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I never saw him in BB, I've hated what I've seen of him since, but he was toned down a bit tonight and I managed to keep my dislike in check.   he's a bit wooden though as the op says - his eyes are fixed to the autocue and when he's got a lot to say he sounds a bit stilted.


that's praise coming from me btw... i really, really disliked him before.


no he just grates  a bit...


He did a good job of presenting a BB that is on a downer from day 1. I used to like seeing the Hm's live after they went in there but seeing as they have seen fit to dis-regard the fans who know how the show works regarding a bit of live feed then they seem to know best. As for the after show Bit on the side- so far the supposed BB fans have sat there like dummies and none of them have shouted out " Bring back Live Feed"-- Like the show, all the audience members seem to have had to keep quiet until asked to answer.

I won't be watching anymore of this contrived crap until we have at least a bit of Live Feed.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

I thought he did really well! It made quite a refreshing change not to have Davina gurning and squealing at us last night.

I agree, Katerina.

He was a wee bit stiff but I think that was just first night nerves.

Yes, and the Hoff's ex-wife didn't help matters did she, lol.


Davina was BB on channel 4, I did like her and no-one could have replaced her on the original show, but she became a parody of herself in the end.

Originally Posted by Katerina:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

I thought he did really well! It made quite a refreshing change not to have Davina gurning and squealing at us last night.

I agree, Katerina.

He was a wee bit stiff but I think that was just first night nerves.

Yes, and the Hoff's ex-wife didn't help matters did she, lol.


Davina was BB on channel 4, I did like her and no-one could have replaced her on the original show, but she became a parody of herself in the end.

^^^^ No she didn't help at all!


I started off like Davina but by the last few series her gurning and shouting - not to mention her obvious bias for some HMs - started to get on my wick.


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