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well not straight away..ive decided to give up the booze, take aways, bread, spuds, but in the morning i shall have a large breakfast and thats it

no more

i shall tell you why..

got several photo's taken of me in the pub..i look OLD..well i do to me,

i had a banana at 6.00am and nothing to eat since

but shed loads of beer/wine/brandy


so as of tomorrow (after the breakfast) thats it..

healthy eating and no booze


anyone fancy joining me on a health kick?


weigh in after breakfast tomorrow


i'll regret suggesting this in the morning




if we do have a forum competition


i'll win


*blows a raspberry*

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by barney:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

I'll join ya Three weeks holiday is not good for the ole routines


We're starting in the morning right?

i am currently stuffing down a bag of choccie buttons (straight from the freezer) to make sure they are all gone

That's the way *I* always do it, too!

I also just got back from a holiday with my mom, my sis, and my daughter, where we ate...very well.


Before I left, a made almost 6 dozen lovely Chocolate Coma cookies. Managed to give most of them away, but I tucked a couple dozen in the freezer. Found them the night I got home. They are still there....minus one.


I shall join you!!  I got a headstart though *blows raspberry* because I started my diet today and have been for a 90 minute walk (my legs are killing me.....I mistakingly went with a skinny friend who is as fit as a fiddle) and have told myself I'm not drinking tonight even tho my wine is in the fridge.



**wonders what's taking the pizza so long to arrive**



forgot about the bottles of rhubarb wine in the fridge

father-in-law special

anyway stuck to the diet

OH made me a curry today

it was vile

i had to say i wasnt hungry

so she said 'well theres nothing else to eat, you'll have to go hungry'

there is loads to eat, but i feel guilty


rhubarb wine

i'll be shitting through the eye of a needle in the morning


Originally Posted by barney:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

I'll join ya Three weeks holiday is not good for the ole routines


We're starting in the morning right?

i am currently stuffing down a bag of choccie buttons (straight from the freezer) to make sure they are all gone

I'm stuffing down a bag of popcorn. Can we start again on Monday? 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by barney:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

I'll join ya Three weeks holiday is not good for the ole routines


We're starting in the morning right?

i am currently stuffing down a bag of choccie buttons (straight from the freezer) to make sure they are all gone

I'm stuffing down a bag of popcorn. Can we start again on Monday? 

Drat! and it's my holiday on Monday! 

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by barney:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

I'll join ya Three weeks holiday is not good for the ole routines


We're starting in the morning right?

i am currently stuffing down a bag of choccie buttons (straight from the freezer) to make sure they are all gone

I'm stuffing down a bag of popcorn. Can we start again on Monday? 

Drat! and it's my holiday on Monday! 

Well i couldn't when i was on mine, so you'll have to wait till after yours


Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by barney:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

I'll join ya Three weeks holiday is not good for the ole routines


We're starting in the morning right?

i am currently stuffing down a bag of choccie buttons (straight from the freezer) to make sure they are all gone

I'm stuffing down a bag of popcorn. Can we start again on Monday? 

Drat! and it's my holiday on Monday! 

Well i couldn't when i was on mine, so you'll have to wait till after yours


So, the fact that I start on Friday night......makes it better/earlier right? 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Aimee:

But we need a drink while watching BB, so when does it finish?

Diets and BB, one says it it is always finishing and the other always starting. 

so we need too stay as we are. yes? 




aaaannnd apparently its worse to yoyo diet, so stay as you are 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Aimee:

But we need a drink while watching BB, so when does it finish?

Diets and BB, one says it it is always finishing and the other always starting. 

so we need too stay as we are. yes? 




aaaannnd apparently its worse to yoyo diet, so stay as you are 

i can relax then and put my leggings back on 

Originally Posted by Ducky:

OMG! I forgot about this thread! I have ever so nearly peed myself laughing reading it.


Good work peeps! I say we start on New Years Day....tis always the best day of the year to start a diet, cos if you mess it up you have another 364 days before you can try again

But i'm always hung over on that day and need comfort food, can we start on the 2nd?

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

OMG! I forgot about this thread! I have ever so nearly peed myself laughing reading it.


Good work peeps! I say we start on New Years Day....tis always the best day of the year to start a diet, cos if you mess it up you have another 364 days before you can try again

But i'm always hung over on that day and need comfort food, can we start on the 2nd?

Hmmmm * consults calendar and wonders what day that is* 


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