Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
my daughter had hers done a couple of years ago... Do they have an aftercare service at the shop she had it done at? If so (& if they are a good outfit they should do).. then I suggest she go in & let them have a look at it for her tomorrow.
My daughter had a few problems with hers initially, and it used to get caught on the waistband of her school skirt so as soon as she possibly could she changed the barbell thing to one of the flexi retainers you can get (sometimes used to keep the piercing viable during pregnancy)
she went back to the shop on the same day as she had it done cause of how much blood she lost, it's not in our area so not easy too get back too, she's looked on their website and there are loads of unhappy customers, she'll have too go to the doctors and get it checked, with there being a complete circle of red around the stud that it made me think it might be infected