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Originally Posted by barney:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

AND..    I am trying to let you score higher than me..   its not my fault if they it all goes explodey mental on me!  

ditts   hope you and the family (including the furries are well)


*wants gems to go explodey mental on me* 


apologies for hijacking fred

& you & yours Barns xxx


My 'furry' is currently hiding under the bed..     he eyeballed the boy into giving him a strawberry starburst earlier (if I had been there I would have told him not to give in & give him one)...   we just discovered that he didn't actually eat the starburst, he must have had a slobber on it, & spat it out..     cos we have found the starburst stuck on the bottom of his front paw.    we've got as much as we can off..     but its all between his paw pad, & matted onto this foot hair (our dog has the hairiest feet ever)..   


so..   we are gonna have to catch him (this involves one of us prodding him from one side of the bed..   & the other catching him at the other side when he tries to escape..   then we are gonna have to bathe him..    soak his foot..   & then cut the starburst matted hair off!


Oh the joys of kids & dogs! 


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