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Right, Roxan needs X amount of dollar to sort a visa, we are mostly nice peoples...right?


Roxan, whom, I for one, know is not a fake type person (yous know what I mean)


So, if Rox sorted out a paypal account, I am sure between us, we can get the money for a visa sorted, right?



As suggested, a tenner each isnt a lot to help a nice laydee...and if yous cant afford a tenner, well, every little helps??


Who is in?


Seeing as I have just had some luck, I am happy to donate ÂĢ20...SORT OUT A PAYPAL ACCOUNT Rox and even if no other bugger donates, I will give you the odd ÂĢ20 here and there til you are sorted Dont worry missus, nothing is ever as bad as you think.


I might even start renting Gypsie out to raise extra funds!!!


(oh, and any Forum members who might not like me for one thing or another..Please dont use that as a reason not to help )

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Originally Posted by zazz:

I hadnt thought about that, but I hope she will see it as friends who want to help her... Shit, Now I am thinking maybe she will not appreciate this**blink**

Don't let what I said put you off, it is a really kind thought. and if she is embarrassed we'll just head round to her brother and sisters and make them cough up

I reckon we could do a credible impression of being the local authority and crank a few thou from them in order to look the other way about the house sale!

While secretly making sure that it is held in trust until Rox's mum can sort out the best thing to do


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