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Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

it's so disjointed. . I have no idea what's going on or what has led up to anything. .


plus there's not a lot to discuss. .usually the boards are buzzing with stuff that is going on all day that never sees a HL show but usually adds to the overall feel of the show. .there's none of that. . only so many times you can discuss a clip or the HL feckup  show. . 


When Live feed was threatened to be axed before there used to be a lot of people moaning at the moaners  ... they were HL show only watchers and weren't bothered at lack of LF and kinda told those that were to suck it up, in so many words . .seems not to be so many of them now. .  maybe they realised that those that DID watch the Live Feed kept their interest up beyond the HL shows cos they were able to post about what else was going on in the house all the time... now nobody can do that, the show is completely flat and the Storyline is rubbish and difficult to understand if you don't know where it's all coming from..  no amount of Jazzing up with weird film shots and loud music will make it any better..  it is a pile of poo




Spot on Mount Olympus

Originally Posted by Teo Puff1:

I don't see much difference, it always takes a few days to get going and CBB is usually quite boring anyway, can't understand so much complaining.

glad it's working out fine for you . .one satisfied customer then 


Not a lot to talk about tho is there?  Used to be loads of threads with updates, or the LUT itself, of everything happening all day long and most of it never made the HL show.. gave people loads of things to discuss,   [am talking about what  the main show will be like if they don't do LF for that either]. . and I bet loads of HL only show watchers liked reading about the rest of the stuff on the forums.. 


now all there is to talk about is the HL show.. so nowt to talk about really as it consists mainly of clips already posted on the web page the previous day and some cack music and name pop ups.. oh and flashbacks to previous nights shows .. not even a storyline to follow. .not one that makes sense anyway  

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Teo Puff1:

I don't see much difference, it always takes a few days to get going and CBB is usually quite boring anyway, can't understand so much complaining.

glad it's working out fine for you . .one satisfied customer then 


Not a lot to talk about tho is there?  Used to be loads of threads with updates, or the LUT itself, of everything happening all day long.. gave people loads of things to discuss, as well as the HL show [am talking about the main show here if they don't do LF for that either]. .


now all there is to talk about is the HL show.. so nowt to talk about really as it consists mainly of clips already posted on the web page the previous day and some cack music and name pop ups.. oh and flashbacks to previous nights shows .. not even a storyline to follow. .not one that makes sense anyway  

I was thinking that last night Mount Olympus.... i know we are a small forum, but  we used to be buzzing  most of the day and well into the night when BB was on.....  especially at the start. And even for those of us without LF there was the LUT, so we could  catch up and join in the various  arguments discussions that were going on  I think it is very sad when we had such high hopes..... well I did, anyway....


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