Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
There was a young mother who lived above a shop and she was being interviewed on the radio lastnight in fear for her young baby while looters ere burning the shop below her, smoke was coming into her flat....im sorry but theres NO EXCUSE for scum behaviour like that.
I agree video, but that requires a perfect government. When are we going to have it?
Why does it require a perfect government? It was supposed to be a peaceful demo re the guy who was shot by the police........................instead scumbags gathered from all over to wreak havoc and see what they could loot and rob under the guise of a demo. I know people feel let down by the way this government are handling things - please let's not kid ourselves that this 'riot' last night had anything to do with that. Greedy, criminal, uncivilised people saw the chance to cause trouble and make a few quid on the side.
I think people are just getting a bit sick and tired of this country and the opportunities within it.
I think people are seeing the political classes on make, seven figure banking bonuses paid for by the tax payer, police on the take and in Murdoch's pocket, fatcats paying themselves ever higher rewards every year for doing the same work. Councils fining people ÂĢ1000 for leaving their bins out and other misdemeanours, PFI contracts sucking fortunes from state's coffers, few jobs, crap schools, low pay, an old age in penury.
Add to that a crass materialist culture obsessed with what the other man/woman has got and how they deserve/don't deserve their affluence.
yes, you can talk about greed and opportunism, but let's face it, self serving opportunistic greed by those able to take it runs through our society like a stick of rock.