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Just to keep you up to speed. When my sister arrived at the hospital and expressed her concern (re the pre booked C section and breech position) the midwife told her that they were not sure if labour was fully established (although they hadn't examined her) - my sister said that as this was a second baby surely it was best to act with speed and not let the labour go too far.


The midwife said 'but we've already had three C sections tonight'. Unbelievable!!!!! My sister said if you're worried about speaking to the doctor/consultant and getting him out again just ring his number and I'll speak to him!


The midwife then (eventually) examined my niece and then rang the consultant . Apparently by the time the epidural was administered my niece was having severe contractions and it was therefore that much more difficult. SHOCKING IMO that young midwives are intimidated and scared of calling the consultant.


Never mind - all's well that ends well.


thanks for the good wishes everyone's lovely to have a new member of the clan!

Soozy Woo

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