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Stories like this make my bloody blood boil! 


MP Jim Devine who was sentenced to 16 months in March, was released from Standford Hill Prison in Kent after completing a quarter of his sentence.


The former Labour MP for Livingston was branded a liar by his trial judge after being found guilty of submitting false invoices totalling ÂĢ8385 between 2008 and 2009.


The 58-year-old was freed on Monday under the home detention curfew scheme, which allows prisoners who pose a low risk to be tagged and released early after serving at least a quarter of their sentence.


What the hell is the point in dishing out a well-deserved punishment by way of a 16 month sentence when he gets let out after he has served only 25% of that sentence?  This makes me sick!


Meanwhile, on FAKE BRITAIN, some guy got two and a half years for making fake diesel!  He will of course, serve his full sentence, because he is not famous and well-off with influence in high places.  Didnt that hideous priveleged chavette Paris Hilton get a prison sentence of 4 months one time, and get out after a day or something? 










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Originally Posted by Cupcake:


Meanwhile, on FAKE BRITAIN, some guy got two and a half years for making fake diesel!  He will of course, serve his full sentence, because he is not famous and well-off with influence in high places.  


He almost certainly will not serve his full sentence, unless he misbehaves inside prison. I'm no expert, but I'd imagine he'd be out within 15 months or so - possibly even within a year.

"Time off for good behaviour" has been standard for a long time, and hardly anyone ever serves their full sentence now.


I agree that a quarter sentence still seems unusually lenient though...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

OP, America can do what it likes as far as its justice system is concerned.  It's like comparing the UK with the justice of Sharia courts in Iran. 


On matters of parole, it's not as if ex MP Jim Devine is going to be a recidivist offender.  It's difficult to imagine him being allowed back into the Labour Party, never mind getting nominated and re-elected so he can defraud the system again!


Four months sounds quite reasonable to me for fiddling ÂĢ8.5k.  He's lost his job, his career and spent time in prison and is now under curfew.


Especially in view of the fact that David Laws fiddled ÂĢ30,000 with a very weak excuse and all he lost was his cabinet position.  Likewise, Derek Conway put his son on the public payroll for a year as an 'advisor' but his son did virtually no hours at all. All that happened to Conway was that he lost the party whip.


I understand that it is relatively easy to refine and personally use homemade bio-diesel tax free up to 2500 litres.  The emphasis is personal use, though.  I didn't watch that episode of Rogue Traders so don't know the circumstances of the case but I certainly wouldn't assume he'll serve his entire sentence.

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:


Meanwhile, on FAKE BRITAIN, some guy got two and a half years for making fake diesel!  He will of course, serve his full sentence, because he is not famous and well-off with influence in high places.  


He almost certainly will not serve his full sentence, unless he misbehaves inside prison. I'm no expert, but I'd imagine he'd be out within 15 months or so - possibly even within a year.

"Time off for good behaviour" has been standard for a long time, and hardly anyone ever serves their full sentence now.


I agree that a quarter sentence still seems unusually lenient though...

Pretty much spot on, as usual!  Eugene's Lair.



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