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Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Baz:

She really is paranoid about Jim !!!

And visa versa! The 'new' Jim is extremely threatened by the Linda who knows him of old. Good on him mind if he's a changed person

Jim isn't trying to be Mother Superior

Watch for the white smoke AKT, if his agent has anything to do with it he'll be the next Pope if we're not careful

He'll always be an old reprobate to me, but I hope his bad days are over 


Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

I'm sure Jim used to quote Jethro in his stage act at one time.

I can't remember his stage act, I know I must have seen it back in the day, but it's been erased from the memory bank

His tv days were brief.  Like many comedians, they find the material dries up far too quickly when it's aired on national tv, so they prefer to do gigs in clubs etc.


And no, I can't remember much either.  Apart from that he used to refer to a bloke called Denzil

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

Jim you did bring up miserygut's husband you just lied..Not that I'm backing her in any way she is vile and 10x worse than Jim. Linda is a bully and extremely manipulative..

He said 'Ask her about Frank Carson's dressing room ' knowing that it was in connection with Linda's hubby. He should not have gone there.

One of the many eg's of what I just posted, along with, for e.g. "Where's Linda?" Jim: "Probably finishing off the red wine"

both of them came fairly late on in the series though supes and she's been picking at him since day one.   That said, Senora's right - he's better at it.

Kaffs: do you not think that it was going on from the start....stuff that we didn't see in the hour's 'hl's'?

honestly?    I think he went into the house on the defensive and she went in on the attack.   She made a point of saying how much she hated him and hoped he wouldn't be in there before they even went in.    I may be naive, but I do think he's trying to be a better person, and she's determined to keep him as the misogynistic dinosaur he used to be, to prove that she and her sainted husband were wronged by him all those years ago.  She's done this by snarling at him since the start and her picking has got worse as it's gone on.   Yes, he's had his bit to say (much less than I would if I'm honest) but he's said it, in the main, to her - she's had a posse around her that she's drip fed her poison to - and she's getting even worse now because the scales have fallen off some of their eyes and they see her for the bitter old harridan that she is.   I would have much preferred to have seen Jim not constantly attacked then we'd have got a better idea of how reformed he is.

Isn't it brilliant that we can be such good friends and disagree?  I think that they're nearly as bad as each other...except Linda is worse, miserable auld cah... and the only reason Linda even got in there was because of her hatred of Jim. I also think that the other 'stronger' women in there like Liz and Louisa can make their own minds up and won't be influenced by Linda.....they've concluded that he is a mysoginistic dinosaur!

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Supes:


ION, I, (as I'm sure, is true of most,) have a slightly different 'persona' at work, than I do in my personal life, or, indeed on here. We all adjust our behaviour depending on who we are with, doesn't make us false or fake, jusr socially adaptable


I agree, but I also think (or hope) that my 'adapting' personality is done more out of politeness for others included in that company. Nothing worse than getting outside parties involved in your personal disputes.  It's cheap, it's desperate and it shows a lack of courage in your own convictions.

Couldn't agree with you more Cosipoo!

Originally Posted by Supes:

Isn't it brilliant that we can be such good friends and disagree?  


I've always said that a BB/CBB contestant is not worth, and never will be, the cause of me falling out with anyone.  Not intentionally, anyway..!!!


Gawd, I've got friends who I'd never let meet in RL purely because I know they'd clash badly.  Doesn't mean that I can't like all of them 

Originally Posted by Supes:

Isn't it brilliant that we can be such good friends and disagree I think that they're nearly as bad as each other...except Linda is worse, miserable auld cah... and the only reason Linda even got in there was because of her hatred of Jim. I also think that the other 'stronger' women in there like Liz and Louisa can make their own minds up and won't be influenced by Linda.....they've concluded that he is a mysoginistic dinosaur!

Amen to that       I'll give you Liz and Luisa... but I was thinking more of Sam - who only nominated Jim because she liked Linda and Linda didn't like Jim - and I think Luisa just dislikes men of a certain age, full stop.  She likes a ruck and would want in on the argument... and no way she'd take Jim's side so she's a willing side kick, whether or not she has valid reasons to hate him.   That aside, she has been a good housemate - much as I can't stand her 

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Against the grain here, I know, but I think that Jim drops a bomb, then walks away and 'innocently' holds his hands, walks away and watches the fallout, as if he's got nothing to do with it. Don't like miserable Linda AT ALL but he's doing a great job at subtly winding her up, repeatedly

Linda does exactly the same..Jim's just better at it..

