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Originally Posted by stonks:

My FIL was born with one, one of the family still have it but I don't know much about them only they're supposed to be lucky....

Funny that. The mask used to be in my bf's French farmhouse and there were times when I was there on my own and a bit scared. It hung over the enormous fireplace in our bedroom and it used to make me feel really safe. Don't know why. Anywhoo, the farm is sold now and I pleaded to have it although it's supposed to be worth some money. I still talk to him almost every night before I go to sleep.

Renton, thank you.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

What do you want to know Col?

I think there are books on it if you want to go deep

Yes please. I know that it's disputed which doctor took it, but that's about it. I've had a look at the 'supposed' original and it's identical to my plastercast, but when you see pictures of Napoleon, he doesn't really look that chissled.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by suzybean:

I'd never heard about them but they do seem very fascinating. Don't think I'd like anyone's death mask at home though, not even my family, not even the Turin Shroud 

I feel the same as you generally, but he's very soothing for some reason.

His pics on google image look the business Col...I just can't.

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

They have this one on Amazon Col


Re the Turin Shroud, I read a book years ago called the Hiram Key which maintained that it was the death shroud of the bloke from the Knights Templar (Gilles De Mornay or summat like that - my memory is pants)

Interestingly, the book dated it to the 14th century and this was before the carbon dating process had actually dated the shroud to then

I'm sure he was mentioned in the Da Vinci Code. My mum is the font of all knowledge about stuff like that. She's a natural historian/theologian type and she can go on for ages about Dead Sea Scrolls, Crusades, Religious Schisms, The Man in the Iron Mask, Princes in the Tower etc. I'll ask her what she knows about Napoleon and his death mask. It's really fascinating.

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

She would really love the Hiram Key then Suzy. A friend leant it to me and I was really dubious as it was written by two Freemasons. I thought they might be brainwashing me lol

But it was really fascinating, going all the way back to ancient Egypt and covering all sorts of stuff inbetween

That book rings a bell Veggie. I'll ask her. Thanks for that 


Well, thanks all. I am now gagging to read the book about the Knight's Templars. My mother used to take me to a huuuuge cemetry in Cologne which has lots of famous (German) people, but also a family member. We'd walk around the rows and I would ask about obelisks being cut off at the top and she told me they were freemasons believing that death was it. She was very Catholic, so I reserve judgement.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Well, thanks all. I am now gagging to read the book about the Knight's Templars.

Was that the one I said about? It's not about the KT, it's about the history of Freemasonry actually but for all that it is a fascinating book. There is some alternate stuff about the crucifiction and the origins of modern day America which I enjoyed.

I love those sorts of books, don't believe everything I read but like stuff that gets me thinking. I haven't read The Da Vinci code as a lot of what I read about it made it look like Dan Brown had plagarised all sorts of books to cobble it together

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Well, thanks all. I am now gagging to read the book about the Knight's Templars.

Was that the one I said about? It's not about the KT, it's about the history of Freemasonry actually but for all that it is a fascinating book. There is some alternate stuff about the crucifiction and the origins of modern day America which I enjoyed.

I love those sorts of books, don't believe everything I read but like stuff that gets me thinking. I haven't read The Da Vinci code as a lot of what I read about it made it look like Dan Brown had plagarised all sorts of books to cobble it together

Any of that veggie. I love history, especially if it has some relevance.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by suzybean:

I love all of that contested historical stuff....anything with a mysterious edge gets my brain cells ticking too Veggie. I've been reading stuff about Stigmata and other claimed miracles lately.

ooohh, I love a bit of stigmata! ! Fortean Times used to be good for all things esoteric etc, their book reviews used to be the basis of my payday book shopping  


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