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Originally Posted by MrsB:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
why were they doing that?!


because they are attention seeking, hyper active clots 

It was this sort of thing that I was concerned about when it was first suggested that Jedward would go into the house. Their manager has apparently said that CBB would be great for their careers, but I wondered how they would cope in there for several weeks.


The BB house can be very boring at times, and Jedward do seem to get frustrated very quickly when they're not the centre of attention. I remember when they were on BBBM after last year's concert appearance: the moment the host started talking to a different guest, one of the twins tried to regain attention by throwing things around the studio. He nearly hit someone in the audience with a notepad... I really don't believe they mean any harm, but they seem to be oblivious to the possible consequences of their actions.


I did suspect that the lack of Live Feed would work in their favour, with any small lapses kept from public view: that may not be the case now...

Eugene's Lair

I had no real opinion on them before this...   I'd only seen bits n bobs with them on.. sometimes they irritated me, sometimes they were ok.. 


but I am loving them in the house.


So.. they've gained at least one fan (me)....     and  from what I see on here, there are a couple of others that think the same... 


Which only leaves the question...    is there anyone on here that liked them before they went in the house, but has gone off them now, due to what we have seen of them in there?

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Its okay Ducky... its a proper word in Essix...   for a tea towel that has been used on ones nethers


Have you never 'eard of eet? 




You use tea towels on your nethers in Essix?   *tries not to think about what happened to Zaph's royal wedding gift*


Thank gawd I moved away when I was two!


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