Both nasty barstewards imo

Yes, probably they both are - and have been.

The difference that I see is that only ONE of them is trying to claim angelic status.

 You are having a laugh here, (my friend) He's constantly saying 'not me' after he's thrown a grenade and then walks away with his hands up to 'innocently' watch the fall out

We don't see it the same way, do we

Originally Posted by Supes:

 You are having a laugh here, (my friend) He's constantly saying 'not me' after he's thrown a grenade and then walks away with his hands up to 'innocently' watch the fall out

We don't see it the same way, do we

Nope, we'll never agree on Jim 


Now stop picking on me, I am poor defenceless divorcee - since remarried, and I need to sob about all my woes.  I blame you for it ALL  



Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Against the grain here, I know, but I think that Jim drops a bomb, then walks away and 'innocently' holds his hands, walks away and watches the fallout, as if he's got nothing to do with it. Don't like miserable Linda AT ALL but he's doing a great job at subtly winding her up, repeatedly

Linda does exactly the same..Jim's just better at it..

Both nasty barstewards imo

Yes, probably they both are - and have been.

The difference that I see is that only ONE of them is trying to claim angelic status.

 You are having a laugh here, (my friend) He's constantly saying 'not me' after he's thrown a grenade and then walks away with his hands up to 'innocently' watch the fall out

We don't see it the same way, do we

Your pals. Disnae matter  


And I hope the tans still bearing fruit   

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

When someone speaks, the usual etiquette is to listen to them, Luisa.

Presumably - and on evidence seen - you demand the same in return.

In this CBB world of celebrity egos I'm beginning to 'like' her Cosi Think I may be starting to finally make the transition from those I like as people and those who entertain me! Can't believe I'm saying this, but she entertains me, mixing it all over the place and they repeatedly fall for it! And I don't care a **** about her sexual behaviour outside the house


That's probably the best way to view this show and remain sane 


I wouldn't give any of them the time of day in RL, although I have been in the same club as Jim on a few occasions.

Think my clubbing days are well and truly over Cos, however, I suspect that, like me, if you never step foot in one again, that you'll have done so more than most of these 'young uns'

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Against the grain here, I know, but I think that Jim drops a bomb, then walks away and 'innocently' holds his hands, walks away and watches the fallout, as if he's got nothing to do with it. Don't like miserable Linda AT ALL but he's doing a great job at subtly winding her up, repeatedly

Linda does exactly the same..Jim's just better at it..

Both nasty barstewards imo

Yes, probably they both are - and have been.

The difference that I see is that only ONE of them is trying to claim angelic status.

 You are having a laugh here, (my friend) He's constantly saying 'not me' after he's thrown a grenade and then walks away with his hands up to 'innocently' watch the fall out

We don't see it the same way, do we

we just don't see the same at all  I don't see the 'constant grenades'. His remark about Frank Carson was beneath the belt, but it's the only thing he has done wrong in my opinion. The remark about the wine was a joke. Linda, on the other hand, has sat in bed picking, niggling, bad-mouthing. If we can agree that Luisa is entertaining even though she is an irritant, then why cant we give Jim the benefit of the doubt too? BB would definitely have shown Jim in a really bad light if they possibly could have, so he obviously hasn't been as bad as Linda.... it's been a great BB though, very entertaining to watch

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Isn't it brilliant that we can be such good friends and disagree?  


I've always said that a BB/CBB contestant is not worth, and never will be, the cause of me falling out with anyone.  Not intentionally, anyway..!!!


Gawd, I've got friends who I'd never let meet in RL purely because I know they'd clash badly.  Doesn't mean that I can't like all of them 

I just know, beyond any doubt, that one of my oldest, bf's would love Jim, if she watched this!

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Think my clubbing days are well and truly over Cos, however, I suspect that, like me, if you never step foot in one again, that you'll have done so more than most of these 'young uns'

You saying I'm old..?    



It's a good job I can translate Norven innit..?  


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