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Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

How did it go Pengy?


The lady from PALS didn't turn up   so I braved it myself.  Luckily that nurse was on a different clinic.  The nurses didn't seem their usual cheerful selves towards me (mebbe I imagined it but I felt so).


Anyhoo they took my BP readings - 220/120 <----- very high and 200/118  <--- also very high - in fact these are some of the highest readings I've had for a couple of years.  Despite this the Doctor said I was stable and didn't need to be seen again any time soon so they are giving me an open appointment which translates to 'we don't want to see you again'.


I think I'm going to make my complaint soon and also have a word with my GP to see if he can send me somewhere else 


@ Gypsie - you were lucky these days I can't see the care for the patient 

with blood pressure that high I'd be ringing NHS direct & asking them for advice immediately. That is EXTREMELY high & although you may have been stressed & it may have added a little to the reading, for it to be that high I am worried about you

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Oh no Pengy  Like the others have said, it terrible that the PALS lady never turned up  And I don't you putting in a complaint.... the hospital have treated you very badly..... Is there another hospital within easy distance????

there is one closer but have you read my other story 


Originally Posted by Abo:

with blood pressure that high I'd be ringing NHS direct & asking them for advice immediately. That is EXTREMELY high & although you may have been stressed & it may have added a little to the reading, for it to be that high I am worried about you

Abo I'm going to insist that my GP sees me tomorrow - I'm sure it was that high because of what's been happening.  I do have medication to lower it they may just need to adjust it.


Thanks for your concern 

Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

How did it go Pengy?


The lady from PALS didn't turn up   so I braved it myself.  Luckily that nurse was on a different clinic.  The nurses didn't seem their usual cheerful selves towards me (mebbe I imagined it but I felt so).


Anyhoo they took my BP readings - 220/120 <----- very high and 200/118  <--- also very high - in fact these are some of the highest readings I've had for a couple of years.  Despite this the Doctor said I was stable and didn't need to be seen again any time soon so they are giving me an open appointment which translates to 'we don't want to see you again'.


I think I'm going to make my complaint soon and also have a word with my GP to see if he can send me somewhere else 


@ Gypsie - you were lucky these days I can't see the care for the patient 

with blood pressure that high I'd be ringing NHS direct & asking them for advice immediately. That is EXTREMELY high & although you may have been stressed & it may have added a little to the reading, for it to be that high I am worried about you

I agree Abo.....


How terrible that some have had awful experiences at hospitals etc.I've had nothing but great treatment when needed. I have hypertension ( high blood pressure) but it's been treated by my GP very well.My last time at the hospital was to get my throat checked out,I had a dry  type irritation, having to clear my throat all the time the feeling that something was in my throat a bit,a month of basic treatment by my gp,no improvement.Then referred to ENT at the hospital.They did an upper throat camera tube thingy (no problem).Nothing showed up so I was sent for a barium swallow.That actually showed up an "Indentation" in my throat.I then had to attend  the hospital again ,get knocked out for a deeper endoscope past my voice box etc.A biopsy was taken just in case..all clear.I just have a wonky throat further down.

That was October last year.

Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

How did it go Pengy?


The lady from PALS didn't turn up   so I braved it myself.  Luckily that nurse was on a different clinic.  The nurses didn't seem their usual cheerful selves towards me (mebbe I imagined it but I felt so).


Anyhoo they took my BP readings - 220/120 <----- very high and 200/118  <--- also very high - in fact these are some of the highest readings I've had for a couple of years.  Despite this the Doctor said I was stable and didn't need to be seen again any time soon so they are giving me an open appointment which translates to 'we don't want to see you again'.


I think I'm going to make my complaint soon and also have a word with my GP to see if he can send me somewhere else 


@ Gypsie - you were lucky these days I can't see the care for the patient 

with blood pressure that high I'd be ringing NHS direct & asking them for advice immediately. That is EXTREMELY high & although you may have been stressed & it may have added a little to the reading, for it to be that high I am worried about you

So would I!  I can't believe that they would send you away without a recall with those readings.  Please make sure that you get regular checks until your BP comes down considerably, surely they must consider changing your medication.  To have been treated in that callous manner at this stressful time for you is deplorable


thanks Queenie and Squiggle 


I've seen my GP and we've had a good long talk.  She's trying to see if there's an alternative hospital to deal with BP problems but apparently the Doctor at the hospital I was at is the expert in his field in the West Mids    They've adjusted my medication and will send a district nurse in to check it every two days for the next two weeks.  If I have any problems I'm to call my GP straight away or phone for an ambulance.


I feel much calmer today and am vegging doing nowt 


Holy Moly...I'll have to check me own BP after reading all that


Pengy, I know my BP issues are only pregnancy related, but after I had Finn and was discharged by the maternity hospital I did have to attend at a regular hospital till the November I think until it calmed down.  They always made it clear that they were going to be putting a 24 hour monitor on me at my first visit, they told me in the letter to wear loose fitting clothing and short-sleeved tops to facilitate it.  I had the machine on two separate occasions and they made me well aware of what to expect.  So they should have done the same with you.


Second of all, from my dealings with both the maternity hospital and the BP Clinic I went to afterwards, they know why you're there, you're there for BP issues, therefore causing a stink and creating hassle with you, knowing what your complaint is and what it could do is incredible  


As for the 'open appointment' and those in his field my arse!  Can I say arse on here   Did he knock off the zeros or something?


Anyhow...hope you're recovering

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

 have a word with my GP to see if he can send me somewhere else 



that is your right Pengy.


I won't go to my local hospital (various reasons, including that I have no patient confidentiality there, cos I used to work there)..   but I always insist that I go somewhere else.


Patient choice n all that.

Originally Posted by Temps:

Holy Moly...I'll have to check me own BP after reading all that


Pengy, I know my BP issues are only pregnancy related, but after I had Finn and was discharged by the maternity hospital I did have to attend at a regular hospital till the November I think until it calmed down.  They always made it clear that they were going to be putting a 24 hour monitor on me at my first visit, they told me in the letter to wear loose fitting clothing and short-sleeved tops to facilitate it.  I had the machine on two separate occasions and they made me well aware of what to expect.  So they should have done the same with you.


Second of all, from my dealings with both the maternity hospital and the BP Clinic I went to afterwards, they know why you're there, you're there for BP issues, therefore causing a stink and creating hassle with you, knowing what your complaint is and what it could do is incredible  


As for the 'open appointment' and those in his field my arse!  Can I say arse on here   Did he knock off the zeros or something?


Anyhow...hope you're recovering

Funny enough Temps everyone else having these monitors fitted were all preggers except for me 



I shall wait to see what my GP decides to do - the district nurse is a temporary measure but I think I'm only left with one other hospital to choose from which is where I go to have my lymphoedema treated - perhaps I should ring them and ask if they could do a referral to their BP clinic 



thanks again everyone for letting me vent and being concerned   I lubs you all 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

thanks Queenie and Squiggle 


I've seen my GP and we've had a good long talk.  She's trying to see if there's an alternative hospital to deal with BP problems but apparently the Doctor at the hospital I was at is the expert in his field in the West Mids    They've adjusted my medication and will send a district nurse in to check it every two days for the next two weeks.  If I have any problems I'm to call my GP straight away or phone for an ambulance.


I feel much calmer today and am vegging doing nowt 

Glad your doctor is helping Pengy..... and that you are feeling better and relaxing


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