alex and Sandy, and Alex and Jade, in the wrong order, thus giving the false impression that the chronologically-second chat had influenced the first. The difference though is that I was able to spot this swap immediately, because we had enough sources of information available in those days to do so. This is why Live Feed is so critical: even those who don't use it would still be able to get info on it from LUTers and suchlike...

Eugene's Lair

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