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Originally Posted by Croctacus:

I wonder if Dave and his mates will be contacting my sons mate on account of him being from a single parent home....his dad was a right bastard going and dying on them when they were smaller.....what a selfish git!  And his mum carried on running her own highly successful business so her kids are very well porvided for...selfish...she should have gone and got the kids another dad.  Someone like the bloke up the road,.....who is always there for his kids cos he's never done a bloody days work in his life....he's fiddling everything of course and has more stuff than we do with two working parents but he's there so thats all that counts!

Shocking tale, Croc - some parents have no idea what they're doing to their kids when they go and die on them.... and as for the mother not finding a replacement father immediately - words fail me. 


I can't believe someone so supposedly educated as Dave could have come out with such a stupid and crass statement.  

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

''my thoughts exactly kaffs,


i especially  think this part is pertinent, moral pygmies...hahaha


Of course, Mr and Mrs Cameron, your son is right. There are parts of society that are not just broken, they are sick. Riddled with disease from top to bottom.

Just let me be clear about this (It’s a good phrase, Mr and Mrs Cameron, and one I looted from every sentence your son utters, just as he looted it from Tony Blair), I am not justifying or minimising in any way what has been done by the looters over the last few nights. What I am doing, however, is expressing shock and dismay that your son and his friends feel themselves in any way to be guardians of morality in this country.

Can they really, as 650 people who have shown themselves to be venal pygmies, moral dwarves at every opportunity over the last 20 years, bleat at others about β€˜criminality’. Those who decided that when they broke the rules (the rules they themselves set) they, on the whole wouldn’t face the consequences of their actions?

Are they really surprised that this country’s culture is swamped in greed, in the acquisition of material things, in a lust for consumer goods of the most base kind? Really?

Look, I'm not saying that this is an excellent post, but what I am saying is that frankly, what this country needs, at these difficult times, when the country is broken, is posts like this!

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

As someone who has brought one generation up and  is currently on with the next one........ We seem to manage to bring 'em up in spite of our crap society. We engage the constant stream of bollocks put their way by irresponsible advertisers, the media, shit "musicians," capitalism, usw.

You need to put some of the blame on liberalism as well


I think it is time to stop the arguments between political parties....Seeing Miliband reading his notes and poo pooing everything Cameron said on the news tonight made me angry......


This is not the time to score political points...this is the time to unite...


Neither parties are 100% right or wrong all of the time.....

Last edited by Syd
Originally Posted by Syd:

I think it is time to stop the arguments between political parties....Seeing Miliband reading his notes and poo pooing everything Cameron said on the news tonight made me angry......


This is not the time to score political points...this is the time to unite...


Neither parties are 100% right or wrong all of the time.....

Ain't that the troof

Originally Posted by Syd:

I think it is time to stop the arguments between political parties....Seeing Miliband reading his notes and poo pooing everything Cameron said on the news tonight made me angry......


This is not the time to score political points...this is the time to unite...


Neither parties are 100% right or wrong all of the time.....

So far, what Miliband says is refreshing from the knee jerk crap that's coming out of Cameron.  Miliband arguing for the debate to be widened to include other matters that are an uncomfortbable truth for the Tories and one which they'd like us all to ignore because it suits their agenda.  Their agenda of redistribution of wealth from poorest to the richest. Cameron's desire to lock the debate into a framework that suits the right wing is typical of the cynical opportunism that he is renowned.


I can't comment on Milband tonight, and I don't particularly rate him, as he's almost as lightweight as Dave and Nick, but from what I've heard, he seems far more interested in seeking long term solutions than just spouting kneejerk solutions to the gallery. 

Originally Posted by squiggle:

What a shame that this thread has deteriorated into yet another bash the government thread.  What about 13 years of Labour government?  Or is it only Conservative and Liberal governments that can make mistakes? 


What we need to do is to get behind everyone who is trying to put this situation right and attempt to mend what we can all see is a tragic breakdown of some elements of our society into greed and lawlessness, and the bling culture.


And yes, in my opinion, you stand a far better chance of raising children to respect their society if you do have a mother and father to look up to.  OK this isn't always possible and many mums do a heroic job raising decent boys and girls on their own.  But especially with boys it is my belief that a dad that can provide a real role model to respect and emulate is a head start.


Something is badly wrong and unless we all, as a society, are prepared to admit that and try to regain standards of decency and honesty, then we don't stand a chance.

as it happens the majority of the theives in govt, were  your erstwhile  labour types, i think if you look at the convictions most were of the left leaning  types.


makes no odds to me, successive governments for  decades have been in it for what they can get, tony blair being a prime example, i don't care which trough they come  from, it's still a trough.


tell me when we last had  a politician of integrity?

Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

As someone who has brought one generation up and  is currently on with the next one........ We seem to manage to bring 'em up in spite of our crap society. We engage the constant stream of bollocks put their way by irresponsible advertisers, the media, shit "musicians," capitalism, usw.

You need to put some of the blame on liberalism as well


Originally Posted by squiggle:

What a shame that this thread has deteriorated into yet another bash the government thread.  What about 13 years of Labour government?  Or is it only Conservative and Liberal governments that can make mistakes? 


What we need to do is to get behind everyone who is trying to put this situation right and attempt to mend what we can all see is a tragic breakdown of some elements of our society into greed and lawlessness, and the bling culture.


And yes, in my opinion, you stand a far better chance of raising children to respect their society if you do have a mother and father to look up to.  OK this isn't always possible and many mums do a heroic job raising decent boys and girls on their own.  But especially with boys it is my belief that a dad that can provide a real role model to respect and emulate is a head start.


Something is badly wrong and unless we all, as a society, are prepared to admit that and try to regain standards of decency and honesty, then we don't stand a chance.

Call me a cynic, but it's very difficult to take seriously Dave and Boris, playing guardians of our morals, when in their youth they were paid up members of arguably the most obnoxious drinking/vandalising club in the country. 


Call me a cynic, but in the same week as our cities are burning, tax avoider, George Osborne, is pushing for tax cuts for the wealthiest.


Although I am firmly on the left and pretty much despise the Tory party, the fact is, New Labour were far from perfect and their biggest fault was doing pursuing pretty much the same market-knows-best solutions as the Tories, likewise, under Blair they jumped from one soundbite solution to another as in Blair's ludicrously stupid (and massively open to police corruption) idea of the police marching drunks to cash machines. 


I really can't see that Cameron is doing anything other than playing to the gallery.  I genuinely don't think he gives a damn about putting the situation right. 


Cameron refuses to accept that ever widening wealth gaps plays no part in this, he refuses to accept it because the Tories are the party who said there was no such thing as society. 


The bling culture, is largely imported from America and is a symptom of their media.  It's also a symptom of our society that has become very unequal - much like America.  I can provide stats. 


Remember that it is Cameron's party who have railed against the BBC at every opportunity, sneered at their collective, liberal, communal ideals that are actually more in keeping with the desired values that people claim they desire.  Cameron's party has sneered at this as 'socialist', in much the same way that his party sneers at everything that has a hint of collectiveness about it.  If it moves hives it off to the fatcats in the private sector. Labour were also guilty of this. 


Of course, our police have been taking bungs from Murdoch and our politicians have had their noses in the trough.  Let's not forget that John Major preached 'family values' while shagging Edwina Curry.



Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

As someone who has brought one generation up and  is currently on with the next one........ We seem to manage to bring 'em up in spite of our crap society. We engage the constant stream of bollocks put their way by irresponsible advertisers, the media, shit "musicians," capitalism, usw.

You need to put some of the blame on liberalism as well

I just have done. Laissez faire capitalism, Neo liberal market economy, it's all the same.

Garage Joe

Meanwhile............ Lifted from a forum elsewhere...........

The smoking gun has been fired, Clive Goodmans letter to News International in 2007 now published and it's devastating for James Murdoch and Andy Coulson.  They only hacked the world and owned the govn and the police mind, they didn't steal bottled water or recieve stolen shorts so there'll be no fast track to disproportionate custodial sentences, but this should ensure they get a nice lump of bird after the laboriously long judicial process is over and tens of millions have been spent on legal defences.
This story should keep law and order at the top of Cameron's agenda, unless he thinks it's time to move on and get back to what we all care most about, the economy. Where as we know, it's all fab news after fab news at the moment.

Garage Joe

ha ha Garage Joe, I think Nanny Cam's more than happy to wag his finger as only a Buller Boy Gone Good can and despair at the ghastly lack of empathy or respect for property and livelihoods. After all, didn't he have to cut short his Β£10k holiday!


I'm surprised Dave and George have missed the opportunity of pointing out that the riots happened while the additional rate of income tax for those earning over Β£150k was in place.  Surely tax cuts for the wealth creators, will trickle down into prosperity for all!


Maybe when they've forced 'the chavs-in-their-hoodies' to pay their Kristallnacht lite reparations, they will at least allow 'the chavs-in-their-hoodies' to arrogantly throw a wad of tenners at their victims, before smirking and strutting off, like Dave and his chums used to back in the day.

Last edited by Carnelian

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